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  1. Thanks Neko that helps alot. I think i'll be able to plan my character properly now on Mid's cos I've got a better idea of what to take
  2. Thanks for that Miss_cheif! It really helps

    Now all i ned to work out is what DB attacks to choose!
  3. Hey guys,

    I've recently started playing my Brute and trying to get her to 50 but I need some advice on what powers to take. I'm currently lvl 31 and she seems rather squishy at the moment so any build advice is welcome! I've never had a Dual Blades before either so im not entirely sure what powers/combos to go for. Are there any that I should be looking to avoid? I don't fancy taking every power from the primary pool for the combos as defence is needed!

    I'm using TP as my travel power and the fitness pool is a must

    Please please bless me with your wonderful advice!

  4. I think defiance is pants, when you start using damage SOs and actually do stand around long enough to hit defiance it hardly gives you any damage boost what so ever. I remember testing it when i was lvl35-40 when it was introduced and i think i went up a total of 1dmg point lol. Its great if your lower in levels and not at the SO stange yet but it could be improved for the higher lvl blasters out there. Was a great idea, pitty its of no use