166 -
Quote:This thread is going to be so much fun to re-read in about three weeks.
That it will Pete, that it will.I will be at the front of the class holding my "I told you so!" sign!
Oh, and for the record, if by some miracle the power sets actually do go live before release I will still be in the front of the class, but this time holding a sign saying "I was wrong, you were right!"
The thing I find funny, is not a single person who has disagreed with the release dates has yet to produce any solid, non ambiguous information by a Red name that says "Yes, you will get those power sets on LIVE servers several months before release." -
Quote:Funny, because I am trying to figure out the same thing about your understanding.One set(dual pistols) will be available in Mar. if you pre-order GR.While the other(demon summoning) will be available in April.I've read carefully many many times. Why would they release them early........In my eyes its a promotional thing for pre-ordering something. Like GG said maybe you should read a little more carefully.Many others will tell you the same. x2 xp is for Live Servers. Never have i heard it for beta. Don't they usually just auto level toons in closed beta for high level testing anyway? I'm just trying to figure out what part of the red name posts dont you understand.
Oh, and for your information, No, they don't just auto-level toons for high level testing.
And yes, DXP applies to both Test and Live servers which is what Avatea was referring to. -
Quote:Dude.This is what Avatea said...................
Get excited because one of your favorite times of the year is quickly approaching - Double XP Weekend! All the fun begins on March 4th!
What is a Double Experience Weekend? It's a three day stretch of time during which all participating Hero and Villain characters receive double the XP, Influence, and Infamy for their accomplishments in game. All you have to do is log in and take advantage of this opportunity to level up your favorite characters twice as quickly as normal! And if you pre-purchase Going Rogue, you'll be able to take advantage of all that Double XP has to offer while wielding the Dual Pistols power set!
But it doesn't end there. We're also having an Account Reactivation at the same time! This means that all inactive accounts in good standing will be re-activated free of charge and given access to City of Heroes and City of Villains® during Double XP weekend! So grab your friends and loved ones and get them back into the game so that you can play and rack-up the phat loot together!
read it thoroughly again.Whatever your missing about it saying that dual pistols will be available by Mar. 4th is beyond me.
I am well aware of what Avatea said. Show me where it specifically says "on live server".
Avatea is talking about the people on Test who are testing the Dual Pistols set will be able to get Double XP as well as the people on Live. Dual Pistols is an integral part of Going Rogue and it will most likely not be released to Live servers prior to the expansion going live.
So I refer you to your own last paragraph. Use comon sense, do you really think NCSoft plans on releasing just one powerset of a whole expansion 4 months before it actually goes live, just for 2 months, and then take it away for 2 months, and then give it back again when the expansion is finally live in July? Really?
Quote:Remember Going Rogue? That's right, how could you forget? Well, you have the opportunity to get access to the Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning power sets in March and April, if you pre purchase City of Heroes Going Rogue (MSRP $29.99 USD)! You will also be able to get your hands on an exclusive item pack if you get the City of Heroes Going Rogue: Complete Collection (MSRP $39.99 USD), that will be available when Going Rogue releases in July! -
Quote:It kinda has been confirmed. A red name posted that we'll be able to utilize the x2 xp weekend wielding dual pistols.......so that kinda says, yes if you pre-order you get to play dual pistols early.From other posts by red names, thay say demon summoning will be available in April.
NO, it has not. You must not have read my whole post, I will repost it here again for you.
Quote:No, it doesn't mean that. You also need to earn XP on Test server, which is the only way to level toons to experience new power sets. So, no, that does not necessarily mean they will be on Live on March 4th, nor that they will be on Live servers at all before launch, the wording has yet to be clarified, and remains ambiguous.
It is extremely unlikely that Dual Pistols are going to be on Live servers 4 months before the Expansion goes live, that would make no sense. Especially considering the part where they don't mention what happens to them for the months of May, June and July. -
Quote:Already happened. It will happen in stages, if you qualify for them you will receive an email, also if you can access the Beta Forums then you have access.the only question I have to ask is, when do they start sending out invites to the test server? or is it a open invite?
Click here to check - http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...12#post2600112 -
Quote:yup pre order gets at least duel pistols early on live servers cause the annoucement says and I quote
(here is link to quote from announcement section )
So leveling up with duel pistols means they'll be on live
No, it doesn't mean that. You also need to earn XP on Test server, which is the only way to level toons to experience new power sets. So, no, that does not necessarily mean they will be on Live on March 4th, nor that they will be on Live servers at all before launch, the wording has yet to be clarified, and remains ambiguous.
It is extremely unlikely that Dual Pistols are going to be on Live servers 4 months before the Expansion goes live, that would make no sense. Especially considering the part where they don't mention what happens to them for the months of May, June and July.
And not to be nit picky or anything, but its DUAL Pistols, not DUEL Pistols. -
Actually, they will continue to be tied up with the numerous fixes and patches that follow every new release or update.
Quote:Well, hopefully we'll see more stuff that can be enjoyed by everybody. I for one am looking forward to the new end-game prospects since my favorite character to play is one of my 50's, and it would be nice to have even more things to do with him.
(yeah, that's more time not leveling, but as you probably gathered I'd rather play than level)
And given recently it was revealed that WOW trialers seldom get over level 10? 20 isn't quite so bad
I agree, the toons i have the most fun playing are my 50's. The problem is deciding which one to play when I log in. -
The thing is, EVERYTHING you do now gets you xp, except sitting in pocket D. Getting to 50 is not hard, and I agree that it is now, and has always been, a thing of time rather than skill, but at least it was something. Now they are taking away even that, so it literally has zero meaning.
Getting to 20 can easily be done in two play sessions, especially now with the improved leveling speeds from 1-20. As previously stated they already had the Cape as a reward for getting to 20, perhaps they should just move that to level 1 instead where it should have been all this time.
Anyhow, apparently all the casual players read the forums far more than the casual+ players who are probably too busy leveling, hehe. I am vastly outnumbered and know when I am in a fight I can not win so I will throw up the white flag and move on. -
Quote:Right here.
All three of my 50's took about 2 years to achieve. Two of them even had the benefit of XP smoothing. One of them even had RestXP in his favor. My Elec/Elec blaster is now 41 and is over two years old.
I'm curious to see the data mining and interpretation of that was on the devs side.
So because you have alt A.D.D. the rest of us have to have our challenges nerfed? nice...
Leveling is a choice, if you choose to goof around in pocket d, then hey, more power to you!
But, you could also choose to go level instead and lower the time needed greatly.
meh, its a dumb argument really. I got better things to do. -
Quote:The mantra of this generation. I want it all and I want it now, no requirements, no effort, just rewards!
I was DELIGHTED to find out that CoH is different in that I can get my fun basically right away.
btw; if you need to play a *EAT to have fun then you have may have other issues.
Quote:I like to believe that most people play video games so they can unwind from the hard work of their jobs, not to take the hard work with them
Most people play video games to have fun and enjoy themselves. To the vast majority of people, accomplishing goals, especially difficult ones, is fun and rewarding.
My point still stands. A reward is meaningless without an effort to obtain it. Most people that play MMO's want, or even need goals, they want challenges that have to be overcome, and to be rewarded for what they do.
They now need to remove the "Epic" label and just make them available at level 1 as just another AT for each side.
As I said before, I don't really care if its 20 or not, but the defense people are using for lowering the levels is just ridiculous. A casual player can get to 50 within a few weeks now. If you work at it, it can easily be done in under a week. A recent example is a new toon I rolled up, played him a couple hours a night and am now 47 and created him 19 days ago. Mostly Task Force xp, with a few sessions of radio missions thrown in. -
Quote:In YOUR opinion...not everyone shares that opinion.
But the fun of HEATs and VEATs is not unlocking them, it's playing them.
Quote:You know, I realised where that whole problem comes from. It's that ridiculous "epic" in front of the name. The devs may have specified that "epic" means the ATs are tied to the plot of the game more strongly, but to most people "epic" translates into "super awesome special mega thing of unparalleled excellence". Kinda messes up expectations.
And here's my question to you: After getting one toon to 50 and unlocking Epic ATs, what reason, then, is there to get 50? If the only reason to get to 50 is unlocking EATs, how come people bother to level several toons on both sides to 50?
I personally enjoy playing level 50's more than i do leveling to 50, so i consider it my "reward" for working up to 50 to be able to slot IO sets, and to be more effective, etc with my toon. I do not PL my toons to 50 either, I do join a farm here and there, but that is usually when I am unable to find a team any other way. Soloing is NOT worth it in CoX in my opinion, once you pass the teens it slows to a crawl while solo for the majority of players/toons. -
Quote:As well as a large portion of the player base.
That's not really interesting though. The question is "simply" if it's worth spending resources on developing the MA, and the devs clearly believe that this is the case. -
Quote:Feel free to post your own opinions, but do not deny me mine, nor alter what I have said. Thanks.
Yes, I PL when I want to get past that dead part from 12-20 when all you get are travel powers and fitness, however I have also run some amazingly good arcs, and continue to do so through AE.
We have some very creative people making some fantastic story arcs, and I am glad they will be getting more options to further build upon their already considerable talents.
They pretty much nixed the PLing capability of AE with the Boss farm fix and I was happy about that. I personally am glad they added the ability to alter your level/team size. That way the farmers aren't looking for fillers and quietly farm away in their own little world not bothering me or anyone else. -
Quote:I'm quite happy with all this, including the *EAT change.
* I've got a few friends, who due to chronic alt-itis, have never gotten *EATs, even after several years of play. And they're better than a lot of the *EATs I've run with in the past in PUGs.
* Hitting 50 is no indicator of player skill. Just that you received XYZ many XP. You could've been door sitting the whole time, paid someone influence to powerlevel you, etc. Hell, if the account is shared then they could be piggy-backing off of someone else.
* It takes away one more reason to make cap in the first place - its no longer a necessity to earn an *EAT! One less reason to rush, one less reason to OMGPL, etc. Maybe common sense for most of us, but not for new folks, certainly.
* Makes the game content more accessible.
* Admits that alting is such a MAJOR part of the game that its not even funny.
I am very happy with all of this.
edit: And if anything, its a slap in the face to RMT/powerlevelers. Your "services" just became *that* much more irrelevant, you got one less thing to sell. GO AWAY.
The *EAT changes will have zero effect on power leveling or any kind of leveling for that matter.
That aside, the *EATS were meant as a reward for putting in the time and effort to create and then take a character to 50. Your reward was being able to create one of the "Epic" characters available depending on the side you played.
Tell me what is "epic" about getting to level 20? NOTHING, especially with i16 and the huge increase in xp you get and reduced number needed to level from 1-20. Might as well just make them available at level one, hell toss in a cape at level 1 as well. While you are at it, might as well give all five costume slots available at level 1 as well.
All this does is trivialize the *EATS even further than they already have been with the extreme ease of leveling. If people, after years of playing, don't have a 50 yet then that is their choice. If they want a *EAT then they can earn it just like everyone else. Saying you have altitis, or no time, etc is a cop out. You can play super casual and have a 50 within a few weeks, a month at worst.
While I honestly don't care about this part of i17, I just think the reasons that people are giving in support of it are ridiculous and the people who are against it have valid points. -
I just can't believe they would give access to those two power sets on live, 5 months before GR goes live, then take them away for two months before live, then give them back when GR finally drops. That just seems so very wrong.
Which is why I am really trying for a Red response. -
I will also throw in my build as a contribution. I know I am over soft cap, but i like the cushion if gives me, and running ITF's alot it does help
Code:| Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build | |-------------------------------------------------------------------| |MxDz;1403;690;1380;HEX;| |78DAA5934B6F125114C7EFF0700ACCF0E88B96DAD237E53594B8F1B130A9ADA6A69| |8464C572A4EE102A304C80CB645377E00579AE8CA9D56FD08C6CF66F03C2EC4C4C4| |8D93F6FF63CE3DE7DCFF3D3353B9D8378478735B68D13B1DDBF36AD5BA6BF7FBD2D| |51FD88397AEDD11BA1022358ED62AB223A5B5E7F6EC46AD7ADE731BE9C9D2BE6CCA| |AE27AD6ADB919DC6F83671D86D4B577607D6F88771DCEB75AC2369F79D6E8B6FEE3| |A83AEF43C53DDB4DA03584AD0DD61F7CCF19C53A7E30C868983BE53B7F67A8D61AD| |627B03E90E17C05C16FE6BE892AE51403C039485AFCE681002926113C22640A3F4A| |0086B18BA12611804C324CC4709A9182102559AAAD2B82ACC55E17F541950E55755| |FE24FC5816D18240C40B6466E1108219513A2094EF114EE140413E5030F8D98779D| |35F082B978CAF84CD6F84E277421DAA74B2380AEA4D818DA65AB4C9549B107508F1| |E784E91704131C86D8A116CAB327C63CF48BA895C81C1DE7EA2FF29E841593FD097| |3879283108A71B2881529A44328A1EA13275C7F9FCE37052B33BCE29BF948E66757| |C51F909030A706307746A1950BC2EA3963C87845587B4D8881A7240FC0978CD3869| |BB30CB6DF84B68BAAED62934B79426B3CA10D9ED0064F6883271485B64BDC562CAD| |5148D3710C7CDAE5115CA20591B46A9D66C7DBEC789B1D67D871861D67D871025AA| |FABAA75AECA727A968BB35C95E3AA1C57F961AF2D1E9F7F2B4727DBDE25E48A84C2| |3542D52FC40E77D776F899161897B06F5E75C8BFA3075078CFEF123F8EE20742007| |6B2D483B2F8A52FF1604B3CD13834DA5509BB9C50E684B27A6302936F13FE705247| |7F458E03EA7B848846917460F289FED7F5C318EF157A18067D84728C7282F218E50| |9CA53141BE514A58E32FA39A98E5D474337506EA2DC42798B497A04248262A09828| |5194184A1C6506651E2585F20965F41BF75FF5B6| |-------------------------------------------------------------------|
Quote:This needs major clarification. Does this mean that we, if we pre-order, will have access to both power sets on Live servers 5 months before Going Rogue is even released? What happens in May June and July, since it only states March and April.
Remember Going Rogue? That's right, how could you forget? Well, you have the opportunity to get access to the Dual Pistols and Demon Summoning power sets in March and April, if you pre purchase City of Heroes Going Rogue (MSRP $29.99 USD)! You will also be able to get your hands on an exclusive item pack if you get the City of Heroes Going Rogue: Complete Collection (MSRP $39.99 USD), that will be available when Going Rogue releases in July! What's in that item pack, you ask? Well, a few nifty things like:
Or, does it mean we will have access to them on Test server for that amount of time, and then once it goes live we can make new toons like everyone else?
This is very ambiguous and has sparked several heated debates I have seen.
Please help! -
Quote:*shrug* Because he gave a well thought out, and detailed post with information to back up his claims rather than just post hypocritical nonsense. However, he could have done it without the veiled insult.(shrug) I notice you give a detailed reply to my post, but 'overlook' the reply to you from someone who actually knows what they're talking about, quoted here:
I addressed several posts in my reply, but I am not willing to put forth the effort to copy and quote everyone so I just took the first reply and went down from there. This first reply just happened to be yours. -
Quote:Yep, and when taken in context they are both pretty accurate. Since you did not provide any useful information here, other than saying "I think you are wrong since you didn't say if you worked in customer service or in tech support management" (which by the way is also a "belief" or "made up fact" since you do not know to the contrary.) I am assuming you just posted to argue with me so, however I will try to elaborate a bit.So the bulk of your argument consists of a 'belief' and a made-up 'fact'.
Unless you work in computer security, you have no idea how "minor" the back-end cost is. And unless you manage tech support, you have no idea what the customer service cost is.
The cost of implementing the fob device, when compared to the money saved by not having to deal with thousands and thousands of requests for account issues regarding hacking, stolen pw's, etc which ties up thousands of man hours will easily be covered and then some. Of course, this is dependent on the size of the customer base which greatly effects the cost savings that would be gained, so YMMV.
Yes, most people, not all, do not play multiple MMO's at the same time. Again, when taken in context, ALL players who play mmo's vs the number of those players who actively play 3+ MMO's will be far far fewer than the norm who play one, maybe 2 at the same time.
If a company can implement this feature while only charging a meager $7 for the fob and a zero percent increase in the subscription cost then the cost can't be that astronomical. I don't see why you guys are complaining about the cost when there will be extremely minimal impact to the customer, and it's not like YOU have to pay for it. This is of course assuming that all the situations would come out like Blizzard's did. If there was a corresponding increase in the monthly cost,more than a dollar or so then I might reconsider my glowing approval for this system.
Feel free to prove my "fact" or "belief" wrong if you wish, but until then I stand by them.
And yes, I do work in Tech Support and Management in fact, not that it makes any difference here. -
Quote:This is ridiculous, I said MMO's, not every game. Halo, Dragon Age, etc are not MMO's and are not the target of any large scale hacking enterprise looking to make a profit.If all MMOs had this feature, RSA stock would shoot through the roof. There'd be a keyfob for every game, or at least every game manufacturer. Where'd I put the Halo fob... no, that's NCSoft... there's the Blizzard one... that's Dragon Age... god only knows how many Final Fantasy would need!
Then there's the token infrastucture and authentication upgrades required on the back end. It's not the worst idea, but it would drive people away from trying the game out. How would trial account be handled? Would you get one in every box? Pay deposit until you decide to sub?
The trial accounts don't need them since they are not worth anything yet. If you decide to obtain a full subscription then it would be prudent to purchase one(a fob) and use it.
Also, I believe most people don't play multiple MMO's at the same time so there would not be an issue trying to manage multiple fobs, and the ones that do play two, maybe three at the most.
The minor cost of the upgrades on the back end would more than be made up for by the near complete drop in petitions and customer service calls regarding account hacking.