1414 -
Yes, yes Mr Braithwaite is Awesome.
Quote:Gah! Another brilliant piece! Those blades look like they actually give her a ghost of a chance in the Comrade Hero universe. The left one looks practical, which makes it scarier. Pliers, not sheep shears, right?
Shane really does create masterpieces. If I could only get my brain around "Airhead noir" he'd be my first choice.
I was after something specifically pulp noir-ish as it would stand out nicely in the contestable arts applications I will be doing this year. Highly recommended artist.
As to what Operations is armed with:
The most difficult piece for Shane to do, as he had to incorporate holographic weaponry over the clothing that Operations wears - all in black and white.
Shane was asked to create a more aggressive version of Operations, a character with an ability to manipulate reality with the virtual in varied, useful and often lethal ways.
Inspiration came from Omni-tools in the video game series Mass Effect by BioWare.
Operations is Indian and it was fitting to try and incorporate holographic weapons that took her ancestry into account. What was settled on are stylized bladed weapons based on the traditional Pata gauntlet sword (right hand) and the Katara dagger (left hand). -
Congratulations on your first piece of Fanart and a bonus that you got this through a competition!
Quote:Considering Comrade Hero is a flier, I would say that a roller-coaster would be somewhat sedate.CH at the fair! Now that is a side of him we never see! Did he enjoy riding the roller-coaster, or is he feeling a tad green?!
The Felipe pencils look fantastic!! The colored version should be totally AWESOME!
And yeah, the pencils are currently being inked, and then the coloring. First of about ten to sixteen sample pages for contestable arts funding applications this year. -
Sample Page 4. Pencils by Felipe Watanabe.
Clockwise (from top): Comrade Hero, Four Five Two, Anderson and Operations.
Sample page work reference/promotional use in 2012 Contestable Arts Applications in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Quote:Comrade Hero isn't that ancient, and he does have a winning smile that isn't too frosty.LOL! I wonder how the young lady talked ancient, grim, cold-warrior Comrade Hero into a fun day at the carnival? Super art!
Be Well!
Quote:Well it looks like the younger version we sometimes see in the arts... Besides, reads to me as if she just can of grabbed him unawares
Quote:Loved the pieces! Think my favorite is the jumping out of the helicopter one. -
Probably the last commission piece of the year, and quite appropriate given that it's summertime here in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
Comrade Hero and Astra Kyne Murdock, an original City of Heroes character of author Mercedes Lackey. Something a little lighthearted and humorous.
Pencils by Ryan Stegman. Inks by Michael Babinski. To be colored by Sean Ellery.
Quote:Thanks a lot. Since holding and using a pen, pencil or tablet stylus for any period of time is pretty much out of the question for me (injury related), I rely on the artistic talent of others to breathe visual life into my characters. And sometimes, it's really worth waiting for the results!That is one awesome looking collection you've got sofar Comrade Hero! Gratz!
By the looks of it.. the wait will definitly be worth it
Quote:Shane's work is amazing! The figures look so touchable!
I really like Zip's too! The colors and lines are very crisp!!
And I really like Cruz's style! Like CR said about the scribbling of the helicopter and all the details to dwell on! I love to see drawings colorized! However, in this case, I think that it is perfect just the way it is without colors!
Shane's pretty versatile with both color and black and white, but I definitely like the pulp noir vibe he brought to these commissions. The last of the four won't be started until after the New Year (that crazy time of year...) - but the wait is definitely worth it.
Four Five Two by the very talented Shane Braithwaite.
Tried going for Gun Kata poses ala Equilibrium and John Woo but while the kinetic expressiveness was great for a sequential page, it didn't work to well for a single image.
However there is a nod to this in the symbol that Anderson is standing on/in...
When I was in High School I was part of the Kapa Haka group and we trained and performed with Taiaha. The one big no-no was that you never planted the head (with the tip being the tongue) of the Taiaha into the ground as it was disrespectful to Tumatauenga, the God of War. The head of Taiaha is used for stabbing thrusts, while the back had an edge is used for slashing cuts and strikes. Made out of hard native wood with the eyes inlaid with polished paua (abalone) shell.
Four Five Two by the very talented Shane Braithwaite.
Literally speechless when I received this. Shane used reference images of Maori warriors wielding a Taiaha, and recreated the poise, strength, and grace of wielding this traditional weapon in the hands of a modern (well near-future) female military operative.
Not quite in the Bruce Campbell Chin of Fame category, but it's getting there
Quote:You know what I'd love to see?
Comrade teaming up with Heavy Weapons Guy.
You know you want to see that -
Quote:I like the pencil work Danny does as well.Ahh now this is the kind of new talent I enjoy seeing. So many cool details to dwell on.
Also love that he made almost the entire helicopter out of scribbles and yet the shapes are still instantly recognizable.
*wanders off to peruse the artists DA page*
And a no-prize for guessing what helicopter Comrade Hero and Four Five Two have exited from. Hint: It's not a large military helicopter. -
End of year wind-up. Slowly getting those final commissions completed.
Danger Close by Danny Cruz. Comrade Hero and Four Five Two.
To be inked in the New Year.
Quote:I agree Airhead, and thanks to everyone else for your positive reaction. Shane is currently open for commissions if anyone is interested - both color and black and white. More information at his journal here.I stopped breathing.
Incredible textures and lighting! So much envy. And congratulations. This is magnificent. -
Something a little different. Shane Braithwaite has been tasked with recreating a Pulp/Noir feel in black and white. Comrade Hero is the first.
Quote:That's just gorgeous.Now Caemgen has been working on a storyline between his toon Caemgen and my toon VexXxa. This is one of the whips done by The Hand. Normally I don't post the whips, but this one is so magnificent that I just had to share it here. The finished piece will be following soon.