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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    So... why not use stealth with hide and TP in from above?
    You can TP for more than 75 yards...
    And Stealth with Hide gets you to your stealth cap...

    Also... Aim isnt a good defense for stealth...
    it's a 10 seconds glimpse.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Aim provides zero perception. It provides increased accuracy and damage (accuracy is not perception). Yellow inspirations provide both, so it confuses some people to think accuracy is also perception.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    We had a 4 person team in WB last night that was only Cor's (at some points a couple of other members were there on other AT's) for an hour and half. Of course any kind of large fight draws out the solo Stalkers, I was never AS'd and I don't believe we had anyone AS'd who wasn't held or immob'ed first, despite having swarms of Stalkers trying to play.

    Edit: Perception numbers are based on combat in SC.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    WhirwindX4? Stacked Tactics? What is the secret? Or, Radiation Infection
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    Do you know where it would be imposslbe to use? 1v1...but wait!!! PvP isn't so supposed to be about 1v1 is it? So why is Castle trying to protect 1v1 only for Stalkers? This is the real impact of a dual range check. It kills AS for repeated use in 1v1 battles when someone knows a stalker is present.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh, if a Stalker misses with AS, Hide drops. What happens when a Stalker's hide drops? Why don't we start simple, and walk through the argument here.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They run away..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Only the ones that want a no risk, 1-shot kill will run away. The others know that they have (1) Scrapper's defense, (2) Scrapper's status-effect resistance, (3) 90% of Blaster's damage, (4) Placate so you can't fight back, (5) Almost on-demand critical

    If a Stalker runs-away when AS misses or fails to one-shot you, they are only playing to gank, in my opinion.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Your opinion is based on a totally biased, uninformed state of mind though. By example, in a number of posts, keep screaming about how Stalkers have Scrapper level defenses. We DO NOT have Scrapper level defenses, because of our lower health. All defenses DO is let you get more value out of the health you've all ready got. Less health = less value out of defenses, lower "overall survivability." It's really that simple; having the same PERCENTAGES doesn't equal the same overall in play defensive capability when health isn't identical. Further comments like "On demand criticals" and "Placate so they can't fight back," illustrate again your misrepresentation of the situation. Placate is AT BEST a pause button in terms of "making them unable to fight back," since it ends when you hit THEM; you can't just keep someone placated constantly, and you can't keep them placated WHILE beating on them. Further, Placate and your opening attack give you the only two criticals you're going to get "on demand," and good foes can even STOP you from getting the second one. I'd hardly call that "on demand criticals," I'd call it "about a maximum of 2 criticals, assuming a poorly built foe." What on earth is on demand about that?

    A Blapper can 3 shot my Stalker WITHOUT Defiance coming into play. If I miss my Assassin Strike against a good Blapper, "staying to scrap" is a death sentence. No amount of you totally misrepresenting the situation will change that. The same is true of most Scrappers. The same is true of ANYONE grouped, which MOST people are; staying 3 on 1 after you missed your Assassin Strike isn't effective most of the time.

    Why, then, are you so desparate to misrepresent the Stalker situation? It's not like they are going to get weakened based on commentary anyone such as a developer would obviously see as only telling part of the story, so it can only be to delude other people and stir up Stalker hate. Why do you feel that is a positive aim?

    [ QUOTE ]
    If anyone is at risk they will run. A Stalker just has so many more tools at their disposal not to have to run.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    No, no they don't. That's what you don't bloody get, having never played a Stalker any substantial amount in PvP. A Stalker who doesn't feel they are at substantial risk isn't going to run. What makes YOU a better judge of what puts a Stalker at risk than the Stalker himself? I mean, if you REALLY believe all the things you're saying in this post, then yes, I can see why you'd think Stalkers wouldn't have run as often as they do, as your version of Stalkers are unhittable, constantly criticalling god beasts. Real Stalkers, on the other hand, live in a much different set of conditions than what you care to make them out to be in.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, my Super Reflex Scrapper can survive for long periods of time when health is in the red, so hit points is not that important. Placate is a powerful tool for escape or controlled critical. I wouldn't downplay the defenses or the Placate power so much, unless I was a Stalker, I guess.

    Edit: the Blapper with Aim + Buildup will render Scrapper level defenses nil. The combination of those two stacked may need to be looked at. Yes, I have an Ice/Ice Blaster with Aim + Build Up. I just don't use them in PVP together. I prefer alternating them, so I can use them more.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
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    If it is an all out brawl with many heroes and villains, the Stalker is not going to attract the attention of the entire hero group.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You'd be surprised... We seem to be PC aggro magnets.

    One other NB Stalker and I were engaged in a little bit of a duel(both of us AS'd the same controller and turned to attack each other). After the first couple of swings, 2 groups, one hero, one villain, stopped attacking each other and came after us.

    We weren't even in that mass of players, but they turned and chased after us.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Well, from what has happened to me in PVP with Stalkers, I am guilty of attacking every Stalker I can see, for no reason but because I hate how so many of them abuse their dev. given power. I stop attacking anything I am attacking and switch to them as long as I can see them. They brought it on themselves
  5. [ QUOTE ]
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    Do you know where it would be imposslbe to use? 1v1...but wait!!! PvP isn't so supposed to be about 1v1 is it? So why is Castle trying to protect 1v1 only for Stalkers? This is the real impact of a dual range check. It kills AS for repeated use in 1v1 battles when someone knows a stalker is present.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh, if a Stalker misses with AS, Hide drops. What happens when a Stalker's hide drops? Why don't we start simple, and walk through the argument here.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They run away..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Only the ones that want a no risk, 1-shot kill will run away. The others know that they have (1) Scrapper's defense, (2) Scrapper's status-effect resistance, (3) 90% of Blaster's damage, (4) Placate so you can't fight back, (5) Almost on-demand critical

    If a Stalker runs-away when AS misses or fails to one-shot you, they are only playing to gank, in my opinion.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Or there are so many heroes around that he/she/it has no choice...

    Well, they have two choices:
    1. Die
    2. Run

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Good point. If anyone is at risk they will run. A Stalker just has so many more tools at their disposal not to have to run.

    If it is an all out brawl with many heroes and villains, the Stalker is not going to attract the attention of the entire hero group. If the Stalker is solo, then yes, he is at great risk of all the others. Though, last night, a Stalker 1-shot killed my Mind Controller in the middle of about 15 hero NPC's including a Boss (with spines spewing out in all directions every second or so) and several leuts. I died in 1-shot, the Villain managed to get away. That is a bug, and I bugged it.

    Edit: I think about it now and it was just one lucky Ganker.
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    Malrathad wrote:

    [ QUOTE ]
    I've never seen any real proof that Snipes DO have a second RANGE check, but they might.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I'll second that -- I've sniped a LOT of stuff that was running far away and gotten hits on them well beyond the limits of targetability. I would be startled to learn that there's a *second* range check. Line-of-sight check, of course.


    [/ QUOTE ]

    Snipe is interruptable only if the foe breaks line of sight (LOS), same as AS. When you click Snipe or AS, the foes has to be in range, in LOS, and at the end of the interruptable time the foe still has to be within LOS.
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    Do you know where it would be imposslbe to use? 1v1...but wait!!! PvP isn't so supposed to be about 1v1 is it? So why is Castle trying to protect 1v1 only for Stalkers? This is the real impact of a dual range check. It kills AS for repeated use in 1v1 battles when someone knows a stalker is present.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh, if a Stalker misses with AS, Hide drops. What happens when a Stalker's hide drops? Why don't we start simple, and walk through the argument here.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    They run away..

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Only the ones that want a no risk, 1-shot kill will run away. The others know that they have (1) Scrapper's defense, (2) Scrapper's status-effect resistance, (3) 90% of Blaster's damage, (4) Placate so you can't fight back, (5) Almost on-demand critical

    If a Stalker runs-away when AS misses or fails to one-shot you, they are only playing to gank, in my opinion.
  8. [ QUOTE ]
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    (General reply, not to anyone in specific)

    If you are one of those foaming-at-the-mouth Anti-Stalkers, please post in your Signature whether you have actually PvP'd with a Stalker.

    If you haven't, I'll know to simply disregard your invalid opinion on the matter (Because you're only giving your experience from the receiving end - you have no idea what it took to set that Assassin Strike up).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I get AS'd multiple times daily

    I got AS'd last night, because I cast a RAdiation Infection on a NPC. Yes I was moving around before I cast it. Yes, I was moving after I cast it. No, I don't have Whirlwind. So, I had to wait out the Radiation Infection activation time and got 1-shot killed.....

    Edit: Just ask Angry Cheerleader, Stalker

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ever wonder how long she followed you before pulling that off?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    It does not matter. It was late and I was the only Controller/Defender left in the zone. She came looking for me.... She screwed up on the first attempt because I was inside the Radiation Infection fighting npcs. She got slowed and tryed to run away. She ran into some NPC heros and got killed. She wanted blood, and I knew she would be back. I knew she was there. I could not prevent it, even by continously moving. Now, I have to put Whirlwind in every PVP build....
  9. [ QUOTE ]
    (General reply, not to anyone in specific)

    If you are one of those foaming-at-the-mouth Anti-Stalkers, please post in your Signature whether you have actually PvP'd with a Stalker.

    If you haven't, I'll know to simply disregard your invalid opinion on the matter (Because you're only giving your experience from the receiving end - you have no idea what it took to set that Assassin Strike up).

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I get AS'd multiple times daily

    I got AS'd last night, because I cast a RAdiation Infection on a NPC. Yes I was moving around before I cast it. Yes, I was moving after I cast it. No, I don't have Whirlwind. So, I had to wait out the Radiation Infection activation time (3 seconds) and got 1-shot killed.....

    Edit: Just ask Angry Cheerleader, Stalker
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Please, go smoke that crack pipe somewhere else. Doms and controllers already scream about how ineffective their holds are, you want to make Stalkers reliant on something that is considered largely ineffective by the AT that uses it? As for rooting animations, how many good PvP'ers whose sets have rooting animations don't have Whirlwind? AS is already the least used attack (other than Brawl) on my character in the PvP zones.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Ah, so we have to have Whirlwind, Assault and Tactics on every single Controller, Defender, Stalker, and Corrupter to play in PVP, since they all have attacks that have activation times. Oh, but wait, a Stalker only needs Hide + Stealth to cover his squishiness. Bummer... now I have to go back and redo all my PVE to PVP builds I had planned so that Whirlwind will let me cast Radiation Infection, Confuse, etc in PVP while moving.....
  11. [ QUOTE ]
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    Since AS is practically a melee snipe, shouldn't it follow the rules for snipe attacks and have it's range and line of sight checked twice? Once when the attack is initiated and once when it is resolved. Not like now, when people can start up AS and kill someone 100 feet away because the target moved.

    If not, can someone tell me how to interrupt a stalker running Elude or similar powers? It's impossible to hit them even if I can see them perfectly fine.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    This has been brought up a couple times internally. The problem with making AS check Range twice is that it would be virtually impossible to land in PvP. It would also make it unique in that all other melee powers only check range once, so even if your target is running, you will still land the attack, no matter how far away they get.

    It DOES check line of sight twice, so if you constantly take routes which break LOS frequently, you can stop Assassin attacks.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, it wouldn't affect AS at all on people standing still (he/she is invisible). It would just stop AS where the Stalker guesses where you are going to pass by.
  12. A Stalker has the same hit points as my Controller. The only way I have the same defense of that Stalker is if he lets me put Radiation Infection on him. Even then, when he does hit me, it is going to hurt far worse than when my Block of Ice or Brawl hits him. They are my only offense

    I could put Enervating Field on him, too. That would just lower his damage a bit. Still, I have no chance, even if I get containment every now and then. The biggest number I have seen from Containment on my BoI against an NPC was 60+60 damage (with 3 SO Damage Enhancers). I can do that every 6 seconds, I think. Mostly, it is 60 pts damage against a foe with zero defense, zero resistance and status-effect protection.

    Edit: now give me my Jack Frost
  13. [ QUOTE ]
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    A player villain stopped by to observe this marvel of a tiny little Controller unscathed in the middle of certain death for many ATs. I hit them with BoI to warn them to keep away, then went back to slowly taking out the boss, while everything flopped around me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Man, I hate when people do that to me. If I'm just watching and someone attacks me? That's an invitation to kill. Sometimes, I'll even turn off Hide, so that they see me. They take that as: OMG A STALKKUR I MUS KILL IT. Nevermind the fact that they may already have their hands full.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Yeah, it probably wasn't smart to do, but I wanted them to know I did see them and that if they do attack, they could be vulnerable to being held as I flee. I was in for a long fight with these npcs.

    A Corrupter did manage to come by and debuff me. The only way I knew it had happened was that I was suddenly dead

    [ QUOTE ]
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    Suddenly, a Stalker trying to AS me appeared behind me. He/she is slowed slightly by Ice Slick and starts back peddling. I hit him/her with Shiver and he/she is slowed to a crawl. Now, there is not anyway I can kill this Stalker with my BoI. I hit him/her once with it anyway and now he/she is probably floored -slow. He/she backs right into a group of hero NPCs who killed him/her. Now, that was crazy.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Silly Stalkers and their idiocy. ^_^

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I think I have mentioned several times in this thread that the melee Villains on the Justice server are not the brightest bunch. Who doesn't know to stay out of the GGG (green glow of goodness)?
  14. [ QUOTE ]
    The problem isn't stalkers one-shotting people, it's people taking a game far too seriously and behaving like children who just got beat at checkers. "WAAAAAH! I don't wanna play no more! WAAAAH!"

    [/ QUOTE ]

    If someone thinks they have accomplished something by 1-shot killing someone that never knew they were there, well, I cannot relate to them at all. But, that is only one of the problems with PVP in CoX. Quick, two shot range kills, perma-holds, etc. Anything that gives the victem zero-chance to decide to run or stand and fight, is not fun for the victem. Of course, this is my opinion.

    Somebody might like to play a game where nobody can see anybody and everybody has an AoE that one shots anybody within 5 feet. So, you run around invisible, spamming your AoE death shot, hoping you eventually hit something within 5 feet before they hit you My guess is very few would be crazy enough to invest in it.

    I was in a hot spot in Siren's Call last night. I saw a hero join in the hot spot to try to assist the hero NPC's like I like to do. He was killed by an AS in short order and logged out while dead. I not only felt sorry for him, because he may have not expected that to happen (possibly new to PVP, I dont' know), but, I felt sorry for CoX, because they may lose some 14.99 monthly income (many times over), and I also felt sorry for the Stalker who thinks he HAS to do that for some purpose I am unclear of. It can't be that he accomplished something. I do not see any accomplishment when there is not any risk. Again, just my opinion.

    Now, the Stalker that came into my Ice/Rad's 'green glowing goodness (GGG)' and tryed to AS me was crazy. I am standing on my Ice Slick, Choking Cloud, Radiation Infection, Enervating Field going. I had about 10 npc villains flopping around like fish out of water, swinging and missing me. There was a boss outside of my circle of impotency, blasting me from range, so I was using Block of Ice (BoI) (my only ranged attack), to slowly kill him.

    A player villain stopped by to observe this marvel of a tiny little Controller unscathed in the middle of certain death for many ATs. I hit them with BoI to warn them to keep away, then went back to slowly taking out the boss, while everything flopped around me. Suddenly, a Stalker trying to AS me appeared behind me. He/she is slowed slightly by Ice Slick and starts back peddling. I hit him/her with Shiver and he/she is slowed to a crawl. Now, there is not anyway I can kill this Stalker with my BoI. I hit him/her once with it anyway and now he/she is probably floored -slow. He/she backs right into a group of hero NPCs who killed him/her. Now, that was crazy.
  15. I learned last night that skilled Blasters have no problems in Siren's Call. I was on my MC/FF Controller when I got a tell from a Blaster asking if I had Clear Mind. I said "no, force fields". She said 'thanks'. A little later, she invited me to team. I guess she noticed my flying around alone looking for a team and not having any luck. There was a second Blaster on the team. I bubbled them and tried to keep up. One had super speed and whirlwind, the one I tried to follow was Ice/? and flying. Well, I am tucked away safely in my PFF trying to keep from being AS'd, trying to find an opportunity to assist one of the Blasters with a fear or confusion, but it was hopeless. I was just flying around trying to keep up. Yet, in short order, my reputation was doubled and I was able to buy a Single Origin enhancer and many inspirations.

    Now, the two died as often as they killed, but man, were they killing. I will never forget one of them saying, "when is the empath logging in. I need clear mind". When they were ready to log off, they went into the enemy base, broadcast they were there, said they were logging out and everyone had 30 seconds to kill them. They died, but they died laughing.
  16. [ QUOTE ]
    On Freedom, ASing pretty much works only on people who started pvp-ing the day before.

    The best strategy that works for my sg employs is we call targets and spike them with ranged crits. Much more effective, and it lets me actually use my claws/regen stalker sometimes.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I am hoping Issue 7 brings a free respec. I want to enable my toons for PVP. It is kind of crazy to have to respec out of my favorite powers in PVE just so I can prevent one attack from one AT. Since I have pretty much quit playing PVE, I don't mind so much.
  17. [ QUOTE ]
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    Just be a man (or woman) and don't prey on squishies. You can beat any squishy without AS, Placate or Hide. So, why do Stalkers one-shot kill like an eleven year old? That is all I want to know. At age eleven, they think it is fun and giggle. Adults? Only if they haven't grown up, I guess

    Not aimed at you, just any Stalker that preys on squishies. It really is a waist of time. Unless, of course, they are lousy at PVP and can't throw a punch while visible

    I was proud of my Ice/Rad PVE build last night. It took two Stalkers, teaming together, one with TP Foe, to kill me. It was a great moment for me. It shows me that I am beginning to catch on to this PVP thing

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I almost never AS squishies...simply because it is MORE DIFFICULT to AS them than it is to TF+ET them. I don't know why you think it's somehow magically better to die in 2-shots that you can't do anything about (squishies will die stunned) instead of 1 shot that you can.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, I don't think 2-shots are fair either. Blasters can do that from range. I think everybody should have a moment of time they can decide to stand and fight, or run away. If you don't give your opponent the time to decide, you have accomplished nothing, in my honest opinion.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's just silly and goes entirely contrary to the point of being an assassin (stalker).

    "Hello, I'm here to kill you. I'm a very strong PvP build so I probably will kill you. You now have the choice to leave or die horribly. (Jeopardy theme music cues up) Decision?"

    Your chance to not get killed by an assassin comes BEFORE you get hit...not after.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    There are some really good Stalkers out there that do just that. They know they have the advantage over their prey, so they don't abuse it. Of course, you can use the excuse "but I am a villain. We are ruthless, have no morals and play by no rules". So, I suppose it fits. I just couldn't play that way, even if role-playing. No risk, no chance, no satisfaction for me, so, I won't do it. You may be different. Don't take it personally. It is just a code I follow. You don't have to. The only way it could hurt CoX is if somebody cancels their 14.99 a month because of it.

    Any hero could build a ?/Devices Blaster, get TP foe, setup trip mines and Caltrops and defeat every villian that comes near them. Move to a new location, repeat. They can do this every day. They can be the PVPer with the highest kill per death ratio in COH. I say they have accomplished nothing.
  18. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Just be a man (or woman) and don't prey on squishies. You can beat any squishy without AS, Placate or Hide. So, why do Stalkers one-shot kill like an eleven year old? That is all I want to know. At age eleven, they think it is fun and giggle. Adults? Only if they haven't grown up, I guess

    Not aimed at you, just any Stalker that preys on squishies. It really is a waist of time. Unless, of course, they are lousy at PVP and can't throw a punch while visible

    I was proud of my Ice/Rad PVE build last night. It took two Stalkers, teaming together, one with TP Foe, to kill me. It was a great moment for me. It shows me that I am beginning to catch on to this PVP thing

    [/ QUOTE ]

    I almost never AS squishies...simply because it is MORE DIFFICULT to AS them than it is to TF+ET them. I don't know why you think it's somehow magically better to die in 2-shots that you can't do anything about (squishies will die stunned) instead of 1 shot that you can.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Actually, I don't think 2-shots are fair either. Blasters can do that from range. I think everybody should have a moment of time they can decide to stand and fight, or run away. If you don't give your opponent the time to decide, you have accomplished nothing, in my honest opinion.
  19. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    Not aimed at you, just any Stalker that preys on squishies.

    [/ QUOTE ] Despite entering this thread on your side, my integrity demands that I disagree with this position. Squishies...namely defenders/corrupters, are immensily dangerous in PvP. RI, from a /Rad, is probably flooring everyone it touches, which means that RI from a Rad/ is flooring anyone who even looks at it.

    I was PvPing in Siren's today...and the heroes were upon the villain base, having our way with them. Why? We had a bunch of people with tactics, and we had bunch of high level heroes exemped down. Lvl 22 Brute isn't much of a match for a lvl 50 BS/SR. Our team was like 7/8 Blaster/Scrapper....with one FF defender who did not have a single bubble power besides Dispersion...thanks bud.

    Then....the corruptors showed up. Maybe three of them...totally turned the battles. I was getting RI and LR on me constantly. Then Snow Storm would get slapped on me and I was going nowhere in a hurry. Guess who showed up for dinner? (and I'm sure they thought it was their consummate skill that allowed them to get so many kills all of a sudden) The villains were able to force us right back to the hospital and kept us there. THen I told everyone to focus on the same target and start with the corruptors. Once we took out two or three of them...we routed the villains. The stalkers had no team concept of their own and couldn't kill steal the Corruptors victims any more. We routed them and most of the corrupters must have logged because the stalkers were helpless against a storm and triple stacked tactics.

    The key was the squishies. The problem was that it was too easy to look for the red shield despite facing 10-14 villains. It was too easy for me to simply click "Info" and see which one had RI and which ones had Snow Storm and focus on those first.

    But I have no problem with teams that focus on squishies. I have a problem with it being too easy to identify them amongst the Doms and MM's. Of course if you're saying stalkers are picking on defenders because they are two cowardly to take on tougher targets...that's a different issue.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Oh, I agree. I thought the two Stalkers that TP'd me away from my team and killed me was good tactics. They still didn't one shot me though. The just beat me to death in about 3 seconds. I am not very quick with the ole keyboard and didn't get away, but I had the chance. That is all I ask, just a chance. Anybody who kills somebody without giving them a chance is not very mature, in my opinion. But, that is just my opinion. No risk, no contest, no match, NO ACCOMPLISHMENT. That is what I am saying
  20. [ QUOTE ]
    [ QUOTE ]
    ust be a man (or woman) and don't prey on squishies. You can beat any squishy without AS, Placate or Hide.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    You know, for someone who can heal back 90% of the damage from a Built up crit from Soaring Dragon... You really don't seem to know anything.

    I hit you with SD, you heal it, back up, debuff me, and I have to run... Well, I have to jog very slowly in place as you debuff the crap out of me.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    My heal on my Ice/Rad with 3 heal enhancers does 157 pts heal (in Siren's Call). Are you saying that your Built Up Crit Soaring Dragon does a total of 173 pts on a hero with zero damage resistance? Who doesn't know anything?

    Edit: added (in Siren's Call)
  21. Just be a man (or woman) and don't prey on squishies. You can beat any squishy without AS, Placate or Hide. So, why do Stalkers one-shot kill like an eleven year old? That is all I want to know. At age eleven, they think it is fun and giggle. Adults? Only if they haven't grown up, I guess

    Not aimed at you, just any Stalker that preys on squishies. It really is a waist of time. Unless, of course, they are lousy at PVP and can't throw a punch while visible

    I was proud of my Ice/Rad PVE build last night. It took two Stalkers, teaming together, one with TP Foe, to kill me. It was a great moment for me. It shows me that I am beginning to catch on to this PVP thing
  22. [ QUOTE ]
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    [ QUOTE ]
    Come on now...I'm agreeing to trade the most offensive villain AT's primary powersets for blaster secondary sets. Surely that's a fair trade, yeah? I mean if our offense is so insane, then just give us the secondary set of a ranged archetype. Surely their secondary isn't better than our overpowered Stalker primaries, is it?

    [/ QUOTE ]

    That's a gross, misleading oversimplification, and you (should) know it. On a powerset-by-powerset basis, anything can be seen to be reasonable. By your logic, why shouldn't Scrappers get Blaster Secondary melee ability? How about Tankers?

    And just by the way, Stalker EM does have better melee powers than Blaster EM. The only difference is the damage scale. Could you imagine a Blaster with Energy Transfer? Didn't think so.

    All the rest of the Stalker Primaries are based on Scrapper Primaries. See above.

    The bottom line is that your Primary or Secondary alone is not what defines your character. And anyway, no one that I've seen has called Stalker Primaries as a whole overpowered. I've seen complaints about two primary-related things here: Assassin's Strike, which in your absurd example you concede, and Energy Melee.

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    It's absurd only because the heroes have something more powerful and you know good and well you wouldn't want to face it from the villain side. Energy melee is held by 3 ATs, 2 of which are heroes. Stalkers, Tankers, and blasters. Of those 3, Blasters and Tankers both have higher base damage. Blasters by alot, and tankers by a little bit. Tankers also have more hp and better defenses. If anyone complains about EM, it should be villains.

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    Actually, Blasters BI (Brawl Index) is 1.0, Stalkers 0.9 and Tankers 0.8
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    Holds can be perma in that they can be chained indefinitely where a new one starts before the old one wears off. I can even perma-disorient someone with my stalkers although I can't really stack to break through status protection to start it like a controller can.

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    My Ice/Rad Controller is wearing Choking Cloud. It only affects half of who it hits (up to 10 I think), but I have 3 EndRdx and 3 HoldDur enhancments on it. It locks up and entire horde of NPCs to helplessness. I drop Ice Slick down and anchor one with RI and EF and I could AFK indefinitely. Only ranged NPCs can touch me.

    In a hero/villain huge gang fight, I am quite the force to be reconned with. If a MM brings pets, I get quite excited. I run into the middle of the pets, drop RI on one, drop Ice Slick, drop EF on my anchor and just stand there in the 'green glow of goodness (GGG)'. Melee villians come in after me and curse the ice I am standing on. I spam Shiver and everything is in slow motion. I can pick off one pet at a time with block of ice. I need to remember to Brawl the meleers... duh. I have no clue why 1 ranged villian doesn't just shoot me to death, considering I don't have any defense/resistance outside the GGG and not many hit points (less than 1 AS)... lol

    Edit: I think MM pets should get knock protection...
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    Yeah, I got tired of the same ole/same ole. I went to EQ2 for a few months, but you always had to have a team, so I came back. Then I went to WOW and hit 60 with a Shaman, so I came back (I never canceled my acct. here). All of my guild mates have moved on, one is playing a Villian, but I am not interested (though I own the game). So, now I am out in Siren's Call (don't even know where the other PvP zones are, lol) and trying to help the NPC heroes defeat the NPC villians. I don't know why I like to do that. I guess it is because I am playing my Controllers most and I like big mobs of bad guys attacking at once (suicidal I suppose - lol).

    I do grab my Katana/SR Scrapper out when I get sick of getting ganked by Stalkers. Even though I can't see them (don't have Tactics), they seem to avoid trying to gank me. But, I prefer the Controllers over the melee toons.

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    I can understand why you would prefer the Controllers over melee toons... I'm not a big fan of Scrappers either, dont enjoy the way they play. Stalkers play completely differently, IMHO.

    I too enjoy the Hot Spots. I like using my Staler to try and tip the balance by removing the LongBow Bosses from the fight or if I am feeling really gutsy, I use hit and run aggroe tactics to pull small groups of LongBow into large spawns of Arachnos. A single Stalker can actually seriously impact a battle simply by drawing some of the LongBow to their doom before the full pitched battle begins. It's dangerous, but great fun.

    If you want to roll up a character on Freedom, get in touch @RachelRiley... More then happy to team with you on either the Hero or Villain side of things. On the CoH side I am in ther process of building a pocket emp that will be a Stalker Hunters best friend... (Think Whirlwinding Empath with SS and SJ that keeps Clear Mind on auto fire... With nothing slotted I can keep 10 CMs stacked on a single Stalker hunter)

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    Actually, I love my Scrappers. But, in PVP, since I am in a mood of helping at the hot spots, they aren't as much fun as my Controllers. Yeah, both my Controllers are at max debt ( I don't care), but they can really enable the NPC heroes to be more effective. My Scrapper just beats on one at a time.

    Now, yesterday, I met a Brute as crazy as I am. I am standing in the middle of a bunch of NPC heroes waiting for the NPC villians to attack. I have Invisibility and Choking Cloud on. I have just finished Accelerate Metabolism on this entire army of heros before ducking back into Invis. This Brute jumps in the middle of them and starts beating on them. I guess he is working on his Fury bar. I drop out of invis, put RI and EF on him and he keeps beating on the NPC. Well, his health is dropping fast now and he dies.

    I slip back into Invis and wait for the NPC Villians. The Brute comes back and tries again, this time he goes after me, but I already dropped RI on him and EF. He must not have been EM, because he never stunned me. I easily healed back any damage he did. Yet, my army of accelerated heroes took him out fast again. I said in Local chat "I like you... you are as crazy as I am"... LOL
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    I pay 14.99 a month and am not allowed to PVP when I can't find a team? I am sick of PVE. That is all that is keeping me here.

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    This one surprised me, coming from you Buffy. I guess, my advice to you would be to put together a PvP specific character that falls into the criteria that you feel you need. I would suggest something in the scrapperish SR line... If, that isnt your thing and you prefer playing Defenders/Controllers, I would suggest that you switch servers. I moved to Freedom personally, specifically because there is a large PvP population. I've never ever had a problem finding a PvP team when I wanted one.

    From what you posted it sounds like you really want to enjoy PvP but are trying to shoe horn more PvE based characters into a PvP mold. Stalkers aside, there are some builds that simply do poorly in PvP.

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    Yeah, I got tired of the same ole/same ole. I went to EQ2 for a few months, but you always had to have a team, so I came back. Then I went to WOW and hit 60 with a Shaman, so I came back (I never canceled my acct. here). All of my guild mates have moved on, one is playing a Villian, but I am not interested (though I own the game). So, now I am out in Siren's Call (don't even know where the other PvP zones are, lol) and trying to help the NPC heroes defeat the NPC villians. I don't know why I like to do that. I guess it is because I am playing my Controllers most and I like big mobs of bad guys attacking at once (suicidal I suppose - lol).

    I do grab my Katana/SR Scrapper out when I get sick of getting ganked by Stalkers. Even though I can't see them (don't have Tactics), they seem to avoid trying to gank me. But, I prefer the Controllers over the melee toons.