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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    “Aww, well after she’s done on stage we’ll get something to eat with her and it will be a fantastic evening.”
    Just then one of the cruise ship workers rushes in. “What set off the alarm?”
    Losing her pleasant demeanor “What took you people so long? The alarm shut off a good hour and a half ago!?”
    “Sorry ma’am if I could just have you answer a few—“
    “A meta psycho in a black suit I can’t remember his face tried to break into my room. That’s it now if you excuse me I am going upstairs with these gentlemen to enjoy the casino. Are we done or do I need to call Ms. Chalefour?”
    The attendant looked like he was going soil himself or die at the mention of the name “no no please don’t ma’am that will not be necessary please, um have a nice stay” He exits almost as quickly as he came.
    “Well now, that’s over, would you gentleman like to follow me up to the casino” Odette smiles and her pleasant demeanor returns as she walks towards the door.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    David laughed as Odette proceeded to scare the hell out of the staff, but she did make a good point. Why did it take them so long to respond to the alarm? "You certainly know how to command someone's attention Odette, and I found it quite entertaining." David looked over at the gunslinger in the corner, "Man of few words aren't ya big guy?"
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    “Oh you mean the ball!” Odette’s sparkly green eyes light up. “Oh I guess it’s just the little princess in me but I’m so excited to go. You should both come to that too. But anyways, shall we head up to the casino? You two will love my friend’s performance and I’ve been dying to get to the tables.”

    [/ QUOTE ]

    David stood up out of his seat and stretched for a moment, "Okay I'll be back in one second." David actually meant one second too, in a flash of speed he disappeared into his room and reappeared in Odette's room about 30 seconds later dressed in some nice black pants and a tropical button up shirt. David walked over and sat back down in his seat, "But sure, I would love to see your friend's performance. Got nothing better to do tonight."
  3. [ QUOTE ]
    “Gunner…ok then.” Odette moves back over to David, “I was planning on going up to one of the casinos, and one of my friends is performing there. Interested?….in fact, how about you both come?! It will be fun, trust me."

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Why not? Sounds a lot more fun than whatever that creepy director was promoting. Let me just go to my room real fast and change into something a little more suitable. Lucky for me my room happens to be right next to yours."
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Coming out from behind the screen, Odette was wearing a pretty little black cocktail number and a very nice pair of heels. “You think that’s a road bump in a relationship? I haven’t had a serious relationship ever since my illusion powers kicked in…and i was born with them. Noone wants to trust an illusionist.” Looking at the gunslinger Odette says with a sigh, “and you might be?”

    [/ QUOTE ]

    Talisman thought about that for a second, "Yeah I can see that, but you seem like a nice enough person. My powers manifested when I was about 15, puberty was really a bad time, especially when I couldn't learn to control this." David snapped his fingers and his hand was suddenly engulfed in flames, he turned it off quickly with another snap of his fingers. "Being a hero, isn't the glorious job the media makes it look like. I understand where you are coming from." David looked Odette up and down a little, "Nice outfit by the way, if you don't got a date already, you mind if I accompany you to whatever party thing they are doing upstairs?"
  5. ((No problem Torrent. We all make mistakes from time to time. What I usually do when I have multiple characters in the same post I label which one it is at the top in bold, and separate the two character's events with a good deal of space inbetween. Anyways, the RP is going great this is a lot of fun.))
  6. [ QUOTE ]
    “Odette Boudinot, so you are from Paragon I’m assuming by the way you rushed to the action” so what part are you from? I hear talos is lovely this time of year.” Walking over to a screen in the corner of the room, Odette begins to shed her clothes drape them over the top of the screen, “forgive me, that psycho caught me just as I was about to change.”

    [/ QUOTE ]

    "Me? Well I have lived in Paragon for the last 10 years, prior to that I lived in Greensboro, North Carolina." David said as took another swig of his drink, "And as far as my reckless nature, I have always been like that. Most of my relationships with women have ended because of that fact. They couldn't stand my blatant disregard for my own health." He looked at the screen as she was changing, "No problem at all Odette."

  7. [ QUOTE ]
    “oh well, aren’t you easy to please. So you a super or just one of those professional spectators that likes to talk to reporters and such” she says with a smile as she pours his drink. “Sorry about all the commotion, a freak in a dark suit tried to break into my room. I’d imagine the staff will be here soon to find out what triggered the alarm”

    [/ QUOTE ]

    David laughed at the woman's comment and took the drink from her, "Thank you for the drink, and yes I am super, or meta, or whatever the hell they are calling us these days. If it wasn't for my sensitive hearing I would have never have heard your fight with that strange man." He took a sip of his drink. "That hits the spot, yeah I am pretty easy to please, after all it is a vacation. So what's your name?"
  8. [ QUOTE ]
    Looking even more deflated the woman peaks her head out of the door again and looks at David... “oh crap…well we might as well make a threesome out of it, can I get you a drink? Like I said to him,” nodding up to the gunslinger still pointing his pistols flawlessly, “I have no reason to fight you and its best that we not complicate things so come in…please don’t make a scene” the woman’s head pops back into the room and she makes her way to the rather impressive fully stocked bar in her suite of a room.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    David was relieved that everyone was alright, also that he didn't have to fight anyone. After all it was his vacation. "Sure why not. I was thinking I was about to run headlong into a fight. A drink would be great." He walked into the French woman's room and marveled at the stock of expensive liquor that lined the bar. He noticed the gun slinger in the room as well, he nodded to him and extended his hand, "Hey the name is David, but everyone just calls me Talisman, take your pick it doesn't matter to me." He turned back to the woman, "If you don't mind I'd love a Jack and Coke if you got it."
  9. David ran into the hallway just in time for him to catch what looked like a person disappearing into thin air. "What the hell was that?" David questioned the French woman who was still standing in the hallway, "Are you okay? I heard the sound of a battle and the splash of a fire ball." David stood there still in his bathing suit, waiting for a response.
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    Just then, an eerily chipper cruise activities director with a stack of papers walks up to David’s chair, blocking his light and says with an ear to ear grin, “Be sure to make it to our formal Masquerade Ball! It’ll be a blast and a half and I’m sure it’ll only get better if you come! There will be dancing, a special gourmet buffet! Just come to Hall 18 later in the week! So how many people can I put you down for? He says handing david a flyer.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    David was mildly annoyed and somewhat creeped out by the man's chipper behavior, but he decided to be friendly. "Sure I'll show up, and it'll just be me." Right now he wanted nothing more than to go back into a deep sleep.

    [ QUOTE ]
    “Neat trick” The fireball passes right through the woman revealing it to be an illusion “but obviously you don’t know who you’re dealing with” The woman vanishes and in her place three white figures carrying various weapons appear. “lights out!” the woman appears behind the three figures and from her sparkling green eyes, a flash of light attempts to blind the dark suited man, leaving him at the mercy of her illusionary warriors.

    [/ QUOTE ]

    David's super hearing alerted him to the struggle between a woman and a man, he heard the splash of a fire ball and instantly rose to action, he pushed the director aside and took off towards the battle. "Even on vacation I still can't get away from the action. Oh well I was starting to get bored anyway. Time to go make some friends!."
  11. ((I like the idea of this RP. This should be fun.))

    David "Talisman" Conrad was relaxing by the pool enjoying the sun, getting some well deserved R&R. He wasn't exactly happy at being forced to take a vacation, but his supergroup leader insisted on it. So he decided to make the best of it. David was a muscular guy, had short brown hair, and had bright blue eyes, he was sitting in a chair in his bathing suit, trying to get some sun.

    ((David will be relaxing over here until something happens or someone approachs him.))
  12. ((Hey guys. This is the origin for my hero "The Red Sword of Justice. A frequent poster in the RP Whitmoore Apartments and World War Heroes.))

    Part I: The Birth of a Legend

    "Here I come brother!" Bobby cried as he rushed his older brother with his training sword. Bobby's brother laughed and easily side stepped the hasty and ill-planned attack. With a simple stroke of his blade he knocked the sword from Bobby's hands and launched him into the wall.

    "Damn it Jimmy! That one hurt!" Bobby exclaimed in protest. Jimmy grinned at his younger brother and extended a hand to help him up. Jimmy stood at 6'6 with short black hair and grey eyes that Mom said you could see the universe in. He was a muscular, athletic guy, funloving but very serious about his brother's training. "If you can still talk, you can still train lets continue then little brother." Jimmy laughed and readied himself for his Bobby's next assault. Bobby scrambled to his feet and grabbed his sword. "One day Jimmy, I will surpass you. I will become as great as Statesman. I will become the greatest swordsman the world has ever seen!." Bobby declared as he rushed his brother. As the two swords connected Jimmy found himself being pushed back. "Where did this power come from! This is incredible! I had no idea Bobby had such hidden strength?!" The two brothers clashed with such force that the ground beneath them split.

    The two launched backwards from the crumbling ground. Both breathing heavily. Jimmy could see this mysterious red energy crackling of Bobby. He was astonished at the power and bewildered from where it came. Suddenly the red aura dissipated and Bobby collapsed. Bobby's mysterious powers was gone as quickly as it came. Jimmy picked up Bobby and slung him over his shoulder. "Come on little brother, mom has probably got dinner ready by now." The sun slipped behind the hills as the last bit of sunlight played of off Paragon City's great skyscrapers. "Bobby's powers.... it's as Mom always feared... he's becoming like Dad and myself, a super. I'll hide it from her for now. I just hope he doesn't go super in the middle of dinner or something like that."

    Bobby regained consciousness and found himself laying in bed with a note attached to his forehead. Whenever you wake up there is food downstairs for you. Love, Mom Bobby walked downstairs, everyone else must already be asleep. He grabbed some food off the counter and chowed down. He was starving and for some reason feeling weakened. "Heh, Jimmy really put me through hell today. I better keep training if I ever hope to surpass him. Though anything can happen in this city of heroes..."

    Bobby Lombardo
    Age: 16
    Location: Paragon City, Rhode Island
    Date: June 6, 1936
  13. BrokenSpade

    World War Heroes

    Bobby Lombardo A.K.A. The Red Sword of Justice sat in a tree nearby watching the battle unfold. An Allied solider spotted Bobby in the tree and pointed his M1 Grand at the hero and said nervously, "Are you friend or foe?" Bobby leap from his tree and landed next to the rookie. He stood at 6'1, athletic, long flowing brown hair, and piercing golden eyes. He was wearing a black trench coat with two katanas hung over his back. He turned his gaze to the solider, spit out his smoke and said, "Relax kid. If I was Axis you would already be dead. I have been sent here with a squad from the 1st Hero Brigade. We're here to help with the evacuation. So if you guys want to live I sug-!"

    The hero was cut off by a deafening roar that could only be the sound of the feared Panzer II. "[censored]! They have advanced further than I thought. Go on ahead and collect your squad! I'll handle this."

    Bobby unsheathed both of his katanas and with a flash of speed and power slashed right through the barrel of the tank. "Style of the Hidden Blade Technique #2 Crushing Slash of the Shadow." Bobby jumped into the air, came down with all of his power and cleaved the tank in two. KABOOM!!! The tank exploded with great force and the resulting debris knocked down a few trees and lit the surrounding brush on fire. As the tank lay in flames behind him he simply lit up another smoke and went to link up with the remainder of the Allied Forces.