17 -
Hey guys, is anybody prepared to give me 25 million Infamy for 25 million influence? if you are contact me @Death Bearer
Thanks. -
soz guys but i cant make the Eden Trial, so i will reschedule it for a later date which i dont have at the minute because im swamped with stuff and i cant do it because i dont have the time so sorry to all who wanted to do eden it will now just be the sewer again im real sorry guys
- (a very sad) Db -
Hey guys right saturday i will have to reschedule, it was only today i found out i would be on the team for rugby on saturday that means the Eden trial will be at 1pm instead of Noon BUT i may be able to get back home quickly so expect the invites between Noon and 1pm, Anyway the team so far is....
Eden Trial: Level Range 39-41
1.Me - Blaster lvl 50
2. Stone Giant - 50 Tanker
3. Destine - Scrapper lvl 40
4.Belina Byir - Defender (emp/rad) lvl 50
5.Flame one - 40 tank
6.Nefhel - 50 Tank
Sewer Trial: Level Range 38-42
1.Me - Blaster lvl 50
2. Globefighter. - Tank 50
3.Stone Giant - Tank 50
4. Kinell - Tank 49
5. Flame one 40 tank
6.Betty BB - 38 Defender
That leaves us with 2 Spaces left on Both Tf's! But both need to go to sombody IN the level ranges for exemp
If anybody has signed up or i have put somthing down wrong regarding the infomation etc. please give me a shout! im an idiot when it comes to trials
Anyway Hope to see you all soon!
-Db! -
Hey Guys!
I realised tonight i dont have the Eden and Sewer Trial Badges so im calling on you guys to help!
The Eden Trial will take place on the Saturday of this week starting at noon And the Sewer On The Sunday of this week also at noon! There will be no Meeting spot So the team invites will go out at Noon
So far the teams are:
Eden Trial: Level Range 39-41
1.Me - Blaster lvl 50
2. Jain Zhar - Pb lvl 50
3. Destube - Scrapper lvl 40
4.Belina Byir - Defender (emp/rad) lvl 50
Sewer Trial: Level Range 38-42
1.Me - Blaster lvl 50
2. Globefighter. - Tank 50
3.Jain Zhar - Pb 50
4. Kinell - Tank 49
We need atleast 4 people IN the level range for each Trial for lack of auto exemp, if anybody wants to contact me my global is @Death Bearer. Hope to see a good Feedback from this. Thanks All!
-Db! -
Ok Gab and Hawk thats no problem so the team is everybody in my last post -Hawk
That means we have space for preferably 2 Healers but 1 spot could go to another none healer hero! Thanks for all the feedback again guys -
Ok Guys the Team is now!:
Dwayne Pipe
Double Control
Dark Watcher
the last spot will NEED to go to an empath So if you want in and are a full empath or Kin Preferably then please sign up! (sorry to anybody else not an empath or Kin who wants in) -
Thats right all you Heroes out there im organising another Shadow Shard Ahaha! Goin crazy here! But who cares
The Tf will Take Place On the 1st Of September (next friday) at 12pm GMT, The Level range is 40-50, All Meet at the Entrance to Fire Base Zulu in Perigrine, The Badge for this (for all u badge whores) is Destroyer Of Strength, Hope to see a good feedback and we need sombody with Stealth/tp and preferably fly (for the landscape of FBZ) All leave your AT's and Power Sets when u sign up please!
(and yes i know i put Sarah Moore when its Sara ¬¬) -
Ok guys the team is now full it is:
Death Bearer (Me)
Quantum Scorpio
Dwayne Pipe
Healing Spirit
Winter Nite
Double Control
Meet outside the Entrance to Fire Base Zulu In Perigrine at Midday on Monday, hope u all show up! -
Sounds Good Double, that now sets the team at:
Death Bearer (Me)
Quantum Scorpio
Dwayne Pipe
Healing Spirit
Winter Nite
Double Control -
Great So the Team now is:
Death Bearer (Me)
Quantum Scorpio
Dwayne Pipe
Healing Spirit
Winter Nite
Thats one Space left! ty for all ure Replies! [img]/uk/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img] -
Ok the Team so far is
Death Bearer (Me)
Quantum Scorpio
Dwayne Pipe
Healing Spirit -
Ahhh wait Heh Sorry [img]/uk/images/graemlins/tongue.gif[/img] [img]/uk/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
Hey Guys im hoping to put together a team for the 4th Shadow Shard taking place on the 21st of this month (Next Monday)at about Midday meet at the entrance to FBZ in Perigrine and There are Currently 6 places Left Leave a message if you're interested or send a tell to me @Death Bearer
Union Toons:
Death Bearer - Level 50 Blaster
Db Reborn - Level 43 Peacebringer
Scrappie - Level 31 Scrapper -
Im Definatly Gonna be there on my 50 Blaster hehehe i like the Rv Badges [img]/uk/images/graemlins/grin.gif[/img]
im ok for the 3rd i will be on Death Bearer and my chat handle is strangly @Death Bearer
Ooooooo sounds fun! but my blaster will get killed so much without a respec!
so its gonna have to be my pb or i could go on my stalker and get u all annoyed Mru ha ha ha
CoH-Union Toons
lvl 50 blaster - Death Bearer
lvl 32 Peace Bringer - Db Reborn
CoV-Union Toons
lvl 27 Stalker - Lost Soul.
(O.o) You cant escape the bunny! (help him take over the forums!)
(> < -
Heh thanks guys it only hit me 30 mins later that i hit 50 anyway thanks for the gratz!
[b]CoH - Union Toons
Death Bearer - lvl 50 energy/fire blaster (only registered one XD)
Db Reborn - lvl 17 Peace Bringer
CoV - Union Toons
Lost Soul. - lvl 27 Stalker