
Caption Champ 4/23/10
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  1. Electric-Knight

    An Update

    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    If you go to the YouTube link I posted for the trailer, one of the recommended videos below is for a Japanese movie called Smiley. The thumbnail alone creeps the frick out of me. Omg that's disturbing.

    Everyone should take a look for themselves.....if you want to seriously be traumatized.
    The thumbnail was a lot better than the trailer...
  2. Electric-Knight

    An Update

    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    Awright, then go watch What's Eating Gilbert Grape. It really is my favorite movie of all time.

    It's a very well-made, poignant movie without any violence or creepiness.

    If you watch it, I maaaaay forgive you for devastating me.

    I really liked that movie! It's been a long while though...
    I just saw it in Tarjay for a very cheap price too... meaning to pick it up and watch it again.
    Based on Tunnel Rat's flakiness, I guess I shouldn't count on her joining us for a movie night in New York, right?
  3. Electric-Knight

    An Update

    Originally Posted by Chad Gulzow-Man View Post
    True story: I just got the new Scribblenauts game this week and one of the puzzles required that I give a cannibal something to eat.

    I figured, "Surely they wouldn't let me feed him a baby!" and put one in as a joke.

    Nope. He ate the baby.

    (I actually felt sick to my stomach with guilt afterwards.)
    You sure you weren't just hungry??

  4. Electric-Knight

    An Update

    Originally Posted by Tunnel Rat View Post
    What. The HELL. Was that.
    It is a scene from Raiders Of The Lost Ark... but you've probably never seen that!!

  5. Electric-Knight

    An Update

    Originally Posted by Tunnel Rat View Post
    OMG I know what movies are! I even watched one from like the 80s or something! I'm watching one RITE NAO.

    I think you and HoneyBadger should do running commentary on movies, like MST3k
    And, yes BP, she can put a few phonebooks on her seat.

    PS, miss ya, Tunnel Rat!
    I shall always cherish the Boils Aura you gave us!
  6. Electric-Knight

    An Update

    Originally Posted by Tunnel Rat View Post
    If everyone gets along for the next 20 minutes, I promise to punch Black Pebble in the face.
    Now we see the violence inherent in the system!

    (P.S. TR, that's from a movie)
  7. Electric-Knight

    An Update

    Originally Posted by Black Pebble View Post
    Back on track. Lets please table any discussions that are derailing conversations. We've all had enough last words and one more bit. If its from a few pages ago, its probably not something we should be replying to.

    I really don't think Hitstreak wants to log on at the crack of dawn to teach people to play nice with each other.
    Alls we was tryin' ta do was share some news about people citing inside sources and potential longshot plans to buy the game from them meanie peoples.
    However, there's a handful of folk that come in to every single thread on those subjects and start ever-changing goal posts of negativity.

    From now on... I will only respond with this:

  8. Electric-Knight

    An Update

    What we all need to do is discover our exact percentage of neanderthal genes and we can make fun of each other based on those values.

    The average is 1-4% for everyone other than humans purely from the African content (who have zero neanderthal DNA within them).

    "Anyone with over 0.78 doesn't get to hang out with us!"
  9. Electric-Knight

    An Update

    Originally Posted by Paladiamors View Post
    Hang on, hang on! Let's all go cherry pick examples from a couple of emotionally charged people, then try to claim the entire movement is a hatred movement!
    Not to mention there is nothing wrong with some of those "examples".

    Anyway... have fun all!

    EDIT: Actually, there's nothing "wrong" with any of those. The red letters and the electric fans thing are obviously on the attack (albeit in a limited form of posts on an internet forum), but they're not racist nor are they culturally hateful. They're just remarks expressing sentiment in ways that they either believed or were told may translate well in those ways.

  10. Electric-Knight

    An Update

    Well, there you have your proof, folks. Time to cast your votes.

    Silent votes are perfectly acceptable.
  11. Electric-Knight

    An Update

    Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
    ...But his/her actions cannot be blamed on hatred.
    You may need to consult your jerk translation dictionary to be certain about that...

    (Some may say, "wow, EK? Going there?" Yeah, because there is just no use in putting up with and attempting civil discussion any more. It has reached the ignore or laugh at and have fun with it point.)
  12. Electric-Knight

    An Update

    I'm just simply going to say this once for anyone looking on who may not be sure, so that they can, at least, make a decision based on who they'll trust a bit more (or, go ahead and search the Titan forums as well)...

    I Burnt The Toast's claims are just simply not true, folks.

    I'm not even a big part of the Titan Forums or anything. Most of them may not even know me by name or anything.
    I did, however, follow many threads and read over there and there wasn't a single element of endorsed anti-Korean racism/culture-attack.

    There were some people offering insights and some doing research on the Korean culture and discussions about miscommunications on both sides due to some possible differences and discussions on how better diplomacy could possibly be reached by understanding and using the kibun aspect of Korean culture.
    Nothing more. Nothing less.

    I have a longtime friend who works as a diplomatic liaison and this is exactly how they respectfully go about dealing with people from all over the world. It's not an attack to attempt to understand and use the culture of the person across from you in negotiations and/or discussions.

    No surprise, but, it is my opinion that IBTT is just firing off overly-charged personal negativity at the people of Titan Network.

    I saw one instance of inappropriate comments one time (and this was before any kibun stuff had ever come up). I reported the person's post, I sent a polite message to a Korean poster that chimed in and the bad post (and subsequent replies) were deleted by the moderators very quickly.

    You all know how TonyV and the Titan Network people roll. Anyone reasonable knows that any such hateful actions are not tolerated (unless you're a catgirl... then you deserve it).

  13. Electric-Knight

    An Update

    For anyone interested, the only seriously suggested (and acted upon) uses of kibun that I saw was in polite attempts to understand where the Korean decision-makers have been coming from and to facilitate better expression back to them that would properly communicate our collective positions in a way that they'd understand.
    I'm sure there were also some ideas about what to do if friendly attempts were still ignored... but everything to that point was still under the premise of being respectful and doing things the right way.
    Which, actually, despite some people's claims here, has pretty much remained in tact throughout.

    Of course, you all know me, right? Insensitive, foolish jerk-wad that I am and all!
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MaHaBone23 View Post
    Heh, my guess was

    No More Art So Fans Can Go Back to Ignoble Combat

    Steph is in Port Noble, Combat messages' default color is orange.
    LOL, I also was wondering about ignoble due to her location in Port Noble.

    I also was wondering about the particular painting, but decided pretty early on that it had to mean just "art".

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Llydia View Post

    And while I submitted Orange Text I was questioning if it was the part I got wrong because to me it means VIP status names on these forums. Which got me stuck thinking that Ig + (variation of Peebles) somehow had to be another forum user name. Congratulations on getting it, Electric-Knight, and now you know to have more confidence in yourself!
    Well, actually, I shouldn't have said that I "had" it... I was >< this close to having it...
    Besides getting turned around on the simple use of "orange text" and becoming fixed on "uncommon", lol...

    I just took "ig" and began going through the few words that started with it.
    And "ignoring" made me go, "Aha, Peeble's ring... buuuuut... I can't make any sense of that... Hmm... NEXT".

    Also, I had VIP instead of All Access... I only just remembered that.

    So, I missed it by... >< this much.

    Tim and CR... the bit I saw that I thought Tim was referring to was it looked somewhat like Stephanie Peebles was giving a rude gesture towards the orange text.
    ...Of course, being under the impression that "orange text" meant the text that flashes up when you get an uncommon recipe/salvage... "Okay, maybe she's mad at the RNG!!", LOL!
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    You did indeed!
    Congratulations ToadLiquor.

    Because I know people will ask, it goes...

    1. No More (ingame protest sign to be read literally)
    2. Art (random painting chosen and made too small to draw attention to any details)
    3. Sew (picture of a woman using a needle and thread to sew)
    4. All Access (this section of the forums note the dashes giving away the # of letters)
    5. Can (unremarkable on purpose metal can)
    6. Go (green traffic light, green means go!)
    7. Back To (Two backwards, clues include the last letter being capitalized again as
    in a prior puzzle also the letter direction is a word as in the "heads up" display puzzle)
    8. Ignoring (Igneous minus Neo minus US {leaves "IG"} plus Stephanie Peebles from Striga.
    Her plight is her wedding ring was stolen. I used photoshop to darken everything around except her
    hand to which I added a light patch of skin to show she currently has "No Ring" on. IG+NoRing= ignoring)
    9. Orange Text (An orange behind the word text. The color all my text has been for the 3+ years I've been on the forums)

    How it reads:
    "No more art so the All Access can go back to ignoring the orange text."

    (I would still have accepted if either "the" was missing as they are not actually
    in the puzzle or any other minor variation as long as all the individual pieces were correctly solved)

    What it means:
    Running joke that even though I have the largest, most viewed art thread on the forums
    (stickies don't count) over in the 606 section, over here in All Access, unless I
    am giving stuff away my posts are generally ignored.
    Man, I had that and just never had confidence in the ig part. Then I over thought the orange text... "orange text means uncommon loot drop!".

    I almost sent you a guess with "ignoring", but I didn't think (at that point) to use "ignoring orange text".
    Maddening to be so close when I am admittedly not usually very good at these things.

    Still hate you!!

    (still kidding!)

    Great job, CR!!

    And congratulations, toadliquor!
  17. Electric-Knight

    An Update

    Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
    Also, I can't make sense of the metaphor.
    I'm thinking: false/artificial ground created (for the thing they are trying to bolster).
  18. Electric-Knight

    An Update

    And, just my opinion and observations...
    If someone were to buy the game and all of that, I do not believe (for a second) that there'd be drastic changes made to the game before launching.
    This would be a salvage and launch operation. They'd already be spending a large amount of money for an 8 year old game that was shutdown and (financially) damaged in the process... spending more money and downtime for further development time (that'd change the game people want to keep playing) seems to me to be a terrible idea.

    Things such as the Paragon market and some other server considerations and adjustments may be necessary (no idea, but they may be), but any actual game mechanic features and systems?? That just seems like crazy talk to me.
  19. Electric-Knight

    An Update

    Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
    If somebody was to buy out the game after it had closed down, how long does everybody think the game would remain offline before they re-launched it?
    Just wondering what kind of timeframe people were thinking of here.
    Speaking entirely as someone outside of any such experience...
    I'd just imagine 2-3 months would be incredibly fast while 6 or so might be reasonable.
    Honestly, I have nothing to base this on. Just my gut reaction to the question.

  20. Electric-Knight

    An Update

    Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
    I loved Pigskin 621 A.D. It was my favorite computer-football-type game ever. I especially liked the Brian Colin art - see also Rampage, Xenophobe and Blasted - and how if your ball-carrier was tackled while carrying a weapon, there would be a brief scuffle and the tackler ended up with, e.g., a mace in his face.

    This is my only comment on this thread.

    I knew there'd be someone else out there who'd appreciate that!

    And, right, that was the name! I could only remember the Sega Genesis port's name of it!

    Fun game and yeah, his art style was distinctive and quite enjoyable!
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by TimTheEnchanter View Post
    I think I found something in that puzzle that probably wasn't even meant to be there. And now it's going to permanently screw with my ability to objectively look at it.
    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    Hahaha Yeah I know exactly what you mean.
    Hate it when that happens.

    After it's been solved I'd be curious to know what you think you discovered.
    Hahaha, I believe I see it as well!
  22. Electric-Knight

    An Update

    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    If someone bought the game, wouldn't it just be better to have everyone start from scratch, if it's shut down for a good length of time?

    That way new players can come in and level up with the masses who are now leveling up?
    I can understand this notion and (as someone who doesn't use fancy IO builds and is rather casual) I'd be happy just to be able to play and recreating my characters is not an obstacle in my fun. I do think I'd rather have my characters (and bases and all that) as is, but I'd be okay with starting over.

    However, I don't honestly think it would be "best".
    This game is amazing for playing with new characters because many people love to create new alts all the time and sidekicking/exemp'ing makes it all no problemo whatsoever.

    Comparing those aspects against removing everything that anyone had attained in-game and I can't see it being better to start fresh.

    We'd want as many people returning as possible and I don't think database wipes are on the side of that.
    Make no mistake, we'd have a lot more returning players than new players no matter what. I really don't think a wipe would bring in more new players nor would it bring in more old players.
  23. Electric-Knight

    An Update

    Certain people are attempting a rather impotent smear campaign against other players/forumites. Fortunately, it is entirely transparent... but arguing/discussing/debating with them won't accomplish much of anything.

    Not telling anyone not to reply to them... just suggesting it.
  24. Best thing was my name being in this thread... but then I needed context man... CONTEXT...
    And now I am sad...http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showt...08#post3354108

  25. I definitely have some of it, but it's not making sense yet, haha... really awesome job...