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  1. ...As you look around the small storage room in Port Oakes sewer network you think to yourself that it's not much of a club.

    "Yeah, I know it's not much." said the brawny man in a dark blue tee-shirt with a white flame embroidered on it. "But someday soon I plan to have a place where the destined of the Rogue Isles can come and enjoy the pleasant art of conversation without the ear-deafening boom-chikka-boom-chikka-boom they have in Pocket D."

    "In order for this idea to become a reality I need people. People that are willing to do whatever it takes to make the Whitefire Club the new buzz-word in the Rogue Isles. Once we become noticed we will be able to get an Arachnos building loan and make the Club a reality."

    "Are you ready to be part of the Club..."

    ((The Whitefire Club is a very small, mature, rp/pvp villain group looking to grow. We are very casual group who plays mainly on the weekends, but a couple of nights during the week as well (US central time-zone based). If you are interested give me a in-game tell @Capt_Daring, and I'll make you part of the Club. Web-sites, base accomadations, and all that good stuff coming soon(TM). ))
  2. Ok, silly question time, what's the name of the forum or who do I ask to get the name of the forum? Is it just you Eye that I ask or are there others?

    Yes, I'm "internet-challenged", and I don't care who knows it.