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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    If you say so. My readings of tendered payments say otherwise, but I pay my bills without peeing on them, so I have no experience to go on here.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    And that is the big difference.
    Like I said, dry coins are legal tender, coins with various bodily fluids on them are a health risk. He would have a case with dry coins, he has no case with urine coins.

    There have been court cases in the past where agitated citizens have paid their taxes or power bills in pennies and they had to take it as legal tender. However none of those coins were packed in urine. I am willing to bet that no court would force an agency private or public, to accept urine coins, otherwise we will have people wheeling 55 gallon drums of coins and excrement to the local DMV to pay their registration with.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
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    Because of a policy of only accepting up to $20 in change, court workers returned his money -- postage due.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    And he is now off the hook for any penalties or fines for nonpayment. Policy or not, coins are legal tender for all debts public or private. Failure to accept legal tender disallows the recipient to sue for nonpayment, or charge penalties or fees for same.

    I know the policy exists so angry people won't pay in pennies, but that guy may still have the last laugh, if he can hold his water.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    As always in these cases, the state will have the last laugh.

    He is still on the hook for non payment since he technically has not paid yet, and he can be held responsible for that non payment especially since the money is returned with a nice little note that tells him why and how much he still owes.

    In a few months if he does not pay he will be assessed a fine, and then his license will be suspended.

    If he tried to pay with change alone he may have had a leg to stand on since it is legal tender. Since he urinated on the change he has nothing to stand on since he turned it from a legal tender to a potential health risk.

    long story short. he is still very much on the hook.
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    Dear gawd! Does this girl not realize that they make shampoo for that sort of thing??

    [/ QUOTE ]

    maybe it was a high octane shampoo.

    think of it this way.

    at least it was only head lice, otherwise it would have been a much more embarrasing news story.
  4. [ QUOTE ]

    The claims as against Barbara and Donald Barnett were dismissed. The battery claim against Roger Barnett was not dismissed. It went to the jury and the jury found him not liable.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ah, ok. I know that the charges were dropped from the other defendants, I may have just read it wrong with the battery charges. I thought that was thrown out totally and the assault issue and trauma was all that remained.

    He was found partially laible though, otherwise he would not be paying. The jury did award some damages, but thats being appealed.

    ended differently than I thought it would.
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    16 illegals sue Arizona rancher

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    Update on the rancher - illegal immigrant lawsuit
    From a UK website
    Even though the judge completely dismissed the cases this still happened:
    "The rancher was held liable for limited damages involving assault and emotional distress. Two illegal aliens were given $1,000 plus $10,000 in punitive damages each. Two more received $7,500, plus $20,000 in punitive damages each.

    All together, the illegals received only $77,804 of the $32 million they requested – and Hardy believes that award will be thrown out in the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    The case wasn't dismissed. the battery charges were thrown out but it did go to the jury and the rancher was found partially liable which is why he has to pay something.

    However it does sound like he has grounds for an appeal, some jury instructions were not given that should have been given by law aparently. A self defense provision and a clearer definition of emotional distress.

    all in all, very interesting.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    I've been contaminated!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My work here is done.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
    Oh. That was supposed to be funny? Thanks for explaining that Manoa, I wouldn't have noticed otherwise.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Thats just the sophisticated nature of Poop™ humor.

    no one appreciates my art.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    It's really [censored] how they dumped their senseless crap on this thread. Wading through this [censored] almost knocked me off my stool.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Sorry, I got a bit nutty and just had to run off with the subject. I will simply log this event as just another one of my corny attempts at humor.
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
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    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Eating poop™ can make you sick. Film at 11.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Eating FAKE poop™ can make you sick, Film at 11!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You just can't win.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You should not be eating fake Poop™ anyway, fake Poop™ is usually manufactured in China and may contain trace amounts of lead as well as other chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer.

    Only consume authentic licensed Poop™.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You're having way too much fun with this...

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is a genuine health concern

    Poop™ is srs bsns
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Eating poop™ can make you sick. Film at 11.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Eating FAKE poop™ can make you sick, Film at 11!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You just can't win.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You should not be eating fake Poop™ anyway, fake Poop™ is usually manufactured in China and may contain trace amounts of lead as well as other chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer.

    Only consume authentic licensed Poop™.
  11. Eating poop™ can make you sick. Film at 11.
  12. [ QUOTE ]
    I meant that I think the issue was less the actual holding them for the authorities and more screaming obscenities/beating them while engaged in doing so. There are at least a half a dozen cases a month across the US at minimum of people holding intruders/attackers at gunpoint while calling the police, all of which are legal.

    However, if once you detain them you begin to physically abuse them without provocation, that is an entirely different matter.

    That is how I am looking at this case, at any rate.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This is true, and definetly the meat of the subject. If any of the allegations of beatings are true then there are issues there. Personally I doubt it happened, the last thing you want to do is get close when you have people at gunpoint, distance is your friend. But that is an issue for trial, and an interesting one at that.
  13. [ QUOTE ]
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    Again, I don't think it is so much about detaining them and defending property as it is about his actions when engaged in doing so.

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    Agreed. And I don't know enough about that to judge one way or another. Of course, the issue then may become "how do you detain someone (or a dozen someones) for arrest if you have no real power." This guy has detained many people over the years, apparently. They were probably all afraid because he had a gun, sounded scary, and presented himself as someone who seemed to have authority. Once word gets out that he has a gun he'll go to jail for using, I doubt people are going to allow themselves to be detained. He'll go from detaining people for arrest to being a fist-shaking "Hey, you kids get off my lawn" guy. That doesn't seem like the best solutuion, either.

    How do you detain someone when you have no authority, you don't know the name of the person you're detaining, the person has no known address, and the person likely has little or nothing to lose? If you do it with a gun, the person at the other end of it needs to believe that there's a real probability you'll use it. It seems to me this guy is pretty lucky. Depending on proximity, a group of people desperate enough probably could take one guy down and get away, gun or no. Most of them probably have families back in Mexico they want to send money to and think seeing them again is worth letting this guy hold them. He just needs a few who don't feel that way and he's in more trouble that a lawsuit.

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    He's got the same authority to detain someone that a store security or mall cop does when they detain someone thats shoplifting.

    WIth this guy, holding multiple people at gun point for invading his property is the only way to keep them detained. What he does to them while they are detained could definetly have him on the line, if he did anything questionable. "causing severe emotional trauma" though is a very very weak charge since it could be argued that having to cross inhospitable terrain to illegally enter the united states could also cause "severe emotional trauma", does that mean they every illegal gets to file a lawsuit against the country?

    The case is very interesting and it will detail how far someone can go to protect private property and whether or not a citizen can detain someone while the authorities arive.
  14. [ QUOTE ]

    Do people who aren't citizens deserve to have the rights accorded to US citizens? I think that's part of what makes us what we are - we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. It doesn't say that only applies to American citizens. The poem of the Statue of Liberty reads "Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!" Granted, we aren't saying "Send them to us and we'll let them break the laws." And we shouldn't. But I can see how people may be confused when we send out a welcoming message, then build fences and have people waiting with guns. We may need to have Lady Liberty issue a memo saying, "Please note: only applicable when said huddled masses come through proper channels." That seems fair to me.

    On the one hand, I think these immigrants, considering their status, should let this go (I'm sketchy because of the kicking part and what harm may have actually been done on either side). It seems the wrong way to go about things when you're the huddled masses hoping for a new life. You break into someone's home (America, in this case) and you shouldn't expect them to roll out a red carpet, no matter what some poem says. On the other hand, litigation is the new Apple Pie, so maybe they're just trying really hard to be Real Americans.

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    Here is the thing, all men are created equal, but that doesn't mean they can go about breaking laws, and we are indeed a nation of laws. We chose litigation over regulation as a method to deal with these types of issues which means that often times we get these interesting questions like this case.
    I for one am happy that this case is going forth, not because I feel the case has any merit, I don't believe it does, but I do believe that it will set a precedent and offer many important answers regarding illegal immigrants and trespassing.

    We had a very noble mission statement when we started this nation. The problem is that now a days we cant just let in any tired, cold, huddled mass, and for safety reasons we want to know who that tired, cold, huddled mass is. Our system for immigration needs to be reworked, but it needs to be there.

    Its going to be interesting to see how this case pans out. if the illegal immigrants win, then no legal citizen has a right to defend their property and detain trespassers until the authorities arive, If the rancher wins then we will see a massive upswell in really tall fences and private security patrols. It will be many years though before we get a final decision. I guarantee this will be appealed all the way up.
  15. [ QUOTE ]
    Something that smells like our kind of Justice, if you know what I mean!

    [/ QUOTE ]

    so it smells like Bacon and pie?

    in any case, Phelps is a grade A prime cut slab of whackadoo. The man is damaged in ways that normal people will only think they understand. He lives and think by a logic and reasoning that defies all logic and reasoning held by most sentient beings on the planet. The only thing I hold in higher contempt than Phelps is his midnless followers who have never had an original or free thought in their life.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    Lol...it's not that big guys. Acting like it's some game breaking advantage is just silly.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    who said its game breaking?

    Its game changing but not necessarily breaking. It is however a massive departure from what vet awards were supposed to be.

    It is pretty big though. To say its not big is disingenuous at best.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    Actually, it means you can SKIP taking the first or second power in the Travel Power Pools and, at level 6, pick the travel power immediately. No pre-requisites.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's [censored] [censored].

    So much for vet rewards not giving unfair advantages.

    Consider me a very pissed off customer who may NEVER get this reward, because it's so far in the future.

    I doubt I'm the only one.

    Too many kinds of lame to [censored] count.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Its a pretty big departure from all of the other vet awards.

    I don't necessarily like where its going either.
  18. [ QUOTE ]


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    This has been my ringtone for a couple of years now, its a little more meaningful now.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    how's that work? I never used one.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    salvage goes in, empowerment comes out.

    essentially you get little buffs here and there, like knockback resistance, speed boosts, misc resistance buffs, and my favorite, grant invisibility. I think it lasts for an hour or maybe a half hour, cant remember.

    Either way it will make posi a bit easier for you all so I will make sure one is in the base with the proper salvage by tuesday.
  20. I will put in a empowerment station and make sure the right salvage is available to craft the invisibility thing.

    besides, having an empowerment station is rather nifty.
  21. [ QUOTE ]

    There was sales tax on this purchase? I live in Oregon (no sales tax)...I don't pay sales taxes on my monthly fees, and I don't *think* I did for the wedding pack.

    Anyone know what's up here?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If I remember correctly they changed their billing location so sales tax is being incurred I think based on where the billing is done not where the resident lives because it counts as being purchased in that state.

    I think.

    I know it had something to do with them changing locations recently.
  22. [ QUOTE ]

    Note that it says "Bureaucrat", not "Diplomat".

    *backs away slowly from the thread, wondering where those merits went to*

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'm paid to file stamp and process paperwork, not be nice.

    being nice is waaaaay beyond my paygrade.
  23. [ QUOTE ]
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    i'm sure eventually i will come across more patient and accepting players who will welcome me into another superteam.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good luck with that. Perhaps another theme team or super team would put up with the drama and whining. perhaps a super team composed of kindergarten teachers would be more adept at handling your tantrums.

    Grow up and deal with it. People were more than willing to work with you but your incessant whining and drama made it not worth it.

    good luck and have fun.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    lol what is this flame wars? i dont even know who you are. are u even in the team?
    u seem to be the one provoking drama rite now. i thought i already said peace and wish the team the best. you oughta leave it at that

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh you are a grand little drama llama aren't you.

    You started the drama, stoked the flames, and now are trying to pawn off the title of firestarter on to me.

    Look at your posts. You are far from being innocent of starting any drama and began the flames long before.

    As for who I am. I am the official 9th team member, off camera and behind the scenes. I built the base, helped with some of the concepts, and when poked with a stick I log on to provide off scene dialogue as De Profundis.

    You refused to let it die by trying to get the last insult and word in on the matter. If you really wanted to let it be you would have done so but instead you wanted this. You wanted to drag it out. You wanted the drama. You wanted the flames.

    The thing is that your comments were so stupid and childish that I couldn't sit back anymore and had to call you out on it.

    So that is that. Fin. End of story. you want to go and let it die, then go and let it die. As for me. I am done with you.
  24. [ QUOTE ]
    i'm sure eventually i will come across more patient and accepting players who will welcome me into another superteam.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good luck with that. Perhaps another theme team or super team would put up with the drama and whining. perhaps a super team composed of kindergarten teachers would be more adept at handling your tantrums.

    Grow up and deal with it. People were more than willing to work with you but your incessant whining and drama made it not worth it.

    good luck and have fun.
  25. sunday, or monday I hope to finish the base for you all.
    I need to make a new control room, I went for a 2x2 control room but it doesnt allow enough connections to use all of the teleporters.

    I also need to work on getting more beacons.

    either way I plan on getting finished with the base soon.