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  1. I'll be up for this, as it's one of the only hunt badges I haven't bagged for Dr Gullible yet. Weekend would be good.
  2. Yeah, should be able to make it. It's one of the ones I haven't done, so Dr Gullible, level 48/49 scrapper, will be at your service.

    I'm 1AT as well
  3. Mission completed with bags of time to spare. Thanks to all who attended.
  4. Okey dokey - that makes six, so there's at least two more spots open. We'll be meeting at the Brickstown station on Sunday at 11am.

    Since there are a lot of 50's wanting to do this it looks like there won't be enough spots to exemplar and get some decent xp: this is fine by me, as I couldn't give a monkeys about the xp (this is about the badge), but it's something everyone should be aware of.
  5. Ah yes - Master of Olympus, not Monkeywrencher.

    So far the only preference anyone's stated is to do it on Sunday morning, so it looks like we'll be doing it then.

    That's four of us so far: any other takers? A Rad will obviously be incredibly welcome, as the regen on the Kronos Titan will likely be insanely high, but all archetypes can come along (we'll probably need some more damage dealers, for a start).
  6. I'm up to the penultimate mission in Crimson's story arc, which means it's almost time to take on the Kronos Titan. The Master Of Olympus badge is awarded for destroying this behemoth, with the slight downside that it's in a timed mission.

    We've got an hour and a half to clear the mission and bring down the Titan, thus collecting the badge and completing my story-arc (leaving me just two I haven't done in the whole game - go me). I'm looking to get this done on Sunday night around 7ish, or Sunday morning at 11ish, which ever is best for anyone interested. The mission is level 47, but I may well be lowering the difficulty to heroic to ensure we can clear the area with no problems. The focus here is to get the badge for everyone on the mish, so xp is only a secondary concern.

    Any takers?
  7. Dr Gullible will do her damndest to get there.
  8. Dr_Gullible

    AV help desk

    It was indeed a bit of a slog through those pesky wolves, Ma'at. Five more minutes would have been enough, I think. Timed AV missions with 'defeat all' objectives surely are the suck.

    Gratz to all for the help though. Bobcat went down quickly, and Shadowhunter was a breeze. I'll be on again tonight looking to take down Neuron and Antimatter, so I'll look up those in this thread that have expressed interest, as well as the hardy folk from last night. And if anyone else has an AV they're tired of seeing on their mission list I'll be glad to return the favour.
  9. Dr_Gullible

    AV help desk

    While getting wiped out against Bobcat today it struck me that this wasn't much fun. AV's need a team of varied archetypes to take them down, and we three scrappers and a blaster didn't have much luck. Add to this the fact that I have Shadowhunter and then Antimatter and Neuron to face in the following missions and you have a recipe for depression.

    So, in the spirit of co-operation I thought I'd see if there was anyone else out there who needed help in clearing out their own AV missions, and who would in turn help me clean out mine. Mine's a level 43 bad guy, and I'm free to go out and AV bash anytime this week. Any kindred spirits out there?
  10. I'd love to be in on this, if there's another SK place available.
  11. Phew. That's a big map. Just over two hours for the final mission, and only a few deaths at the feet of the Crystal Titan. A fine team, helped along by a few level fifties who took pity on us and showed us the way. Thanks all, and well done.


    Night Wacher
    Mother Love

    A sidenote: for those in the thread who put their name down and didn't show up - let people know if you can't make it for things like this. We had a few no-shows for this, which meant we had to scrabble around for an hour before we had a full team.
  12. Slight rescheduling for Sunday, if we get enough people for the trial. It'll now be starting at noon instead.
  13. Thanks Tufty. I'll try and message him in game.

    Come on guys. It's not like you were going to be nothing on Sunday morning anyway. Unless you're a priest, in which your excuse is probably pretty good.
  14. OK. Don't all rush at once. Spiritess (lvl 39 controller has signed up , so that leaves us with six empty slots. Come on people. Eden's great. Sign up!
  15. Having reached that plateau of interesting missions men call level 39 I have decided to lead a team of daring, quick-witted and devilshly handsome heroes into the depths of the Eden Trial. Level requirement is 39 or above, though obviously anybody wishing to exemplar their way in is most welcome. It should only take a couple of hours to do, so we may go on a badge hunt afterwards if anyone fancies it (who doesn't have the prisoner badge yet?). Unless we wipe out, in which case we'll have to leave the server in shame never to return.

    Meet in Eden at the contact (maps detailing exactly where this is can be found at vidiotmaps). Sign up now! Faniliar faces most welcome. Unfamiliar faces also welcome, but don't ask for use of the Gulliblemobile.
  16. I'll be there. I need this badge for my level 38 Scrapper, so I'm happy to exemp down.
  17. Should be fine for me.
  18. Lvl 38/39 scrapper available if there's another sidekick space going Just tell me when and where.
  19. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Good stuff, mate.
  20. Pyro, if you ever need someone to go through Numina again with you give me a shout. I'll gladly give you a hand. Your mines and sniping took care of more than one difficult mob, and it was a pleasure to team with you. Really sorry about your missing out on the badge.
  21. Phew.

    We got there in the end. Even with a team made up of only Blasters and Scrappers Jurrasik was taught a lesson (with a little help from Amy Johnson and a couple of pet wolves).

    The team:

    Kat Anna

    Comiserations go to Pyrotorch, who d/c in the very last mission and didn't reappear. We waited for you, but it looked like you weren't coming back. Sorry, mate. This meant we took out Jurrasik with only four of us, which we were all pretty surprised was possible. Anyway, thanks to all concerned, and barring the few team-wipes an all Blaster/Scrapper team was always going to get, I think it went pretty well.
  22. OK, guys. Of the ten or so people who put their names down for this so far only 3 have shown up. Thanks to those who let me know they couldn't make it beforehand.
  23. Meeting at Numina, if anyone was wondering.