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  1. This may have already been answered but when is this feature slated to go live. Issue 11 or at a later date? The main post by lighthouse just said in the near future.
  2. I have a suggestion about slotting for the AR if your play style is generally up close. I think many people look at AR as a sniping set because of it's longer range damage poetential but I find myself as an AR/NRG using the set differently.

    Because many of my enemies tend to be orange and up I slot for accuracy early on before damage.

    I also skipped the M30 in my build. On the AoE damage I don't slot any accuracy and only damage early on. The reason for skipping the M30 and not slotting for accuracy is that in large groups I simply don't want that much attention. If I can do more damage but not agro a whole group it gives me time to crack off more shots with the slug, burst, and sniper rifle.

    Now in my play style one of my most important tools is the beanbag. Slot this with accuracy early on as well and then for duration later. I can usually snipe and take out one minion and then quickly use stun to shut down another enemy depending on the level. I have been able to crack off quite a few extra snipes with the use of beanbag.

    This play style can get technical so make sure to at least have closest enemy and next enemy targeting handy during fights.

    What this does for me is allows for flexibility for solo and team missions. I use sniper single target attacks mostly during solo sessions and in teams I can unleash my AoE's. I particularly like to lead with a single sniper blast and then switch to my flamethrower and then hit the group with my buckshot. If you have a decent team this method will really chip away at oranges and below.

    The main thing to remember is mez is quick death for a blaster so take those enemies down first if possible and don't use AoE's until a tanker or scrapper has got a groups attention. AR's really can't pull effectively unless you are funneling a group through a doorway or around a corner and your team is on board.

    I am sure opinions will differ from mine a bit but as an AR/NRG set I play up close and personal quite a bit and need to be able to hit my targets often to get the full effect and keep my enemies on their heals.

    Although we do great damage you still need to go into a fight with the mindset of chipping away at enemies and being sly with angles and catching enemies not looking your way off guard.

    If you have read Sniper you can think of Hathcock flanking the enemy and sniping from the side of the enemies front line.
  3. Centinull seems a bit cynical towards conforming to aesthetics yet his characters are all color coordinated fairly well. Metal is like khaki, it goes with just about anything.

    I think this guide is very helpful to a majority of players that lack the creative talents of an artist. I would say that I use this method subconsciously every time I create a character and I spend a lot of time molding it into something unique. Most people don't.

    I would say most people choose the powers they want and the breeze through the character creation screen with a few basic selections that like without considering aesthetics and then plug in names until it goes through. This guide should help those people who may be overwhelmed by the number of selections available and come up with something before they even log into a server.

    Here is a picture of my robochicken. Yes it's not completely original but it shows how creative one can be with the character creation.


    My suggestion for creating unique characters is to think about a concept before you even log in. Once you have an idea completely fleshed out, try to go into the character creation and mimic your concept. It may take awhile to get it right or even close but it's amazing what people can come up with by combining costume pieces. Something I have been playing around with lately is taking animals or mechanical devices and making them into a character. One example is my character Fire Bottle. I tried to use whatever I could to mimic a fire extinguisher without making it look like a disaster. I think it turned out pretty well. I will post a pic on here to show you what I mean.

    Fire Bottle

    Just to touch on what my thinking was behind this. I wanted a fire extinguisher that was assimilated by nano-bots. I thought of the arms as hoses and the head was like the top valve and handle, the body and legs are the bottle portion and the feet are just robotic and a silver color so it doesn't detract from the bottle portion. I used a fin for the head to simulate a handle and eye plugs to continue the metal industrial feel. I also added a yellow barbed wire neck piece to simulate that plastic tie that is in place that you have to break in order to use the extinguisher. The chest is just a fiery comet emblem over the diamond chest emblem background. It's basically an ice blaster for powers.

    I am not suggesting that everyone goes out and do what I am doing but you can find the most simple thing to use for inspiration and then use a thesaurus to find an alternate name besides the obvious that is already taken.
  4. Jump Kick along with other powers do knockback occasionally. I have knocked enemies half way across the room with jump kick but not every time.
  5. SG Name: The Hand of Olympus
    SG Leaders: Spartan Warrior
    SG Website (if any): Nothing yet.
    SG Recruiters: Spartan Warrior, Tiberius Dark
    Teamspeak Server: Public.
    SG Peak Hours: Off and on all day eastern time.
    Other Info:

    I just created this supergroup with my lvl 16 Spartan Warrior. Tiberius Dark and myself are brothers and have kids that need tending to from time to time so this group is for people who can play when they can play. Obviously I have sort of a Greek Mythology slant on this supergroup but that doesn't mean that everyone has to fit into classic mythology. Eventually, there will be a backstory to the group that will allow flexibility for all characters to fit in. There will be no application process except for playing in game with a recruiter before being excepted.