666 -
Diana sent the frozen remains of her bubble flying in all directions, hoping they might hit her adversaries. She didn't have nearly enough time to make another one, though. Her best defense was down.
She wondered if she should pick on Reishi now that she was weak. . . but the idea sickened her. That was only going to prove she couldn't fight fair. Instead she searched for large concentrations of water nearby, hoping to find out where Frigyd had gone. -
The girder hit Diana's bubble with a loud CLANG. Diana had to stuggle to maintain her control and the attack threatened to displace water everywhere.
Diana tried to hide her weakness. After all, it would look like the attack had done nothing. It was always good to create the illusion that you were untouchable.
She pulled particles of water from the air and solidified them into a small globe of water around Reishi's head. Reishi was trying to distract her so that Frigyd could freeze her bubble. That would make her much more vulnerable. But it would be hard for Reishi to do anything if she couldn't breathe. -
Diana sighed. Enough watching and waiting. Looking around the arena, it looked like Frigyd and Reishi were the only ones not in combat. . . they were together though. She might have to fight them both . . .
Eh, why not try. She had done that sort of thing before from time to time. Her bubble floated in their direction. -
Diana concentrated on the mist around her. It began to solidify. She floated slowly into the air as the water in the mist formed a huge bubble with her at the center.
She seated herself on the floor inside the bubble. The surface tension of the water was so very high that it was no less solid than stone, and much more comfortable. Encased in her bubble shield, Diana floated further into the simulation, looking for an opponent. -
Diana entered the arena. A strange mist began to form around her, making it hard to see her. Her glasses were miraculously unaffected by all the mist. Behind them, the pupils of her eyes had vanished, leaving them looking like pools of clear water. She raised her right hand in the classic half-stance of the expert kinesist.
((Haha, was thinking the same thing. . . which reminds me, when are they going to add Water Control so I can create this character?))
Diana smiled. "I see you know your Latin," she said. "Or else have seen a lot of vigilantes named "Aqua-Something". Aquakinesis is very rare though. I was the first so no one could teach me anything. I think I'm pretty good by now though. . . at any rate I'm well into half stance theory and dual hand manipulation. Oh. . . I'm rambling again. . . sorry." -
"Always a silly thing to do," said Diana. "I remember no one ever took me seriously when I was your age. It was really frustrating. . . I mean, I was the first recorded aquakinesist and I could use half stance by 12. Why does this not mean anything to these people?" She sighed. "I'm sorry. . . you're not a kinesist so you probably don't even know what I'm talking about."
Diana turned slightly pale. "Ah, yes. . . I really don't know what I am thinking entering this thing. . . You are a martial artist, I gather? Or some sort of unarmed combat specialist? I'm sorry if I am being naive, I really don't study combat much. Excpet kinesis, of course. . ."
"Oh," said Diana. "Y-Yes, a little. . ." She straightened her short blonde hair and adjusted her glasses as she turned to look at Reishi. "Are you fighting in the tournament?" She hoped not. Reishi was being quite pleasant to her at the moment. Diana didn't like the idea of having to use her full range of tactics on this girl. She looked so young. . . and Diana disliked hurting even her worst enemies. She reminded herself. . . anyone who is here doesn't care about getting hurt. It didn't console her much.
Diana walked over to the gate, a nervous wreck. She couldn't believe what she was doing. She went over her kinesis exercises in her head repeatedly, but it was hardly preparation for the kind of ruthlessness she would face here.
Diana walked nervously into the huge arena. What had possessed her to come here, she really had no idea. Isaiah was going to be furious. Well, if she ever told him.
She headed straight for the hospital service counter. She certainly was not going to get herself killed just to. . . To what? Prove she was no pushover? Something stupid like that. She sighed. Dang mid-life crisis. -
((If you mean Fell and Reikoff, actually we have already wasted each other. . . there is nobody else left. . .
Pstorm, for all her power in Threads, was slightly embarassing ingame (so were Void Brawler, The Consumed, and Psymonica).
[/ QUOTE ]
Haha . . . maybe I should bring Richard (level 9) and Deus (level 3) so you can REALLY see a RP power/ingame power disconnect. -
That should work. Hallucinogen and Schizophrenias look forward to meeting you all. Though for different reasons.
Seeing the frag grenades land, Fell despaired for a second. No. . . the damn Soviet was one step ahead of him again! He would never become invincible before those went off. . .
Well. . . if he was going to go down, he might as well take Reikoff with him. Fell raised his hands and poured all of his chi into them.
"GO TO HELL!" he roared, and simultaneously the grenades went off and a massive blast of energy flew across the arena in Reikoff's direction, sending shrapnel everywhere as it hit the stands.
* * * * * *
Fell's spirit looked around. Great, he was in Purgatory, where he would be painfully "cleansed" of his sins by that damn Angel of Death. Fell sighed. Where was AGENT RAPHAEL when you needed him?
((And no, I don't expect you to know what the heck I am talking about. Fell is the main character of a very strange story I am writing. Suffice it to say--he's dead.
So. . . how many characters per round? If we all keep substituting this round will never end. Or is that how it is supposed to be?)) -
Fell was not a fool. He could tell when he was losing. He had one chance left. Closing his eyes to shield them from the grenades, he pressed his hands against his forehead, pouring chi into his mind.
I am going to win! No one can stop me! I am James H. Fell, Attorney at Law! I have never lost and never will! I AM INVINCIBLE!
The rush of energy sent his arrogance into overdrive. Just a few seconds, and he would be invincible again. Then that annoying commando would be no match for him. -
Fell coughed as the noxious gasses surrounded him. Such tactics were useless when he was invincible, but with his chi depleted it was a different matter. He felt faint and dizzy. Quickly he clapped his hands together to blow the gas away with a massive rush of air, but he was already severely weakened. His smile was completely gone now.
His opponent was weakened. Fell could feel his confidence rise. The smile flickered on for a millisecond, but he still needed more time. . .
Fortunately he had not used all of his chi. Fell's hands began to glow and he leaped to the side to dodge Reikoff's bullets, hoping to catch the Malta commander off guard.
His chi was equivalent to his confidence. Fell was the only human on the planet who was capable of being infinitely confident, and thus possessing infinite chi. Had he loosed any of his powers before he would have forfeited his invincibility. . . but now he had nothing to lose. -
((I assume that Reikoff was knocked back because he was touching the gun when it fired, not because he was hit. If he was hit, this could be bad for him . . .))
The glowing bullet flew into the center of the arena.
Where it hit, the ground cracked open. The cracks spread to all sides of the arena. In the center, a massive explosion of bright light erupted into being. Anyone anywhere near the blast would be severely jarred at best, dead at worst.
Waiting for the dust to clear so he could find Reikoff, the smile was gone from Fell's face. The corners of his mouth were twitching, as though he was struggling to bring it back. That attack had used nearly all of his chi, he thought as he dropped the bullets Reikoff had fired. He would be severely vulnerable if he did not restore his confidence quickly. -
((Yeah, I know. Don't worry, Fell is on a similar level to Schizo. He just tends not to make it obvious.))
Fell had made a mistake.
No, Fell told himself. the grin threatening to leave his face. He pulled it back. He was completely in control. He was invincible. He just had to keep believing that, and nothing could stop him.
Fell glowed with energy, and the glow shot into his pistol. Before Reikoff could disarm him, he fired. -
Fell raised one hand as if to block the charge. With the other he raised his pistol.
The smoke cleared. Fell appeared unharmed; he was holding his hand out in front of himself as though it would protect him. Apparently it had. His hat was singed.
Channelling glowing energy into his hand, Fell touched his hat and it returned to normal. "Very well," he said. "Then I am impossible." -
Fell casually stepped aside, dodging the blast. He turned and aimed his pistol at Reikoff again.
"We can do this as long as you like," he said. "Give up. You can't beat me. I'm perfect." -
Fell smiled. He loaded his pistol again and advanced.
Fell looked around the room, and his eyes rested on Reikoff. He raised his pistol, aiming perfectly. As always.