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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    Those pictures are not official. They are fan made renders.

    here's LoT's thread: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=224288

    ((Actually, both costumes are the real deal. It's been confirmed on Ain't It Cool News, Comic Book Resources, io9, and several other websites.

    I think the Cap suit looks pretty nifty. Thor looks kinda like he's wearing a tricked-out leisure suit wit a cape.

    But yeah, those *are* the costume designs you will see in the movies.))
  2. ((Due to the fact that Heroes Con in Charlotte starts Friday, I'm posting early this week. ))

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by tramontane View Post
    pfft, nobody in virtue has any virtue. That's why it's called that- it's the entry price.
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Somehow it's gotten around that some time in the future, Virtue will be down for a solid 3 weeks.

    Where the flaming hell did that originate?
    ((Are you sure you didn't overhear the setup for some ERP? Maybe someone's planning on giving up their virtue in three weeks.))
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Nalrok_AthZim View Post
    Delete. N key. O key. Period key. Enter.

    I'm sorry, but an asinine post such as yours affords you an asinine answer. It's not rude at all. In real life? Maybe. But it's an MMO. It's going to happen, and the fact that you're too lazy/arrogant to simply type "No." is telling of your attitude and playstyle.
    ((I reiterate my position that, since I am a real person, then when I am playing, any social interaction is still "real life". It's as real as the telemarketers that call me up. It's as real as the cranky teller at the bank. It's as real as the Baptist guy who came to my door a few months ago and, without so much as saying hello, said, "If you died right now, would you go to heaven or to hell?"

    No one is always at their best as far as manners go, but that doesn't excuse rudeness, no matter what the social setting. Inviting yourself into someone else's social group (even if it's a temporary social group) without any prior conversation is rude.))
  6. Heroid


    ((New art. It's not CoH related, but I still like it. ))

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by kilroy64 View Post
    In my opinion this does not apply because this is a silly little game. The act of playing this game does not measure up to any real world occurance like asking to go to the movies with somebody when you are not invited or any of the other examples.

    That is the real world, this is a game and I just feel like comparing the two is putting too much stock in to the importance of the game.

    It shouldn't even sit in the same room as a real world face to face fau paux, it's not that important. But again, that is just my opinion no offense to anybody who has posted in this thread.

    As a matter of fact somebody could walk up to my character in game and call me a dirty, rotten, low down Redskin fan and I would not consider that rude because it is in a game. It does not even register on my "human" scale. It's not that important.

    To echo what another person said I do not find these kind of requests rude but they can be annoying. If your trying to stay alive and keep your team alive it is a pain to try to answer the question. Not sure why I feel compelled to answer it. If I found it rude or annoying I could just ignore it.

    But then again I do not flip out with blind team invites either. My RL buddies are that way. They get their nose all out of joint if somebody DARES to throw a blind team invite. If I need a team I accept it. If I don't I refuse it. I don't even have to answer the human on the other end.
    ((In this game there is social interaction between individual human beings. Manners play a major role in human interaction.))
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fomsie View Post
    OK, instead of looking at an MMO as being akin to hanging out in your house or going to a movie with friends, think of it more like playing a game of basketball on a public court or a game of pool in a bar. It is perfectly acceptable for someone to ask in to said game, ask if there is room for another, ask for next game, etc.

    As long as you do so politely, there is no breach of etiquette in doing so.

    Then of course, you have the option of declining. Though just ignoring them or giving a rude response makes you the one showing a lack of manners.
    ((You actually have a good point here. That is another good analogy.

    I'm going to offer one based on yours. Often, I've come out of mission doors and encountered someone standing outside who might have just soloed a mission at that door. Sometimes they strike up a conversation and -- also sometimes -- will then ask me if there is room on my team. For some reason, that doesn't bother me at all, as long as it's done in a polite and friendly manner.

    But if I'm nowhere near that person, it does bother me. If I've had no other contact with them, yes, it bothers me and it's a bit rude because they do not know what situation I am in that they are inviting themselves to. Think of it as getting on your cell phone and calling a random person and asking them if they are playing basketball, and if they are, can you come over and play also.

    Another analogy. Analogies, analogies. The pictures we draw to illustrate and illuminate -- change a line here, or a color there, and you change the whole picture. And yet, the picture is still valid.

    And maybe, just maybe, you touched on something else. If I'm busy -- either with rp or trying to stay alive in a mission, and someone sends me a tell I either have to take a moment to answer, or I have to be rude and ignore it. If the tell comes from a friend, he/she will know that I'm busy, but a stranger will not. If it's a friend, I'll just click on my friends' list when I'm done and apologize for taking so long to reply. Odds are, I'm not going to go back through my chatlog to look for the stranger who sent me the tell, which makes me feel a bit rude.

    It seems to be a bit more complicated than, "I'm right and you're wrong." I think the important thing is to remember the "Do unto others..." rule.

    But the analogies given so far are still valid. It's a good debate. I'm enjoying it. ))
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Weatherby Goode View Post
    Pugs aren't private spaces.
    ((In a pug, you are usually in a closed map, with a private channel dedicated to the team you are on. That's about as private as you can get. You could have a virtual orgy inside the mission and no one would know. That's private.))
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silencer7 View Post
    As you may or may not be aware, "rude" depends on the context and what the expectation is in a particular situation. In this particular example, the comparison is nonsensical because sitting in a cab in traffic is a completely different situation than playing a MMO.

    And it's not rude to ask someone politely to split a cab anyway.
    ((I stand by my assertion that good manners are good manners, no matter what the context. I'm not saying I always use mine, but it doesn't make it right when I -- or anyone else -- am rude. Still, the analogies are all good analogies. I understand the comparisons, even if you don't. Sure they may stray a bit into hyperbole, but they still convey the ideas very well.))
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silencer7 View Post
    I like how people are trying to construct all these ridiculous real-world scenarios in an attempt to make receiving a tell a bigger deal than it is. Someone running into traffic to knock on the window of a moving cab is comparable to someone sending you a tell? Really?
    ((I like how people who have no manners on the internet like for us to think they have them in real life too. Good manners is good manners, internet or in person. Rude is rude. The analogies are all valid. ))
  12. ((I think inviting yourself to *anything*, whether in real life or in a game is rude. Having said that, I also think that all of us, at one point or another, has done something rude, or even thoughtless without realizing it.

    I don't think that much of it when I get a tell asking if I have room on my team. If someone is "rudely" inviting his/herself to my team, if they do so in a friendly manner, it doesn't bother me. It's only when I get repeated requests from the same person (which happens a LOT) that I get perturbed. Other than that, anything sent to me in a friendly tell, I try to answer politely, unless I'm afk or extremely busy.

    But I can see Smersh's point.))
  13. Heroid

    I wish...

    Originally Posted by Mattwo7 View Post
    what's with the (())? You realize aside from one certain board the whole bbs is OOC right?
    ((Waaaaay back on the old boards, I often posted replies in-character. There were a couple of others who also did so (Killer Whale comes to mind, and Soaring Valor also). I've kept up the habit for old times' sake. ))
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Mattwo7 View Post
    Read thru the whole thing, when was dog like senses mentioned? Anyway I wish I had a RPSG with a comic
    ((It wasn't. This is a power he picked up when the other students' powers started to manifest. This is the first story to focus on Lee, so some details of his life, powers, and personality are just now being touched on.

    Thanks for reading! ))
  15. Heroid

    I wish...

    ((They would roll back I17. It's so freaking laggy and buggy that the game is extremely frustrating to play. I'm really hatin' it. I'm not even looking forward to GR anymore. I17 has been out a few weeks. I hope they don't even try to release GR until this mess is fixed.

    Sorry. It's just driving me CRAZY!

    And Virtue seems to be worse about it than the other server I sometimes play on.

    End of rant.))
  16. ((Whoops! Thought I posted this a month ago! If anyone is still following this, I apologize! Thanks to Ryan's player for co-writing this section! ))

    After I got out of the car and walked closer to the plant, I could see security guards at the corners of the building. There would be more inside, and if they were equipped with something other than those Crey freeze rays things might get tricky.

    I couldn't decide how to go about getting rid of those guards without setting the whole complex on me, and I was getting this growing feeling of urgency when I felt the ground shake and all the guards outside ran inside. It was Tami’s explosion, but I didn’t know that at the time.

    So, I just knocked down a section of fence – electrified yeah, but ice isn't much of a conductor – and let myself in at the door that the guards were good enough to leave open.

    I followed the sound of their shoes hitting the floor until I caught up with two guards who were trailing the rest. I stoned up my fist, one-shotted them, and kept going. Everyone must have been pretty distracted, because no one seemed to notice me punching my way up to the front couple of guards. I followed those two until we reached a place where there was a bunch of debris in the floor then I took them out also. I checked out the pile of rubble. There were some people trapped under it, but only some suits and more guards, no Tami. I climbed over them and looked through this big hole in the wall and into what looked like some sort of detention room. It smelled awful in there.

    Tami wasn't here and wasn't behind me, and the guards had seemed intent on something up ahead, so I kept going.

    The hallway turned right not far past where the explosion happened and after that, it crossed another hallway. I didn’t know which way to go. I wasn’t even entirely sure Tami was still in the building. For all I knew, she might’ve been taken out the front door when I was coming in the back. But then I heard someone talking kinda loud. It sounded like...


    I took off toward her voice at full speed, and when I heard a man scream, I somehow managed to go faster. It sounded like a fight was going on and as I turned another corner, I could see Michael Sr. lying face up in a doorway with his head sticking outside it. He was unconscious and between his eyes was a scorched spot that was still smoking. I knew I was close. That’s when I heard a gunshot.

    I almost tripped over my feet, I was running so hard. Ahead was another intersection where I had to go either left or right. Light was shining in from the left, casting moving shadows on the floor and walls. I ran that way.

    There was Tami with her back to me crouched low in front of a shattered window. Between us stood her nephew... half-nephew... whatever... Michael Jr., pointing a gun at her.

    I wasn't thinking at all at that point. I just jumped and tackled him around his knees so that his body bent backward and his gun hand pointed up toward the ceiling. He dropped the gun when he hit the floor, and as he reached for it, I stoned up my fist and hit him hard enough that he stopped moving. It was probably more force that necessary, sure, but can you blame me?

    Things were quiet after that. Really quiet. Tami hadn’t moved and I was starting to worry that I was too late again. Then she turned her head and saw me. I don’t think I’d ever been so glad to see her smile.

    She was holding a baby?

    Between the blood on Tami’s ear and the look in her eyes I could tell she was in pain, but she was still smiling and when I went to her, she grabbed my shirt and pulled me down to kiss her.

    We sat there for a few moments sort of holding onto each other. I had no idea what to do next, and I think I was coming down from the adrenaline high. I didn’t know where she’d found the baby. I was just happy I had found her.

    The sound of footsteps around the corner and the too familiar clicking sound of weapons preparing to fire interrupted our reunion. I stood, iced up, and moved to block Tami. I couldn't do much more than stare when a Marine came around the corner and said, “Step away from the girl.”

    A skinny, red-headed teenage girl in a black bikini sits on a beach towel with a tall, handsome bathing suit-clad young man with dark hair and brown eyes framed by black-rimmed glasses. They are both smiling at you through a video camera…

    “Okay,” the girl says, “here’s what happened. We came down to Virgina for Christmas…”

    She recounts the perilous adventure and winds down to its conclusion.

    “… so as thankful as I was to see the Marines, it was really Ryan who was the hero.”

    The young man – who has sat silent the entire time – blushes, rolls his eyes, and shakes his head without saying anything.

    The girl continues, “And Mr. Counsel didn’t die. As soon as he shot himself, it broke Livvy’s control over him. When he woke up in the hospital, he had the police call Dr. Phodor who called some friends in the government, and they sent the Marines! They showed up right after Ryan found me and cleaned up the place. They arrested Albert, Michael Sr., Michael Jr., some other Crey staffers, and all the security guards. They never found Livvy.”

    The young man frowns as if to confirm that not finding Olivia Post was indeed a bad thing.

    “So much time had passed by the time Ryan found me that it was too late for me to heal myself – that’s just the way my powers work – and I was in kinda bad shape. Dr. Phodor decided Mitri and I were to be taken to a special facility on some private island in the Caribbean because they had equipment there that would have me fixed up in no time, and also to make sure we wouldn’t blow up again. Because I started crying and begging and he wouldn’t let go of my hand anyway – they let Ryan come too. And that’s how we spent our Christmas. And our New Years. And they say maybe our Valentines Day. Here on this island!”

    The girl sticks out a skinny leg and her foot goes out of the frame. The camera angle moves up and a patch of palm trees and sea oats stands against a clear blue sky that almost blends with the ocean beneath it. Behind the palms is a small, cozy bungalow.

    From off-camera, the girl’s voice says, “Don’t worry, everybody – we have chaperones,” and the angle changes again. Now, past a thicker palm grove a large white building can be seen, and closer, much closer to where the happy couple sits, is a female Marine in full combat gear.

    Both young voices ring out at once, “See you soon!”

    This is followed by the sound happy giggling. Something bumps the camera and it tips over, pointing out toward calm blue waters.
  17. ((Having some cable problems, but it came up long enough for me to post this week's Rock.))

  18. ((Thanks, I needed that. Electron Boy truly does rock. ))