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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks for the shout-out.

    Check out who I ran across. It's time to take back the deep fat fryers and make the oppressors pay.

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    OMG... That is so awesome! Too bad he's a hero or else we could have teamed up.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Here is my attempt at Electro Chicken.

    It was a quick sketch.

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    Nice, very nice. I don't get why everyone wants to eat me though. A thousand "thank you"s to the artist.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    I'm not an artist but if you could stand in this Egg Batter then over to this large bucket of Corn Flower.. I'm sure we can work something out.

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    Ok, i'll do anything to help... wait a minute! That's not right. Can't people, chickens, and dinosaurs get along without eating each other. Well I guess them thar dinosaurs aren't E-Z to reason with.
  4. Wowza! I feel so popular right now. I guess everyone likes a good piece of chicken!
  5. I was wondering if anyone would like to make my villain into a work of art? His name is Electro Chicken (Electric/Electric Brute) and he was made by penguins in a toy factory, but that's not important right now. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could make some kind of cool design using these:
    Screen Shot 1
    Screen Shot 2