327 -
I agree, but that is the way it has been as long as I can remember. If you don't want to get shot while wormholeing: break line of sight. And you are right it's not a fix but it's a decent work around.
What I meant was it's easy for you to avoid this reaction by adding range enhmts and wormholing out of line of sight. The way it is now once you innitiate a wormhole they agro on you and can get a shot off on you. But if you are not in line of sight they can't hit you. I agree it's silly they get that free shot if they can see you but that's the way it is. Try wormholing standing with a wall or corner between you and the mobs.
On a big team, I am soooooooooo squishy. It's not even funny. I tried to wormhole for the team (I WANT to show off sometimes you know) and BANG, all the foes hit me. There is a split second of delay before I can teleport them into the hole and everybody targets me. I died in like 1s.
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Easy fix: add range enhmts and wormhole out of line of sight. -
Some folks have said that doms suck because they can't solo. Yet my doms solo fine. Some say that doms suck because they're bad for teams. Yet my doms get compliments from teammates. Some folks say that doms suck because they're not competitive in PVP. Yet I have fun and do moderately well in PVP (casual PVP, anyway). So in my experience, no, doms don't suck the way people say they do.
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This is what I am talking about, there are two answers to this question depending on who you askAnd it is all subjective to personal opinion.
edit: I happen to agree with this one. -
Um, you're making exactly the same mistake here--you're discussing someone else's opinions but not using their definitions of the words involved. Their opinion of what qualifies as "good" in that sentence has exactly the same relevance as their opinion of what qualifies as "sucks", but you're accepting one as valid and dismissing the other?
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No I was accepting neither as valid, just turning the phrase around to illustrate exactly what you just pointed out.
The question(s) is(are) inherently flawed since the answer can only be based on opinion and not everyone has this same opinion.
But enough alreadyBack to your regularly scheduled discussion on the shortcomings of Dominators
Maybe so
I think I will leave this thread alone
Nothing good will come of it.
Nonsense, I could just as easily pose the question: Are Doms as good as people say they are? Works both ways.
Saying Doms suck is different that saying a power was nerfed. When something is nerfed it is reduced in power. That definition I have accepted. However, saying Doms suck is totally subjective. Saying Doms do not suck is also subjective.
Not everyone says Doms suck and I for one think they do not. There are two sides to this arguement. -
Well, everyone is entitled to their opinion. But I do not subscribe to the "accepted standards of exageration".
I can understand that any downgrade to a power is considered a nerf. Acceptable.
I can not accept, that because brutes do more damage and some corruptors come close to a level of control that is sufficient, that Dominators suck.
But whatever, really this thread is getting old and it's always the same story every week. Hopefully the developers will make some improvements so more people are happy. Either way I'm still having fun.
edit: Exian, with all due respect you may not answer for me, you may answer for yourself -
Sure, it's reasonable to get the most you can or want more than you have. And like I said I won't argue that doms don't need a little help outside of Domination. Maybe we do.
But I do not agree that Doms suck. I think I have expressed my opinion on this matter enough so I'm going to let it ride. If you or anyone else thinks Doms suck, so be it. I just wanted to let it be known that it is not a universal opinion. Besides which it is totally subjective and unqualified.
Suck compared to what? Suck in all areas? Suck in damage compared to a raging fury filled brute? Suck in crowd control compared to a controller? Does that count during domination with powerboost active? etc. etc.
Not every AT shines all the time. Every AT has his day, his strengths and weaknesses. Do Doms have more weaknesses than strengths compared to other AT's? I can't really answer that, but from the ones I've played the answer is it seems fairly level.
Anyway I have fun on my Doms, so I guess that's the most important thing. -
I don't know. I didn't read any guides to make my dom's. I'm sure lots of people didn't either, then again some people need a map to find the front door of their own house
Sounds like you would be happy if you had corruptor damage? Heck, so would IBut I won't suck with my dom's without it.
Well the question wasn't: Are doms fine as they are? The question was : Do Doms suck? And the answer is no they do not suck.
I won't argue that they couldn't benifit from some improvements outside of domination, and that may even be what they need to put them on par with some builds of other AT's, but I will continue to argue that they do not suck -
In fact with hasten 3 slotted and ice slick 3 slotted with recharge you only have about 10-12 seconds down time.
edit: with so's -
wasn't a team it was a duo. Other specifics already given. No exageration, and he's currently deeply involved with his own dominators.
I've also duoed with corruptors who during encounters die while I survive to clear the spawn, and hear then say they could never have survived that. On ruthless, same lvl.
The missions were on ruthless, he was 1 lvl lower than me and yes I did kill most of the mobs before he could do much of anything.
My dominator used to duo with a brute who complained about me killing all the mobs so fast he couldn't build fury
If there was a "drama queen of the day" award I know who I would nominate
But seriously, you are exaggerating in my experience. -
I am also a little disappointed with the dom ppp's. I thought the same as you, but I guess I'll deal with it. At least the resist shields are there, the rest is ..blah.
Do dominators suck like people say they do?
I would imagine the person's dom who made that statement does suck
But there are more than a few who do not -
That is his work!
Ah to be a game developer/designer
I don't know what I'm doing differently as I can take out a +1 minion with just tf and bone smasher.
Looking back at a few pages, when did everyone start agreeing that Dominators are crappy outside of Domination? It's stil not true folks.
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Lemme guess, Plant/ Dom?
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I play 3 doms regularly plant/thorns, ice/fire, and grav/energy: not one is "crappy outside of domination". -
I was hoping for something outside of domination also, but if this is the way it is to be: So begins the great race to domination...
Thanks for the clarification. Looks like I will have to find a way to include hasten for all my doms now...
There is a difference between mez protection and mez resistance. Resistance will be ...meh
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I strongly suspect he misused the term; a lot of people do without th inking about it.
Mez resistance would be boarderline useless in PvP; anything that can mez us can usually kill us before the mez runs out, and even substantial resistance wouldn't change that. He probably means protection, meaning it will take more mezzes to mez us in the first place.
If he really does mean resistance, well, I guess it can't hurt, but I can't say it'd help much either.
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Exactly, I'm hoping for clarification.