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  1. Oooh, you were still adding some builds when I started looking reading. The added builds, especially the "strong attack chain early" build was exactly what I was looking for. I found myself lacking a bit in the damage/attack department and wasn't sure what I was doing wrong. I have some out of place slots and have not taking Air Superiority yet, which seems to be a really nice attack to add into the chain. You've given a strong start with this build, but left a lot up to my personal taste/play style, which is great. I don't want my hand held, I just need a push in the right direction. Obviously I will have to make up my own choices after 20ish, but getting started, especially in this game can really scare off a new player.

    As for the sliding level scale thanks for the tip's there too. Once I get comfortable with my play and begin slotting my DO's I'll begin to experiment a bit.

    One more question though, the first sample build you have, you've taken both fly and SS, why would you take 2 travel powers especially so early in the build?

    BTW, feel free to PM me and tell me to sod off if I get really annoying But hopefully this will be my last set of questions.
  2. Cinderblock, GREAT GUIDE!!!

    As a relative n00b this is just an amazing, easy to understand, and informative guide. PBAoE, I've seen this in a couple of times and had NO CLUE as to what it was...right there, you won a fan for life

    I've just started a DM/Regen and have been plagued with a few quesions about the build, this has answered them in spades, and in basic enough language, even a simple minded fool such as myself can understand. Though I am left with one nagging question, and with your posted build it's passed nagging and straight on to screaming. Should I be slotting my /regen first for survivablity? I do alot of solo'ing for the simple fact most, if not all the folks I used to play with are gone or under other names (of which I have no clue). With your build you have most of your /regen slotted first with a few slots in the attacks to make sure your Acc is topped up.

    Now obviously there are 3 ways to look at it;

    1. Slot /regen first for survivability and damage is secondary at the lower levels as you'll be heroic until 20's-30's (I've seen a couple of posts/guides stating you should switch from heroic then, please correct me if I'm wrong)

    2. Slot DM first as this is your damage, and the faster you can put down your target(s) the less damage you will take. Now this seems to make sense with AT's like a blaster or scrappers with high burst damage, but with the very limited experience I have with DM/Regen I don't know if it would work.

    3. Slot both as you level up. Well on paper this might be a good theroy, but from what I can recall this doesn't work so well as you are left under powered on several key powers.

    Since I am leveling alot by myself, I would think slotting /regen first would make sense, but I don't want to gimp myself too badly in the damage department if I'm wrong.

    There it is, any tips from experienced DM and/or Regen's will be welcome on this.

    Once again Cinderblock, and all who contributed to this brilliant guide, Thanks!! I'm sure this took some time and I really do appreciate all the players who take the time to help out new and old players alike. It's a nice change from other MMORPG's I've played in the past.

    Oh and Happy New Year all!
  3. Thanks Cinderblock!

    I look forward to taking a look at your guide as well. It's always nice to see different take on the same AT. Make sure to give a heads up when you are finished with yours. I need all the help I can get at this point
  4. First off, Thanks Mike!!

    I've been away for a long long time...(I1) and have missed alot of stuff apparently. This guide is great!! I was a fire/dev way back when since it was the fastest leveling character, and I needed to catch up to some friends, it wasn't all that fun. This character is F U N!

    I was wondering the same thing as GeminiProject, as I'm only lvl 6 right now it is still a few levels off, but I was curious if the defence buff you get from CJ is needed or just a bonus. I like flight, would Air Superiority be a nice filler attack?

    Hmmm, old post I just noticed, hope someone can shed a bit of light on this for me. Thanks all and once again, THANKS MIKE!