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  1. Agreed, I'm glad that it's getting fixed. I'm tired of hearing all my friends squee about Street Justice and Beam Gun and so on and me not being able to use it. :<
  2. Well, I'd be happy to pay that for a Gladiator's Armor +3% Def, even if it is a level 50 though a level 10 would be nicer. You can reach me at @Quicksilver Crane

  3. [ QUOTE ]

    HA! Then I was correct with my quote!
    *cuddles up near Manticore's leg and purrs*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I thought only Miss Kitty could do that...
  4. It's evil kitty power ::spooky noises::

    I've got nothing..................................[sobs]
  5. IMHO, the pistol set sounds great except for the last power, not being able to attack for 5 minutes would ensure that very few people would take it. Maybe giving it a minute recharge would be better, thus making it more in line with other scrapper final powers (although reducing the damage by a bit (maybe high would work, making it like Shadow Maul)) Either way though, that'd be awesome and would make a lot of sense (and blasters should be appeased, they do get 2 new powersets in I5) so I guess I'm hoping pistols for I6