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  1. Would that be a sure date already?
  2. Sorry can't make it at that time. Good luck with it though.
  3. So are we still doing this?
  4. I might be there with Flame One(lvl 43 Fire/Fire tank), preferably on Wednesday though.
  5. I'll surely be there with my lvl 41 tank Flame One
  6. hey guys sorry i couldnt make it, the power here went out along with my internet conection
  7. I'll be there with Flame One(as always...)
  8. Ok since i'm one time zone apart from you guys then i guess it would be 2pm for me right?(i'm in spain)
  9. I might be on with Flame One if there's still space.

    Edit: For both.
  10. Count me in with Flame One.

    Btw where do we meet?
  11. Flame_One

    Fire sword

    Hello again,
    Well, thanks for the info. I'm kinda thinking about respecing it out since now that i'm lvl 38 i dont see much use for it anymore.
    Thanks again for the info.
  12. Flame_One

    Fire sword

    I was just wondering if the fire sword power is worth taking. I dont see it much on the builds i see on the net, and yet i see so many people use it in-game, so i'm starting to think it's not that good of a power.
    Any coments about this?
  13. it's true it was so fun although xp was kinda low