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  1. DebtClub


    When are they finally going to give in and consolidate the servers. They need to re-populate the game and consolidating the servers would do it. The game was always the most fun when there were a crap load of people on the server. I miss the days of the massive crowds under Atlas.
  2. DebtClub

    Fan Videos

    I can't express how happy I am to see this video thread back on here. The original site where I was hosting my vids ( went belly up so I have uploaded them to YouTube for your viewing pleasure. I initially didn't have them there cuz I wasn't happy with the quality.

    For high quality versions (aka- non-YouTube) you can watch them on my website. Please note that I am still in the process of uploading them so please be patient.

    [u]Debt Club Productions - Justice Server[u]

    Cells - Sneak Preview
    HeroFlix (First video I made. Yes, I know it's got a bit of lag. Still learning at that point.)
    I8 Wings Preview
    Matrix Test Effect

    [u]DJ Gibb Videos[u]
    The next two are NOT mine but were lost when the original thread went down. These two videos are incredible and deserve to be recognized. They were among the very first ones that were ever made.

    Scum of the Earth