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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Wasn't it lieutenant uhura that said the "the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few".

    It would take someone to really go against the grain of the sg members interests to warrant a kick.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It was Spock to Kirk when he sacrificed himself to save Enterprise, iirc.

  2. IRO the base stores, my first reaction was that HO's were the obvious choice as theres not an infl shortage in the SG.

    I will deposit my salvage for u to play with Plight & happy to donate enhs, I dont use anything but damage really!

    PS - gonna be working on COV this weekend.
  3. I think mid-July for me...still a long way to go!

    I can't claim any "firsts" except maybe being a certain Stone Tanks first son :P
  4. Big Hugs from me.


    Well done!
  5. Zoinks!

    Have to remember to take some screenies then!
  6. I am happy to sk any healer to help get the heals up. We could duo quite effectivley, I will run sans armour and let the heals take the slack.

    Usually always teaming - when not I am catching up (or trying to) on arc missions.
  7. Will create a Villain sometime, but want to get a 50 first. Might be a nice break before I start on a PB/WS.

    About to log on to check the shiny base
  8. FireBeetle_EU

    Tank Playstyle.

    [ QUOTE ]
    One thing that I've noticed is that some tanks tend to herd a bit too much. IMO the tank should not be away from the team herding for much longer than 15-30 seconds or he is wasting everyones time.
    Unless there are 2 really close spawns I would just get one spawn and make sure they all see me, then duck round a corner. If I'm soloing or duoing I might get more than one.
    If you try and gather up 3-4 spawns on a large team you end up with so many stragglers, clearing them up afterwards takes longer. Also you can only have 17 enemies attacking you and can probably only keep 10-15 taunted ( aura is 10 closest, + taunt is 5 ranged and punchvoke is 5 but they are probably in your aura ).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yes, I agree with that- too much herding means too much aggro and a face plant at my level. Been there, learnt that lesson!


  9. You mean the team could manage without me!
  10. FireBeetle_EU

    Tank Playstyle.

    I am only at lvl 26, so I am not an expert Tank (this is my first Tank alt). My observations are:-

    1) communicate with your team;
    2) be aware of the composition of the team and the likely weaknesses/strengths inherent in the group;
    3) in most situations I use my AOE taunt (Mud Pots) and aim to get centre/farside of the mob while the team waits. I secure the mobs aggro then PBAOE with combustion - which is the teams signal to open up. I then use taunt to draw any loose mobs to me;
    4) corner pulling is really useful;
    5) the biggest problems I have are: (a) the blasters opening up too soon; (b) mob scatter due to AOE rains; (c) holds going off before mobs are gathered. Talk to the team (see (1).

    Those are my observations. I love tanking and get great satisfaction from working with them - I think they enjoy it more too as a result.


    (edited for grammar)
  11. Plumbers never turn up on time in my experience!
  12. My 2nd post (first was on a wedding thread).

    Just wanna thank the guys in the SG for making me feel so welcome, and the coalition members I have met make for a good community, in particular, Plight, Sinergy and Nova. Kudos to you.

    IMO communities are what makes a MMOG. I look forward to being able to put something back in (and not letting Sinergy XS die too many times!)
