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  1. IceStorm


    just found out this game is free now and also noticed theres a bucket load of new stuff since i last played! exited muchly.

    did anyone give that other game a go? i found it hugely disappointing. No mmorpg has ever compared to this game in my eyes.

    If only this updated didnt take so longgggggggg
  2. hehe would loved to have helped but my union char is terrible and broke as a joke lol
  3. probs be best to post this in the union villains section
  4. sweet, are you all free on Sunday afternoon... say...
    2pm gmt??
    hit me back
  5. Okay guys, ive set a date and time.

    We can all meet out front the main tower in grandville.
    the more teams the better. wll be an awesome badge hunt, killing all the reinforcement heroes in recluses victory.

    remember SUNDAY 18th 7PM GMT

    who's game then??
  6. i vote my lvl 6 nrg/invuln :P
  7. Hey, i'd realy like to grab the badges for killing the hero reinforcements in recluses victory. was wondering if anyone would be interested in forming a team sometime to grab all the badges
    will need 8 people and probs shivans im guess.. not tried it before.
  8. i'd be game if someone is organising
  9. hmmm ive found my ice/ice great for pve. i can solo missions easily with group sleep (flash freeze), ice slick and glacier (group hold) used to control mobs while beatin down idividually. and also found groups like ice slick for slowing attack rate etc. i find most people have good resistance in pvp though to cold specially as most pvp i go into has lots of scrappers about. im wanting to respec in more slots on aice slick though for recharge as it does seem to detoggle :P

    from persona experience mind control in pve is strong but can be annoying for teams along with gravity as theres alot of throwing npc's about involved which means stalkers and brutes running all over the place lol. ive also seen that mind doms are very good in PvP and heroes tend not to like playing against them. guess thats because of low amount of people with resistance to psionics.. dont have heroes btw thats just an assumption :P

    i think the philosopher above had a good point with the heal self for pvp as it aids the squishyness. was also thinking about invis and phase shift for helping assure first hold vs troller and an escape when them nastyscrappers hit u with imob. other options could include fighting for less squishyness and super jump maybe for imob resistance and acrobatics to get a possible uper hand on trollers again... i personally took fly just coz i like to use it as a defence and find it fun, the slow after attack isnt great though when a speedy blokey hits u with imob...

    ye in conclusion buddy its up to you, look over powers and choose what u will find fun, i think choosing pool powers is the hardest as i just wanna take them all lol
  10. As you all probably know, sould taker is an accomplishment needed for the demonic accolade. to get this you need to complete the archmage tarixus's story arch which is ranged 25-30 i believe and requires the history badge lore keeper (which is also needed for demonic but much more simple to get).

    ive just opened up the storyarch and thought i would offer people with lvls too high to get this a chance for the badge. i will hold it off for a couple days to see if anyones interested, if so just drop a reply on the bottom.

    cheers guys
  11. IceStorm


    hehe im pretty sure i just took another four coz the last lot ran out, either way.. them guys can practicly one hit me, it's important not to take a single blow lol
  12. IceStorm


    just wanted to thank london and everyone for the tf, was hella fun XD

    check out some carnage...

    and proof doms arnt always week :P
  13. Thanks for everything last night guys! was real fun!!
    think im gunna have to do that tf a goof few times more and stock up on them hamidon things :P
  14. we realy do need another 4 villains so we can do this. anyone else interested???
  15. sweet, 4 slots left now
    i dont know about shivans and nukes, do you think we will need them? ive never done this tf before..
  16. hi there, ive just signed up for these forums, been trying to get a team for this SF for so long but without no sucess.
    just bumped into the corrupter group who advised me to do this. team will llook as follows...

    1 - II Storm II - lvl 50 ice/ice dom
    2 - Slasha - lvl 50 claws/energy

    all other slots are empty :O

    will be on defiant server and we shall meet in front of tower

    first to reply will get slots

    many thanks