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  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dexington View Post
    Perhaps you could **** off.

    Go back to your thread. We don't **** fat chicks.

    On an unrelated note; I opened a bottle of Sriracha Chili sauce and it sprayed it's malevolent mist into my eyes, temporarily blinding me. During my blindness I had a revelation. I realized that some of the things I've been doing are getting in the way of what's really important. Being bad at CoH.

    By the time I could start to see again, or should have been able to, if not for the tears, since I was crying uncontrollably due to fear and searing pain, the epiphany-moment was long since over and I chose not to act. I drank a bottle of Barton's vodka with cherry Kool-Aid; yanked to my recording of Critical Kat's voice as she sings cultural songs while chopping down huge trees and making syrup, and drifted off to sleep.

    The end.
    That is a very hot image.
  2. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silit View Post
    Breaking 60 in 10 minutes in this system is probably not possible unless people are getting rogue kills.
    We are probably the only team that can call 60 in 10 minutes. When I went through the tapes Exile does around 38-42 targets. But then again Gunrock does go rogue when he can't find the target so that is probably about 1/2 the time which means if he got a kill every time he went rouge they could in fact hit 60.
  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Artic_Chill_44 View Post
    Roster Updated
    You booted them just so you had an excuse to not play them. I am on to you Senor Artic...
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
    Hey guys,

    Evidently I missed a practice tonight?

    Would someone mind shooting me a PM on the nights we've got practice or a match? Or if we've set up a regular schedule, that would be outstanding to know.

    Thanks all, it's much appreciated.
    Or you can just make your own practices again. That was amusing.
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by DaveMebs View Post
    No I just really like Mrs. buttersworth
    And taffy
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Artic_Chill_44 View Post
    Appartently Frozen Viper got banned for 72 hours or Perma I removed him off roster incase it was perma. So Roster Updated again
    You must really want to get rid of him if you dropped him that fast.
  7. Let see the OP has Refractor in his avatar... Then Refractor makes a shout out to ware.gov (along with a whole bunch of people) I mean come on.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    I am CoH RP.
    I have seen them both RPing and Xanatos goes all out. He wins. Xanatos has been RPing coh for 10 years from what I've heard and the game hasn't even been out that long.
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Artic_Chill_44 View Post
    There is actually 7 teams in this league, which makes this league (if all 7 actually stay together and dont fall apart) the biggest league since the 2 freedom leagues ago, tho Im hoping we will see more from either Keepers team or Casual Champions Team in the future.
    I know Keepers team has formed 1 or 2 practices alrdy since they formed and btw its good to see u guys sticking it thru and forming ur own team, But I cant say much for the Casual Champions team, which if im not mistaken in their last practice vs FAP on thursday they only had 2-3 core memebers show up and only 2-3 draftees show up, how sad. I hope they can pull together and stay in this whole league, I would very much like to fight them.
    Please keep on topic.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Why won't Shenanigans practice?
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ArcticShu View Post
    Our dils are HUGE s0n!

    Silit needs to add you guys to the dilz chart on our GP.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Emo_Bitter View Post
    Honey Badgers have been called the most fearless animal in all the animal kingdom...basically we just don't give a pancake

    Cobra, an essential part of any balanced breakfast.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    I hate you
    As an ordained minister that is registered in both New York and Pennsylvania if you two decide to take the next step I would be glad to officiate the wedding. I'm sure vinnie could rp up an in game wedding as well.
  14. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    This thread is full of interesting info I can see why it has so many views.
    I thought all 3,000,000 were you looking at your boyfriend's team
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by _Velociteh_ View Post
    Yeah. 6 days. Just a reminder to make sure you finish PLing/IOing/Accolading toons that you want ready for the first set of officials. Also, any last minute practice matches that you want to work in would be a good idea, unless you are one of those teams that is too mad at other teams to practice with them.

    The official schedule should be up Thursday, or Friday at the latest.
    It's that Irish temper.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by SmokeSignal View Post
    I'm trying to imagine their children, but it's just too frightening.
    Philly is a craddle robber. But Hot is very mature for his age. I picture the child being Habachieyeyeye
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
    I would rather not spend 2-3 hours a night jumping on the cross floor pattern in pocket D when there could be practice happening. We've been reduced to practice in RV, lets fix this.
    First nights rv practice was pretty fun, but not as beneficial.

    Perhaps they fear we will demoralize their team and make them quit. Maybe they have a secret plan to not let us get practice. That has backfired they are the only ones not getting practice. I'm pretty sure chicken nuggets are more practiced up than them. Or perhaps their team realized they are fighting for 2nd and decided to throw in the towel. I would put money on exile beating them. Exile actually practices against a better team which improves them. Unfortunately there is no better team for us to practice. Maybe exile and shananagins can do a 16v8 against us, that still wouldn't be fair. O well.
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Borderline Boss View Post
    Just helpin bump your views by visiting this thread.. you're welcome =)
    Originally Posted by Phillygirl View Post
    What is going on between you two???
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by perilX View Post
    50 denarii on the dark lord.
    DLHCBoC cannot be defeated
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Fiery-Enforcer View Post
    Mebs is fat.
    Yeah I know.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Silit View Post
    Now accepting practices in the form of:

    CoH 8v8s
    Tf2 6v6+
    CS: Source 4v4+
    Tetris (TF/ToJ/BB/NP) 1v1-2v8
    SSX3: Submit your fastest time and I will make a video of me beating while doing at least 40 front flips.
    Trivial Pursuit
    1v1 BBQing
    1v1-3v3 Eating contests (Except HVND)
    1v1 Rap battle
    1v1 GP making
    1v1 Hand size contest
    8v8 lvl 4 pvp coh
    8v8 STF race
    3v3-5v5 LoL
    1v1 anemia contest
    1v1-14v14 Troll off

    We take on all challenges.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by The_Masque View Post
    Sometimes at KB all I hear is this:

    First of all, best KB night ever.
    Second of all, that spinezor moment + match was so amazing.
    Third of all, that video sounded exactly like him except the lack of redneck in his voice.

    Originally Posted by DaveMebs View Post
    Should've traded you instead of Punki in the Steve league.
    I love punki and all but there is no way punki could have blasted through the hangovers that PF had.
  23. Daknah

    Telth is mad

    Originally Posted by _Velociteh_ View Post
    Listen, I know it's cool to bash FV, but let me point something out...

    During your absence, he tried pretty hard to pull the team together, but nobody was communicating with him. If you had to dip you had to dip, RL first as always. By the time you came back you had basically 3 people who were still committed to the team. FV wasn't even the first one to drop, in fact he only dropped after he realized that 1 of your members had already dropped, and that a few more were already considering doing the same. I really don't think he is to blame, nor are you neccesarily, sometimes things just don't work out.

    I think you do need to recognize that he was trying to pull it together, but it just wasn't working out. If you don't believe me ask Artic, or anybody who talked to him on a regular basis about the situation.

    Sorry Telth, I've never had an issue with you, but you basically forced him into the co-captain role to begin with, and he took the responsibility when he didn't really have to. Saying that he is unfaithful or whatever is a huge slap in the face to him, I would imagine, and I really am surprised this is your reaction.

    Sounds like Kat is mad too. Someone insulted his fwend so hes gotta get angry.