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  1. Greetings warriors of Arachnos, there have been reports of Arachnos flyers being hacked into my the rebel scum led by marshall blitz, Lord Recluse has ordered their destruction by all who are able to, he has chosen me to be in charge of gathering forces for the Flyer destruction squads.

    There are reports that these rogue flyers will be in operation between the 26th and the 27th of April, if you want to aid in their destruction and ruin the plans of the rebel scum, e-mail the Arachnos Marshall below:

    Jonin Ooi - Mastermind

    At the time of posting, eight arachnos warriors have volunteered for the flyer destruction squads, we need at least 16 to be able to take them down quickly, they are armed with the following:

    * Cruise Missiles
    * Arachnos Bane Turrets
    * Compliaments of Bane Soldiers awaiting defection to the rebel scum in warberg (They have been sentenced to execution in their absense for desertion and defection to the enemy).
  2. It seems that "dusk" is a few minutes before the lights in the central tower are on (on the outside), I have been working out the Day cycle to determine how to calculate the flyer window:

    Sunday 13th April -

    * Lights on - 8:46 PM (night start)
    * Lights off - 8:57 PM (day start)
    * Lights on - 9:16 PM (night start)

    Based on this, Night = 11 minutes, Day = 19 minutes, how long do you think "dusk" lasts? and is the day cycle affected by season?
  3. Flyer Sighting - 10:26PM GMT 7th April

    Flyer Landing Sites:

    1 - 933.6, -440.3, 696.5 - The Gutter
    2 - 3391.6, 32.1, 1938.2 - The Gutter
    3 - 1647.5, -462.9, 1053.0 - Courtyard
    4 - 1735.7, -153.6, -1404 - Beach
  4. The previous sighting I reported was as it was heading to the courtyard drop point. Dusk appears to be the 11th and 41st here is when the flyer was seem to leave the central tower in Grandville:

    6:11 PM GMT

    I intend to check around 8:11 PM GMT as that is the earliest opportunity, more than 1 team is needed to cause any real damage.
  5. Yes, I know it's in Grandville, the trick is where in that zone and when it flies, once that is known, A team or teams can be organised to strike against it.
  6. The Arachnos Flyer - The hardest Giant Monster in the Rogue Isles to take down (as far as Villains are concerned anyway), not becuase it's tough, but because it can't be found before it completes it's flight path, I require any sightings of the flyer - where they have been seen and when.

    I have seen the flyer near the Lord Recluse Statue in Spider City - 10:30PM GMT.
  7. Pain69's healing and rez will be more useful, the TP friend in the right situation might be useful.

    Zaldor's kinetics might counteract the cytoplasm speed debuff and the increase density will provide a useful mez resist.

    This message is aimed at the two who are undecided on which they should go as
  8. you are all in, getting a load from E.V.I.L and The Council to come as well.
  9. [u]HAMIDON RAID - 02/06/2007 - 8:00 PM (UK TIME)[u]

    Greetings Warriors of Arachnos, The Hamidon is a single celled organism infecting the body of the rogue isles, we must administer some..."antibiotics" to clense it from the abyss.

    This is one of the tasks which I cannot do, not alone.

    For this task I will need the most ruthless (and the most psychotic) of the soldiers of Arachnos to aid in the fight in the Abyss, you are needed to bring death and PAIN to the Hamidon, if you don't think this is a threat, then I suggest you grab some beverage, coffee, booze, whatever is your poison. If you think as I do or want to join me against the Hamidon, then E-Mail me with your AT and Power sets (the name will be seen in the source part of the E-mail, for example (this is how i'd put it):

    Name - Jonin Ooi
    AT - Mastermind
    Power Sets - Ninja / Dark / Soul (Ghost Widow Patron)
    Others worth mentioning - TP Friend, Tactics

    Reason for requiring this info

    In that case i'd most likely be assigned to a Yellow team, as Ninja power set is mostly melee oriantated. I need to know this as i'd need to assign participants based on their strong points (this is mostly based on info from paragon wiki):

    Blue - Ranged (that applies to Corrupters, Dominators and Ranged oriantated masterminds , such as robots, mercs and thugs)

    Yellow - Melee (that applies to Brutes, Stalkers and melee oriantated masterminds, such as necromancers and ninjas)

    Green - Hold (that applies to Dominators, some corrputers and some masterminds, depending on what is in primary and secondary)

    Red - Rez / Buff / TP (TP applies to any with TP friend and/or Team TP, Buffs are primarily made by Masterminds and Corrupters, but some power pools provide lesser buffs, such as medicine, which has stimulant and resusitate)

    Black - Raid Leader (I am Raid Leader)

    Team Organisation (command structure)

    This is how the teams will be organised

    Raid Leader


    Team Leaders (I will communicate with these via the broadcast channel, provide them with targets)


    Team members (They will communicate with their team leader using Team chat)

    Reasons for communication channel segregation

    The reason for the segregated communication channels is to minimise confusion and chaos, which can lead to unessesary deaths in battle and aren't good for morale. It is Recommended that you stock up on some Essence of the Earth Inspirations, they will help raise life expectancy, especially for the melee combatants (THEY have to get up close inside the protoplasm!).

    NOTE: Footage of thios Hamidon Raid will be recorded for the purpose of creating a Youtube video, I will welcome feedback on it
  10. I have been creating Youtube videos involving footage of one of my characters in City of Villains, to view all of them, follow these steps:

    1 - Enter
    2 - Enter mentisvenator (my username on youtube) in the search and you will find all that i've created so far.

    Need a little help with one of them (one that hasn't been made yet), in my youtube video "CoV - Heist of the Yakety Sax" i use the yakety sax to speed up time perception. Any ideas on the polar opposite of that device? (one that slows time perception down)
  11. I am Jonin Ooi, lvl 50 Ninja/Dark MM

    Death will come with the bachiatarikaze if my enemies stand in my way, eternal suffering to the spandex!!!

    Sorry, Arachnos directive #101 states:

    "Any SG member above rank 2 is required to have at least mild psychosis, failure to display this will result in a visit from your patron".

    My patron is Ghost Widow and you DON'T want to anger her (unless you're sure you can get away with it). ****** red tape, eh?
  12. Chapter 1

    An Operative of Malta is being held in Interogation building #1, floor 80, awaiting interogation from Arachnos, they have dediced to send someone skilled in targeting the mind, while not having telepathic capability. "They say this guy took out Ms Liberty and th rest of the Vindicators" said Bane Spider Athos, "hehehe, Statesman will increase his bounty for that" replied Bane Spider Lawrence, "I'm sure he will" said the black armoured villain, startling both Bane Spiders. They looked at this villain, he wore an black metal suit of armour with one large metal spike on each sholder with 3 smaller spikes in each, his helmet looked like it was made from a skull, coming from it were two glowing red eyes, so this was Jonin Ooi they both thought. "Jonin Ooi, you're the interogator?" asked Athos, "Yes, did you send what I asked for?" asked Jonin Ooi, "We have, Jonin, but i'm not sure how effec..." said Athos, "I have tested this method against the Soldiers of Statesman, if it works on them, it should work on THIS warrior of Malta! yes, their uniforms are most distinctive" said Jonin Ooi, "Of course, Jonin!" said Athos, "The interogation chamber is soundproof, so no sound should leave it" said Lawrence, "good, now can you let me continue with the interogation?" said Jonin Ooi, they both nodded and he went to the interogation chamber with the equipment set up.

    The Operative of Malta known as Wilco Sunshine 1-0-1 was showing signs of fear and dread when he saw Jonin Ooi, he had heard rumours of what this villain is capable of doing and not just with the warriors at his command. "Now, W S 1-0-1, yes, that's easier on the vocal chords, you have information that is of great use to Arachnos, you have two choices, one - betray your Malta Cell, reveal your information and join Arachnos or two - Suffer and then tell me, now which is it to be?" said Jonin Ooi, but Wilco Sunshine 1-0-1 just looked at him defiantly, saying nothing, "Very Well, W S 1-0-1, since you're a nut that is as hard to crack as a safe with a randomly changing combination, so that even the owner can't open it, I will have to use...this" he pointed to a music station, designed to play music, he then wrapped gaffer tape around the Malta op's mouth and put anti-noise headphones on his ears, he then started playing what he called "Torture Music".

    According to his Arachnos Intel File, Wilco Sunchine 1-0-1 hated country music and songs with the word "love" in the title. So Jonin Ooi played all the songs of the Beatles that have the word "Love" in the title, this made him writhe in emotional agony with Jonin Ooi watching with the Anti-Noise headphones preventing him from hearing anything in that room, after the last song had finished, he took the headphones off and asked him "W S 1-0-1, was that a torrent of Agony on your soul?" asked Jonin Ooi, Wilco Sunshine 1-0-1 nodded lightly, "Do you want to talk about the threat to Arachnos?" asked Jonin Ooi, he nodded, Jonin Ooi thought that he'd probably lie to him about the threat to Arachnos and humiliate him in Lord Recluse's eyes, "I don't think you're serious about this, let us play something different".

    Chapter 2

    After playing Crazy Frog and various country music songs, Jonin Ooi agreed to let Wilco Sunshine tell him anything he wanted to know, he then called Arbiter Daos to tell him what he has found, "After a few more hours, i'm sure he would've told me where his mother lived" said Jonin Ooi, "I'm not interested in knowing where his mother lives, i'm interested in this 'Threat tt Arachnos' he mentioned when you captured him!" shouted Arbiter Daos, "Full details of the interogation will be sent to you, but to summerise it, they had aquired a interdimensional portal and had experimented with means to generate a two way portal anywhere that would allow them to escape to other Earths and send their enemies to the less 'friendly' Earths, unfortunately it has destabalised and those near the 'portal generator' had been sent to random parts of the multiverse" explained Jonin Ooi, "I see, Jonin Ooi, I will take your report to Lord Recluse, I will contact you when you are needed, oh and do you have any further use for the Malta Operative?" asked Daos, "No, i don't, Arbiter Daos", "very well, what are you going to do to dispose of him?" asked Daos, "Let's just say that Captain Mako won't go hungry tonight" said Jonin Ooi, "I understand" said Daos before he closed the communications.

    Two hours later - His warriors were fighting Giovanna, a Ring Mistress of the Carnival of Shadows, she had powerful telepathic and telekinetic abilities, she had taken Jiro Down, "You will suffer greatly for that!" shouted Jonin Ooi, she could'nt see him clearly, but she knew he was there, then before she knew it, he'd held her in a Soul Storm, a ability taught to him via the Ghost Widow, this allowed Hayabusa and Kariado to slash her with thier blades and Kenta Kasaikaze to use his fire katana to scorch her mask, Jonin Ooi pulled the string of his bow and fired, the arrow finished her and she fell to the ground as her spirit was freed from the mask. As Jonin Ooi teleported outside the building where he fought the Carnies, he was pulled into a swirling vortex and he found himself somewhere else, it was Atlas Park, Paragon City, but not as he had seen it, the city hall was lined with gold and unfamiliar banners, the troops that resembled longbow were wearing different colours and wore gold masks and straps, for some reason, they ignored Jonin Ooi, this was mild compared to what he saw next, instead of atlas holding the world, it was someone who looked like Statesman holding a smaller earth in his hand, he than realised where he was, he was in Praetorian Earth, which according to stolen files was a world where the 'Heroes' of his earth are warmongering despots in this earth, "Jonin Ooi, where have you been, i'm awaiting your report" said someone behind him, it was the one known as Tyrant, he seemed to know who he was or at least the local version of him, "do you want me to report to you in your throne room, Tyrant?" Jonin Ooi asked, "Yes, i do, follow me" said Tyrant.

    After a trip through the caverns under that version of City Hall, Jonin Ooi ended up in this inpressive throne room, he thought that Lord Recluse could learn a few lessons from this guy. "You're Late, Tyrant" said someone who sounded like Jonin Ooi, in fact this was the Jonin Ooi that belonged to Praetorian Earth, "What are you doing here?" asked Tyrant, "Waiting to give you my report, Tyrant" said P.E. Jonin Ooi, "Nice to know that i'm a Bad Guy in both Earths" said Jonin Ooi, Tyrant was getting angry that he had been fooled by someone that looks like one of his soldiers, "You're me from another Earth aren't you?" said P.E. Jonin Ooi, "yes, I am, have you met Statesman by any chance?" asked Jonin Ooi, this made Tyrant rain lightning around him, making both Jonin Ooi's back away, "i'll take that as a yes" said Jonin Ooi, "you are from the same Earth as HIM?!" said Tyrant, "Yes and he is my enemy, i was investigating the unstable interdimensional portal generator in my earth, I suspect that this is what sent me here" said Jonin Ooi, just as another vortex was pulling him in, he landed in the meeting hall, right in front of Lord Recluse.

    Chapter 3

    "Where were you, Jonin Ooi?" asked Lord Recluse, Jonin Ooi Bowed in front of him, "Lord Recluse, I was sent to Praetorian Earth via one of these unstable portals, got confused for the other me by Tyrant" replied Jonin Ooi, "Did you tell him anything?" asked Lord Recluse, "Nothing important, have you read my report, my lord?" Asked Jonin Ooi, "Yes, and i have seen it's effects, you will investigate this, Jonin Ooi, that is my order" said Lord Recluse, "Yes, my Lord, I get it you'll want me to report to Arbiter Daos" asked Jonin Ooi, "No, you will have autonomy for this assignment, Arbiter Daos will provide you with relevant information" said Lord Recluse, "Understood, My Lord" said Jonin Ooi, he bowed and started to leave, "Oh, Captain Mako" said Jonin Ooi, "Yes?" said Captain Mako with a look of Bloodlust, "Dinner will be served in Building 1, Floor 80, the meal 'Wilco Sunshine 1-0-1, a little tough due to combat training but plenty of meat on the bones'" said Jonin Ooi, "Excellent" said Captain Mako and Jonin Ooi descended to the lobby of Spider City to begin his search for the threat that endangers the Rogue Isles and Arachnos.

  13. Those who are willing to join my team for this event are:

    Loki Sister - Dark/Dark Corrupter - My SG
    Thorn Chain - Plant/Thorn Dominator - My SG
    Slitty Kitty - Claws/regen Stalker - Sinister Syndicate
    Captain Kaos - Fire/Fire Brute - Archon's Killing Machines
    Cerebro Assassin - (don't know his power sets) Brute - Archon's Killing Machines (possibly Leader of his SG)

    Those who might join us, on the possible list:

    Jason Johnson - Mercs/Traps Mastermind - My SG
    Deathstalker - Ninja Blade/Ninjitsu Stalker - Sinister Syndicate

    If these two come, it'll be up to 35 people (over 4 full teams in total).
  14. Ah, so there are at least 28 villains in this event, Excellent.

    It's up to at least 5 more (33 in total), i might have 2 possibles for my team in this, my team consists of some from my SG and some from my Allies in my Coalition, i have thought with some of them, i know what they're capable of, together we shall give the SPANDEX our gifts of death and PAIN!

    I shall post the list of those confirmed that they'll join me later (i don't have it with me at the time of posting).

    2 Masterminds, 2 Stalker, 1 Dominator, 2 Brutes and 1 Corrupter may in my team if all attend on saturday, as two are still down as possibles.
  15. This is my main and I come on often, in case you wanted to know, I forgot to include in my previous post.
  16. I am Jonin Ooi (Global: @Joninooi), at the moment, I have a corrupter and another mastermind who are willing to bring gifts of death to the SPANDEX (Heroes) in Sirens Call, the only foothold Arachnos has in Paragon City at present. More will join, I assure you, together we shall give them nightmares so bad, watching 24 hours of non-stop Jamie Oliver will seem mild by comparison!

    I shall aquire some "special" items for this event to aid the soldiers of Arachnos (e.g. us villains), I look forward to crushing the SPANDEX and so does Kenta Kasaikaze (my oni)

    ...MWAHAHAHAHA! (repeats, echoes and grows more faint each time)
  17. So it a case of large expenses combined with too little prestige?
  18. I have this to say about Tankers and Brutes, they are tougher than vindalooed mutton! no matter what I did to them, they kept coming back for MORE! They just won't die, they make excellent target practice as they can take it and a little more, although the tanker I fought was a stone tanker, it may vary with other tanker types.

    Greetings denizens of the Rogue Isles, I am Jonin Ooi, Leader of the Order of the Dark Sun, Bachiatarikaze Fortress has 4 rooms at present (power, control, workshop and audiance chamber).

    Our army must grow in strength to be raid worthy, seek me out and send me a TELL when i'm on and i'll invite you in. (or if you see one of my warriors that is authorised to invite, TELL them). The base is a mixture of arcane and tech, this is to make use of ALL types of salvage.

    JOIN THE ORDER OF THE DARK SUN to crush the spandex of Paragon City (Spandex = Heroes) and strike back at a society that gave us little or nothing for our troubles, those that MOCK us and FEAR us. They must all PAY!

    (there should be a base naming facility)
  20. My SG, THE ORDER OF THE DARK SUN, is now recruiting, we need more active people if we are to enlarge the base and to maintain it.

    Basically the more active people there are in the SG, the faster prestige is gathered, considering that a 40-50 Mil base costs 1-1.2 mil rent per 2 weeks.

    At the moment, i'm not being selective when it comes to what AT, lvl or nationality that is recruited, we have a workshop (basic) and last i checked, nearing the amount for the medical room, Post any questions you may have and those who are interested TELL me around 7-11 PM on weekdays (weekends are more eratic, time wise).

    I may schedule some events once the amount of active people increase and when the base is larger and has stronger defence capability (e.g. PvP zone hunts, Instant raids, IoP raids).