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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Once this perception fades, once the game is molded to make 3 white cons a challenge from 1-50, by level 10 you've experienced the game. That will be it. You will feel no more powerful, you will feel no less powerful. You will take new powers merely to hold the line, to not fall behind the difficulty level.

    [/ QUOTE ]

  2. So, basically, we're looking at the purple patch revisted?

    Okay, I'm stretching things here, but to make +2 mobs a REAL challenge for the solo player, they're also going to be a REAL challenge for a group. In the Respec TF, we fight nigh-endless waves of +2 (than the highest member) bad guys. And they're mostly bosses. Assuming we're all the same level, then, We are going to be in for a hell of a fight, group or no group... and we will likely die. Why? Because we already die, and that's without +2's being, as you say, "REALLY hard" (since apparently they aren't, yet.)

    What's wrong with this picture?

    *And I'll say for the record that I will only leave the game when I stop having fun, and that hasn't happened yet. Just my 2 influence.
  3. My concern:

    [ QUOTE ]
    4. It's not fun to battle 3 white minions at 35. One of the BEST things about this game was, as it went on, you felt more powerful relative to the environment. This is different from most games where you become weaker later and MORE dependent on teams.

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    Right. I had trouble with 3 white minions at level 5. At level 30, I blow my nose with em. I got more powerful, see? And while they certainly hit a lot harder, i actually 'feel' like a superhero, because my fights are more epic and i'm doing things that early on i wouldn't have dreamed of.

    So if i'm going to be taking of 3 white minions for a challenge from 2-50...

    Egads. That's just boring. Nevermind that my respec TF is swamped with oranges and grapes (mostly bosses) already.
  4. Nice post, States. But...

    If I'm supposed to be challenjed by 3 white minions, Why do i have to face 5-9 at once in a solo mission? And why are they (post 30) worth piddling experience if i'm going to risk my life fighting them?

    [ QUOTE ]
    A single +2 minion should be REALLY hard - a single -2 minion should be pretty easy.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    So where in that does a +2 Boss fall? Impossible? AV? Instant Death? We're still going to be facing their like in missions, after all. (Rikti changes scare me the most about this - a pair of 31 bosses nailed my 30 hero for about 1000 damage on test. Regeneration scrapper, and yes, with tough and resilience. And yes, i died instantly. Granted, I probably have no business doing 2 red bosses at once, but if i can't even react to their attacks, then they're a wee bit overboard, being only 1 level above me.)

    So a +2 minion is going to be a tough fight? god forbid we ever feel like superheroes, eh...

  5. Well, seeing as how my i'm about to get nuked by hurricane Ivan, I guess i'll have to wait and hear what this was about.
