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  1. Oh yea and before I forget I think MM's should be able to customize their minions! I know its an unrelated request but WHO"S WITH ME! no , but seriously...
  2. I have been into RPG's and running old school pen and paper RP games since I was 11 years old (I'm 36 at the time of this post) but it is my belief that each booster pack should have its own "travel" togg wether it be fast(ninja run) or slow(Undead stagger),give you some kind of resistance(Mek walk) or effect(Magic). I think it would make us all happy in the end. Players would get more things to customize their toons and the Dev's can get paid... see it all would work itself out!

    I come from infinity and travel to the void... my global is Grimm Brotherhood and I would be more than happy to put some of my endless ideas to some use.

    As long as I know... well , that's good enough for me.