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  1. Kai_Kawasaki


    hey anyone from the damage inc sg reading this? I don't want my char Camilla Haze to get kicked because I wont be on for a couple weks because I had to send my computer in. The motherboard stopped working. hopefully someone can help me. thank you
  2. Kai_Kawasaki


    Hey anyone in the civil service supergroup reading this? I don't want my characters to get kicked out of the sg because i had to send my computer in to get a new motherboard and I will be out of a computer for a while. hopefully someone will see this and i don't have to worry for weeks. thank you
  3. I want to be able to do pvp,so I respec'd my char and now I don't have any enhancements locked in my powers. does anyone have any suggestions?

    Camilla Haze
    lvl 50

    @Kai Kawasaki
  4. I am having trouble with the enhancements for my kinetic/energy brute.I am planning to respec. I need help to figure out what to do.
  5. the game was running fine before today when the game had to fix itself and when I logged in my characters were barely visible. how can this be fixed?
  6. I'm looking for an active villain group for my villain Myra Remanes.