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  1. Gentleman_EU

    Animal Muzzles

    Like several people who play city of heroes I want to create some anthropomorphic characters, IE animal heads in the costume creator.
    Frankly, the beast heads are very limited and putting animal ears on a human head simply isn’t enough.

    Several other people have posted they want more animal heads. The demand is there but are there enough of us for NCsoft to take notice of? Also creating all those new head meshes could be very time-consuming for them, especially since they’ve already made us ears.

    I suggest a compromise.
    Instead of full-blown animal heads they could make animal muzzles.
    To me they are one of the main denominators of the anthropomorphic and could simply be placed on the human heads.

    They could be placed in the second details category and would be placed over the nose and mouth, giving a very animal-like image.
    It would be less work for the developers, the players could combine them with the existing faces and ears and they’d be compatible with the masks, hair, helmets and hats.

    Since the developers are giving us animated tails this addition would make sense.
    I for one have several anthropomorphic characters in mind and if this were a booster pack I would buy it.
  2. I'm looking to unlock the nemisis guns but if I get it will they be unlocked for my account or just that charicter? Also, are they available to use for custom groups in Mission Arcitect?