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  1. DaddIes_Princess

    Moniter issue

    I upgraded cause Nvidea +vista woe's but found the commands buried deep to Stretch my screen and now she looks and runs great Thanks all
  2. DaddIes_Princess

    Moniter issue

    native for the monitor is 1920 X 1080 and before the newest driver could handle it well,
  3. DaddIes_Princess

    Moniter issue

    I have a Soyo Mtpc-dylm22r6 Moniter. And use a Geforce 9800 gt Nivida graphics driver. I updated to Driver 185.85 and now at max resolution 1920x980 I have black frame about an inch wide around my screen.

  4. *staccato beats drum the approaching Heals of Daddie's princess*

    Puppy is all ways trying to bet down my Bunny hole.....

    Oh miss Madison *friendly kiss for the cosplay*

    Hmmm Viv *deep Kisses for the cowgirl Even if she isn't backing the right team.*

    *nuzzles the sac person*

    Thanks for the coffee *several tender Kisses for the rook*

    Miss Wendy *checks to make sure Wendy isn't wearing invisible thong*

    *grabs her giant plate full of Miss Em*
  5. *stilettos announce the Return of The Princess*

    *licks becky*

    Snuggles neko and puppy*

    *long slow kiss for Rook*

    hay Em works been crazy

    *takes em hand and leads her off to get reaquantted*
  6. *Plops down looking disheveled *gasp carrying her shoes *

    The only thing that makes Mediation with the Ex better is being there ride home......

    I Lived, My say in my daughters life reaffirmed. So win I guess
  7. *struts thew Her usual less replaced with a Smart suit and pair of wired rim glasses*

    I have to head To mediation Keep me in your hearts

    *insert some thing funny from some one less terrified*

    Yeah mediations 13 Years flushed
  8. *feels a little less funky*

    Alex will wait
  9. *struts in her heals announcing her arrival.*


    *kisses Rook softly*

    Sorry I have been away, with the party and missing hand cuff keys, and found out I am working a ton of extra hours.

    Yay monies

    Boo, not a week I need that mediation tomorrow and I want to get together with a friend at it looks she and I wont be able to tell next Tuesday....B(

    Detra, Em thanks for dancing with me at the party

    and Detra Picts or a you and Wondie sleep over didn't happen
  10. Cap likes the Utters *sage nod*
  11. Yay I'll warm up the spankatron
  12. Thanks to Every one that came and made it a great time.

    I post Picts of the party But with a Sg Name Like DeNile you know we don't allow cameras [[or I was to busy having fun to remember to take pictures <.< >.>]]

    And a zombie stomp timied to a four play of Van Halen was epically cool

    thanks again all who made it
  13. Yay Big Pink Veggie Birthday Party!!
  14. DaddIes_Princess

    Airship Rookery

    *snuggles to keep sleeping cow girl warm*
  15. *raises her rifle and takes care full Aim to fire a warning shot at CA*
  16. DaddIes_Princess

    Airship Rookery

    Hay Madie *waves from em's lap*

    I see you pug puppies and raise you Black Great Dane Puppies
  17. DaddIes_Princess

    Airship Rookery


    *strolls in and fluffs and finds a comfortable spot on em*

    Hay alll

    *smiles and waves*
  18. {{hmmmm Ponders her anti virus]]

    [[I hear avast is still good and free]]
  19. *shurgs* I need reason to celibate

    Happy Birthday Flea