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  1. Good moring to you! Well i what to say thank you to SuperOz amd Escher there the only people that has told me the times the can do there call backs. So SuperOz and Escher i hope this works out for u because i tird of whating and now its time to do all my call backs! starting saturday 5/24 at 5:00 p.m califora's time my call backs start for slowbor and sundy 5/25 for Red Devile Dragon allso at 5:00 p.m califora's time! Sorry about that but i need to get it done a.s.a.p so be there five minutes befor 5:00! If u need to pm me plz be there its the only time i have for call backs this mouth thank you and have a great day!
  2. I am going to be on team speak all day today and most of tomarrow so drop bye if you want!
  3. for the pepple that do not know i am dragon not rial vestro! So that means i have two do call backs allso. ALl this means is were both haveing you try out for differnt parts in the series.
  4. All righty then it's the time to get down to bussiness! HERE'S MY THING WITH MY CALL BACKS! If your five minutes early your on time and if your on time you are late. Be there five minutes early and not on time that way we have time to get ready to work and not have to wait for someone to get a drink for the call backs so be ready for this.
  5. Sign on today if you can, we're on right now
  6. what is the issue that ur haveing i might be able to help u out
  7. if u still what to try out for a part plz let me know!
  8. After 6 is perfect, Rial will send you a copy of the script in PM later today.
  9. need actors for these parts

    LORD DRAGON: is just a barny bad [censored]! he knows that he is strong and he make it know.

    SLOWBOR: is super strong and has power over the eath. he allway angry and what to rush in to everthing with out tinking about it. love to confuse the hell out of heros with his name becaues he not slow he realy fast!

    RED DEVIL DRAGON:he a straight sterotiype demon killer! sounds like the devil off " the 1985 move legend."

    REPPER DRAGON:confident with is self, yet knows how to fight do to the differnt tipes of martialarts class he as tacken!

    FIRE DRAGON:is the little brother of repper dragon. he more aggressive the his big brother likes to get into fights all the time.

    DEVIL DRAGON: a hero that showed up at paragon city. dose not know how he got. there some people seem to be afraid of him and he dose not know why.

    RUTHLESS DRAGON: his name is ruthless what more do i need to say!

    DRAGON AS DRAGON 619 allready cast