Grey Pilgrim

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  1. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    Voo- I'm only five more bulbs from having Grant Cover. Lucky you!
  2. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    [ QUOTE ]
    Respec, take Taunt out and get Grant Cover as soon as it's available. Real Tanks don't need Taunt anyway!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll remind you of that when I respec out of it and all the squishies complain that I'm not keeping that angry boss or AV off of them. Hehe.
  3. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    We have a fair amount of people at 40, so I was planning on getting Tulkyas to 40 (or a bit into it, depending... he's about halfway to 40 currently) and then turning off xp. Got to love that feature!

    Though I'm sure Voo will want me to get as close to 41 as possible so I will have Grant Cover, and he can stop, ummmm, talking about it when I'm on the same team as him in Isos.
  4. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    Sweet! This makes me glad I didn't try to make a bigger team to fight Jurrasik when I saw him in Crey's the other night. As for time, I'm okay with either, I think. Probably going to keep tonight relaxing- last night was rather busy.
  5. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs


    So, we doing anything this week? I wouldn't mind doing a Numina TF so Tulkyas can get the Task Force Commander accolade, but I'd be up for a Hess or something. But hey, whatever people want to do!
  6. QR

    Wow... lot of stuff here that I've never even heard of.

    For me, I'm listening to a little of this, little of that.
    Radiohead - In Rainbows
    The soundtrack to the movie Once
    U2 - Whichever of their many albums sound best to me at the moment.
  7. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    Probably out tonight as well. I might play some, I might not, but if I do play, I need to get Menelmacar- he's sitting at 48, and that's bothering me. I COULD use the LGTF to help level him up, but he's got to work through the remaining Praetorian missions he has, so he needs a team for that... which is hard to find teams for (generally need a tank, for most). I suppose he doesn't need the Freedom Phalanx Reservist (or is it Portal Jockey) as much as my tanks or scrappers do, but I kind of want to do it.

    Maybe I'll change my mind later, but I already worked through Maria Jenkins, so I kind of want to finish off the whole stretch. Meh. We'll see.
  8. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    Indeed. There are an insane amount of Rikti in that room (plus ambushes), and we cleared them all! Cool! Think I made enough for GP to get his last set of Scirocco's, though it depends on how much the salvage will cost me.

    Pulling the Rikti into Hami was quite slick, too. How did the yellows get dropped while we were hitting the Pylons, though? Just someone else attacking them?
  9. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    Looks like I should make it just fine tonight with GP, since he needs the badge, and the merits are always nice, too.
  10. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    Sounds peachy to me. I should be able to make that unless my wife has something planned I don't know about.
  11. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    I should really get another one of my heroes into ITF range. I have a 34 WP/DB tanker that will want to make use of all that Roman costume stuff. Tulkyas could use some of it too, I guess.

    As for what TF, we'll have to make a call at some point, though. Heh.
  12. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    Whatchoo talking 'bout, foo? Villains are EVIL, we don't play those!

    If you guys want to run an SF, go for it, but I have zero villains on Victory. I'd be up for a Lady Grey, Hess, or Moonfire TF since Grey Pilgrim needs all of those, but the majority rules I can find something else to do if you run an SF.
  13. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    How do you keep out of GW's heal range with that approach? My problem was that she kept moving, so then I had to, as well (we sometimes managed to hold her in place, but not always). Scirocco and BS kept attacking from range, too, and I didn't want to move around too much and screw up the buffers, the team's attacks, or get the team in range of some attacks.

    Also... wouldn't your approach get you in pretty close to the Flier? Or is that just out if its range (seems like the flier would be away from Recluse's range, too, if that's the case, but people say to take it out)?
  14. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    My only problem was the they all seem to want to stay at range but GW (well, Mako too, but Scir and BS stayed at range when I moved from them)... so getting them close together so Taunt hits more than one is tricky, since only having one of those hallways clear didn't offer any ways to get out of LOS (the walls didn't seem to have any good points for that, but maybe I'm recalling incorrectly), and with the team around, there are only so many ways I could move them around safely.

    I'll probably get better at it if I do it again, but it still is tricky.
  15. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    Taking on all 4 AVs is the best? That seems like it would make things more difficult, but being able to handle more than one is certainly a good idea, too.

    Funnily enough, I had never understood that when fighting Aeon, he makes many copies of himself. Somehow after all my reading, I had never understood that. Makes that fight pretty nifty and rememberable, though.
  16. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    Wow, that was quite fun. Also kind of funny that fighting three of the Patrons at once was easier than Dr. Aeon (though we aggro'd Aeon before we were ready, I know. Probably would have been okay still if I had used an inspiration or two, so sorry about that). Heh, and finding the Security Chief took longer than Aeon!

    Having your defense up to 75% is very much needed against Recluse, you guys weren't kidding. At one point I had lost track of my defense numbers, and didn't fire off a new purple when I should have. He hit me regularly when I was at about 48% defense then, and that hurt. Even at 75%, we had a couple hairy moments with the red tower up, where he somehow got a hit or two in. *shakes head* Thanks for the buffs again, it helped a lot.

    Where were all those unique bosses in the Thorn Tree mission? Did we teleport past them? I thought they were in the Tree room itself, but I guess that's wrong?

    I thought GW's heal was longer range, so sorry I was running around so much. Anyone know about how long they are? 20 feet? She was fairly close and not using it. Having SB was very nice for going against all 3 AVs... I had to cycle it between Scirocco and GW, or they'd move to the team... Scorpion was happy hitting me from range, for some reason. Focused guy, eh?

    Thanks for showing me the ropes, all. It was great fun, and I think I could join an MSTF just fine in the future (or another States run, which I would love- fun stuff!).
  17. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    9:30 Eastern should be fine by me, but I'd be fine with 9 PM as well, so it doesn't go as late.
  18. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    *prepares to use RoTP more times in one STF run with Grey than he has in all of Grey Pilgrim's career*

  19. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    Hover still works well for KB protection. You just get flipped, not thrown back, so the time where you are "knocked back" is a lot shorter than it would be. Also, if you're mezzed, you continue hovering. So you don't fall into melee range of anything nasty like a Rikti boss any more, which is handy.

    As for the KB, well, this is why it's retarded that Dark and Fire Tanks don't have -KB resistance. The -KB in the other sets just dwarfs Acrobatics as well as the -KB IOs, and it makes overpowered things like this just harder to tank. Fire already has less resists, etc. so adding the kb on top of it is stupid. I have 2 -KB recipes on Grey and am working towards a third via merits or inf, whatever comes first, but it doesn't sound like a third will help anyways. Oh well.

    While this is certainly not a Master run, it's nice to know all the tricks so maybe I can do one at some point with Grey, so this will be interesting.
  20. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    Hmmm, so any tanking thoughts? I understand you're supposed to kite with GW, but what about the other three big boys? Just make sure the AOEs are pointed away from the team? How about Recluse, just stand toe to toe with him so you know he won't be using energy attacks?

    I probably don't need all of this, but I like knowing how things work and responding in kind, so thanks for the feedback.
  21. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    Oh, you're making me feel all weak.

    Does Recluse have any odd-hitting attacks? I have Grey at roughly 20% to pscyhic and all positional defense, so I'm just wondering if Recluse has any of those annoying untyped or non-positional attack thingies. I thought they were all psychic, but I just wanted to be sure, since I had never heard anything on the subject.
  22. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    Nope, I wasn't saying it was bad, I was just wondering what made some of the deaths happen, since they were heavier than previous ITFs we've done. Not sure if we ever had a team wipe. Well, depends on your opinion of "team wipe." I think I was the only one or two surviving at the end of that first mission, since Psyche takes FREAKING FOREVER to do her little prophecy thing on that altar. Yeesh.

    AVs were quite easy, I would agree, though we were helped by the 2nd ambush getting clogged in the doorway instead of coming out to us.

    Sarrate, the advice is appreciated, though I still think that Ghost Widow hold is stupid, not matter how "intended" it is. I guess I don't have to worry about oranges TOO much, since I have Tough as well with GP, so I'm already sitting at 70% resists, so I don't have to add too much.
  23. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    I'll be sure to stock grab some oranges and purples in my SG for that last mission, so Grey Pilgrim will be able to take the heat those AVs dish out- especially Recluse with the towers. Do I need to stock breakfree thingies for Ghost Widow, or what?

    I had her drop the "hold of love" on me in the new Daedelus arc, so I know it's not fun. Though I did get to nuke her and her spawn with RoTP, so there was some fun to it, at least.
  24. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    STF is still the only TF I haven't done, and while I have heard a lot about it, it would be fun to experience it. But as I said, I'm up for whatever.
  25. Grey Pilgrim

    Friday TFs

    Yeah, I have that 40 -slow protection now, too. Nice stuff, since slows are just evil always, but especially to a Fire tanker being the main tank.

    So, Viv, Hess this weekend? Moonfire? States? LGTF? I need them all on Grey Pilgrim, so I'd be up for any of them. I'll probably play most TFs, though, since I'm in it more for the inf and company than a badge.