Castle already stated that the patch note explanation was ONE of the reasons for the change. I'd advise keeping that in mind before jumping to the "outright lie" accusation.
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It was under the context of Castle's quote in which he explained that LS, VS, and Turret were *PRECISELY* the powers that were targetted by this change. Now it's very possible that was poor word choice on Castle's part, but I took precisely to mean, deffiniton 3 on dictionary.com:
being just that and no other.
Although that's not the only definition, all of them suggest that something that is "precisely the reason" is the primary not the secondary or tertiary reason.
He also already mentioned that the bug/exploit wasn't even on their radar until recently. Even if it had been long-standing, the devs have never been in a habit of pointing out exploitative behavior before it has been fixed, why would they start now?
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In general devs don't point out nerfs because they don't want people to exploit them....rather obvious, right? In this situation however, the nature of these pets inheritance of recharge was well known and would inevitably come up in any discussion of these powers in their respective forums. Thus, as an already known....i hesitate to call it a bug...i'll say feature..bringing dev attention to it and explaining this behaviour is not intended would be more likely to make people think twice before taking advantage of it, knowing that it was impermanent. Consider, for example, Hamios that give to hit debuffs also causing to hit buffs. This is a known bug that devs have commented on in the past as being unintended. Although to be fair, Castle says that they were unaware of this feature, which would have made it hard for them to comment on.
but really don't see how normalizing a power to remove their OP'd nature is a nerf.
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I don't find Lightning Storm to be overpowered at the moment, but that's a different point altogether. Changing something that was a known, if unintended, feature for over two years, to me, qualifies as a nerf. But then, that would depend on what we consider the deffinition of nerf to be.