63 -
((I enjoyed that fight between Raiden and Gabriellia, it was action. I am sure they will come across each other again.))
Gabriellas shield is hit with the full force of the Sword and many of the blows penetrate it revealing scratches and cuts around her arms and torso, YOU SCARRED MY SKIN YOU WORM! She flies higher into the sky and looks towards Odette and David, Odette you fool! In a delicate song, Gabriella sends a howl of notes meant to rip apart Odette and her assailant and after the amplification she had performed, they were definitely going to kill Odette in her unconscious state.
I will deal with you bo- Gabriellas eyes wander towards the a clock on one of the upper decks in her view and she is overcome with a look of panic. Looking back down, you can keep her; she is no use to me anymore! Gabriella sings one final time and vanishes, as if carried away by her final echo.
[/ QUOTE ]
Raiden jumped in front of the sound wave to protect David and Odette. "AHHH!!" He screamed with great pain as the sound wave ripped through his body launching him into the railing. He stood up revealing that he was indeed a Regen. His wounds were closing up rapidly, but the damage was done. Raiden was exhausted and his enemy had escaped. He turned to David. "Take of her. I am going to try to chase after the other one and find out what the hell is going on." And with that Raiden disappeared to the shadows once more.
Odette Chokes a little and whimpers a bit clutching the arm holding her on the railing, I never *gasp*never wanted to...*sob*the queen she,*gasp* no choice- please help Odette passes out from shock ((for real lol)) and her body falls limp on Davids arm.
[/ QUOTE ]
David slung Odette over his shoulder and sped off. Raiden should be able to take of himself for right now. I need to heal her and myself. I hope she has the answers to this... David took her back to his room where he laid her down on his bed. "I hope this helps." David cast a minor healing spell (Medicine Power Set) and waiting to see if would help her. -
Odette Shrieks as she is blow against the railing on the deck of the boat. Her eyes flutter and she quickly gets to her feet, sustaining serious injuries. You have no idea what I have to go through! You can sit their mocking me all you want but at the end of the day, I wanted to have a normal date for once! Tears begin to stream down her face Ambition is an ugly thing and it can truly destroy a person. Still crying Odette straightens herself and looks at David square in the eye, Unfortunately, you are the one that will be destroying tonight Odette swishes her arm in a circular pattern and then touches the floor, A spectral terror of otherworldly horror rises from the deck below her and begins prying Davids mind for that which he fears the most and then showing it to him in the most vivid excruciating detail.
[/ QUOTE ]
"A normal date!?" David screamed. "I was trying to give that to you. And you are trying to kill me! I mean really now. Think about what you are saying!" David stopped in his tracks as Odette's monster began to show him his worst fear. "Nice try. I have already had to live through it once, I have to see ever time I close my eyes." David walked up to the wounded Odette and slammed her against the railing. "If you wanted a normal date then why in the hell are you trying to kill me!"
I am no mere screamer Gabriella begins to hover over the deck. I am the Forbidden Aria! A headmistress in the glorious TWILIGHT MASQUERADE! Her voice rings about the air once again and instead of attacking Raiden, her lovely voice seems to split into multiple tones that can be heard echoing around her well after her lips closed. (Amplify) I recommend retreat Her frightening gold eyes Stare directly through Raiden.
[/ QUOTE ]
Raiden stood up and ripped away his shirt revealing multiple scars across his body. "Retreat? Bad word. Very bad word. I will be pleased to show you how I retreat." Raiden's sword began to glow a bright golden color. "So? Shall we get on to the real fight?" Raiden said in a mocking tone as he swung his sword. "Burning cuts!" (Thousand Cuts) -
The first few punches connected but suddenly it was if David were punching a cushion of air. Odette appeared a few paces back holding her shoulder where David initially aimed. Cute and Forceful, Im impressed. But I hope you brought more than your fists. Odettes eyes sparkle and all of a sudden there are quite a dozen of her standing in a neat little V pattern in front of David. She and the clones begin to twirl about each other until its impossible to tell which is which. A voice speaks as if its whispering right next to his ear, those fists wont protect your fragile mind from my games. Each of the decoys fires a pink psionic bullet from their fingertips headed right towards David. (Deceive + Mental Blast Ancillary)
[/ QUOTE ]
Rather than try and figure out which one was which, David did something very unexpected. He took a bandanna out from his pocket and wrapped it around his eyes, blindfolding himself. "There is much more than meets the eye Odette." David said as he dodged the first few blasts before taking one in the shoulder. He spun and hit the floor hard. He jumped onto his feet. "I guess it's time to get serious. It's a shame. I actually liked you. There is a reason why no one trusts the illusionist, right?" Talisman's body started to crackle as electricity shot across his body. "Time to end this." David used his hearing to track down the real Odette again. He jumped into the air and began to power up a huge energy wave. It looked as if he would attempt to destroy the ship, but as the energy in his hands reached it's peak, Talisman suddenly vanished from sight. Appearing in front of one of the Odettes suddenly, "Spirit Cannon." The huge wave of energy launched right at her. (Nova Blast)
Gabriellas voice rings through the air and with each note the air between them seems to get thicker and thicker until Raiden is stopped just inches from her face Oh my dear, Gabriella rises to her feet, This will be the loveliest euphony your ears have ever known. Her delicate lips part again and a single piercing note pushes back on Raiden with a bladelike intensity.
[/ QUOTE ]
Raiden was surprised by the woman's power. He had to use his blade to deflect the sound of her voice. "Roar Blue Dragon!" He cried as he slashed downwards with a blast of energy cutting the sound wave in two. Raiden landed on his feet but the sound wave had cut into him. His arm was bleeding, but he was by no means out of this. -
Odette slashes her hand in the air, leaving behind a lovely geometric purple haze that attempts to engulf David, causing him immense amounts of pain while inflicting no real damage (spectral wounds).
[/ QUOTE ]
David cried out in pain. "Argghhh!" But suddenly he started laughing. "I never did show you what my power was did I Odette? Or if that is your real name." Using his super hearing David tracked down where Odette was by the sound of her breathing, he used his super speed to suddenly appear behind her. He whispered in her ear. "Dragon Fist." With a sudden burst of energy and speed he delivered a flurry of punches to Odette's back and neck. (Sands of Mu)
Odette turns to Gabriella in the clutches of her new dance partner, I wouldnt mess with her throat if I were you
Om my, arent you assuming a bit too much Gabriellas lips part and a sharp silvery note pierces the tension in the air creating a massive sonic repulsion shield emanating outward from her body. This, she hopes will blast her assailant and his little toy far enough for her to show her true skills.
[/ QUOTE ]
Raiden was blown backwards by the bubble of sound. "A sonic screamer eh? This should be fun. How about it? Your sound vs. my steel." Raiden taunted. Sword in hand he launched himself at her and attempted to end it with a quick slash. -
Odette attempts to grab his hand and dispelling her illusion, appears just inches away from Davids face emitting a blinding flash from her sparkling green eyes. She is poised ready to strike. Meanwhile Gabriella breaks character and looks up at David to see what will happen.
[/ QUOTE ]
David jumped back when he saw the blinding flash, but it was too late. He couldn't see a damn thing now. He fell back on his super hearing to try to retreat. "Damn it! It was a trap! Do it now Raiden!" David yelled as he jumped back and prepared for a
Raiden sprang into action the moment he saw the flash. He landed behind Odette's friend and with a sudden move he had his sword to her throat. "If you even breathe wrong I will kill you." He whispered in her ear. He turned to Odette. "Stand down now or I will kill her!" -
Odette decides to play with him a bit more and moves her head closer to her illusions head. The illusion moves, revealing a gouge made by the bullet on the left side of its head. David, please help It extends its hand and Odette matches her hand with the illusion so that when David grabs it, he would be able to feel her.
Meanwhile, Gabriella is thinking to herself, For the love of god, hurry up and kill him or I will!
[/ QUOTE ]
David knew something wasn't right. His super hearing tipped him off to it. The way she was laying the sounds, they didn't sound quite right. Despite that he reached his hand for hers hoping that if this was a trap that Raiden would have something up his sleeve to save his [censored]. -
Odette Stays patiently in her invisible form ready to emit a blinding flash from her eyes. Gabriella, (the more experienced of the two) knows theyre in for at least some kind of fight so she makes sure to stay in character hoping to gain at least a preemptive strike. She sits in a defeated position crying softly, someone please help waiting for David to return. Fortunately, it was late and not a lot of people were wandering about the deck at this hour. In fact Odette was actually getting excited because she knew that if a fight did break out, there would be no civilian interference to worry about. Neither of them expected him to go after a figure in the distance, but they knew he would be back eventually to help them inside.
[/ QUOTE ]
"Okay Raiden, I'll give this plan of yours a chance, but I swear if I get killed your [censored] is haunted, forever." David jumped off the balcony back towards Odette and her friend. "No... this can't be happening." Talisman approaches Odette's "body". "She can't be dead. No!"
Raiden jumped down as well, but keeps to the shadows. "I hope to god this works. Talisman, don't get yourself killed..." Raiden watches Talisman's convincing act from the shadow all the while keeping one hand on his sword to see what happens. -
Like we said, Gabriella slides closer to him, we dont get out much
Also, when you showed up to my room in such a wonderfully heroic way, I knew I had to at least get to know the brave soul coming to the rescue Odette reaches out of the hot tub near David to grab a glass of champagne.
BANG! A small device deigned to sound like a sniper shot goes off and Odette casts an exact replica of herself falling to the ground and bleeding from the head half-hanging out of the pool. She slips out of the pool being sure to stay close to the illusion fully invisible, waiting for David to move closer with her hand extended ready for a flash technique.
ODETTE!! MY GOD! Gabriella pushes herself out of the Jacuzzi in the opposite direction of the body,David! Whats going on?! Is she dead?! Please David help her! Gabriella Does her best to look faint, hoping David falls for their plot.
[/ QUOTE ]
David went into full blown hero mode. "Damn it! Sniper! Get down!" He yelled to Gabriella as he spotted a man watching them from afar, little did he know that was actually Raiden. "Get her out of here!" David yelled as sped towards his target making a leap and grabbing the man by the throat, about to choke slam him when he recognized the face. "Raiden!?" David said with a confused tone.
Raiden watched the events unfold and realized it was a trap, and that it was a good thing that David saw him when he did. First off there was no muzzle flash or anything of the short to make the noise or indicate a gunshot. Secondly Gabriella had positioned herself perfectly for an assassin's strike if David went over to help the other woman. Raiden reacted quickly to David's attack. "Talisman! Stop it's me Raiden!" David was very confused, "Raiden? What the hell are you doing here?" Raiden pulled David down quickly, "Listen to me Talisman, because we don't have much time. I believe those two women are trying to ambush you or something, nothing about what just happened makes any sense. You have to continue like you know nothing. If we are to figure out what is going on, you need to spring the trap. I need you to pretend to kill me or let me escape, I will be watching from the shadows for support. It's risky, but we can do this." -
Walking to the Jacuzzi Gabriella turns to Odette and says in low tones, do this right or so help me I am going to make your ears bleed.
I got it, Ill go for the old Bait, Blind and Behead.
Now thats more like it. Gabriella smiles widely as they walk out onto the deck.
Gabriella is wearing a white bikini with gold braided trim and Odette is wearing a lovely deep purple one and a floral print sarong.
I hope you werent waiting long! Odette runs ahead shedding her sarong as she goes. Gabriella and I have a bit of a surprise for you for being such a gentleman all night Odette whistles and a butler-like fellow walks out the door with a fantastic spread of food and a bottle of chilled champagne and sets them beside the Jacuzzi.
Those silly cruise directors dont want us eating by the pools but slipping into the waters slowly Gabriella grabs a glass of champagne, we can make some exceptions I think.
Odette is soon to follow, and soon both of them are waiting in to pool for him to join them.
[/ QUOTE ]
David finished up his smoke and walked over to the ladies. "Why thank you." David grabs a glass and sits down at the water's edge. For some reason he suddenly felt very uneasy. Raiden's words kept replaying in his head. It's a false company, but why? What is there to hide? Things are not as they seem. I wish Raiden was here he would be able to make sense of this. Stop it David! There are two hot women waiting for you in the pool with drinks and food. Just enjoy yourself! David looked at the women. "So are you usually this nice to strangers or am I just lucky?" He asked with a smile on his face.
Meanwhile watching from afar.
He sat watching Talisman from afar. "I am glad Shamrock decided to send me out at the last second. Something is not right here." The mysterious man said. He was a tall guy about 6'4 or so, he had about shoulder length blond hair, a serious looking face, though he was dressed in a tropical shirt and a bathing suit. The shirt was slightly open revealing a scar that goes across his chest. "Talisman, be careful. Anyone could be something else on this ship it seems." His phone suddenly went off. "Go ahead Shamrock?" A deep voice said, "Jack? Did the infiltration go as planned?" Jack seemed annoyed with the man on the phone, "I told you Shamrock, while I am on this mission you are to call me Raiden."
((OCC: DUN DUN DUAA!!! Yup time for a plot twist.)) -
((OCC: I must have missed a post where your character was talking to mine.))
"If I offended someone without my knowledge like I said, I am sorry." David said with honesty in his voice. "And I promise we will speak about it later, but right now I need to be somewhere." David turned on his super speed and jetted off to his room and changed into his swim suit, and was soon at the jacuzzis, waiting for the other two ladies to show up. -
"Okay, I'm just not getting this. Why in the galaxy would you...?" Acid's questioning ceased as he spotted David coming toward the elevators, the reptilian's face growing a tad sour as he crossed his arms. It was clear his attention was now on the incognito Talisman, "Well, well, if it isn't the guy from the Humans Only Club. Lose your hang-ons already...?"
[/ QUOTE ]
((OCC: Devious, David is not incognito... he's in clubbing clothes.))
"Have we met?" David asked curiously. "Because honestly I have no idea what you are talking about." He was very much on the alert now. How does this guy know who I am? What the hell is going on around here. Raiden was right, things are not as they seem. "Is there something I can help you with, because if not I shall be on my way. There are things I need to take care of." He said in a hurried voice. -
Odette disopses of the pill by crushing it to dust and signals to gabriella that it was unsuccesful.
Gabriella decides to take control, "David, this is fantastic! i have never seen someone this genuinely lucky. i'll tell you what, i'm a bit sick of all these fancy places...what do you say about going to the jacuzzis on the upper decks?"
Odette smiles wide, "now that...is a fantastic suggestion...of course, we'd have to get changed of course...OH wait, you have super speed right? if we gave you our keys you could just pop over and grab our swimsuits for us...if you don't mind rumaging through our clothes drawers."
Gabriella winces a bit but still smiles through.
[/ QUOTE ]
David thought about it for a second, but the silence was cut by his cell going off. "Ladies, I must take this call. If you would go ahead and get your bathing suits, I will be sure to join you as soon as I take care of business." David walked far out of earshot of the two women. "Yes go ahead." David said into the phone. "Talisman, it's Raiden. Is this a secure channel?" A mysterious voice said from the other line. "Yes, Raiden it is secure."
"Talisman, be advised we did some checking and the organization that owns this ship is a dummy company. We will be following the money trail and see what we can dig up. It might be nothing, but for now be on your toes for anything suspicious Talisman." David sat there for a second and didn't say a word. "Damn it Raiden, even on my vacation I still get sucked back into this [censored]. Anyway look I will stay on my toes, but I have to go, there are two women waiting for me and I swear I am not gonna pass up this chance." David said impatiently into the phone. "Okay Talisman. Stay safe, Raiden out." David closed his phone, and began to walk towards the elevator. -
Oh, Im sorry did I stir up something nasty Odette apologizes
We are good listeners you know Gabriella leans in closer.
While Davids attention is towards Gabriella, Odette attempts to slip a small pill into Davids drink while masking it with an illusion of her listening intently.
((so sorry about the delay Spade, I was a bit distracted by the threads minor loss of structural integrity))
[/ QUOTE ]
David grabs his drink before they put the pill in. "That will be a story for another time." David said with a grin. "So whats next ladies. If I keep winning like this they might just try to throw us out."
------------ -
"What a relief!" Odette leans a little closer to David
"David lets get you a drink for being such a good sport" Gabriella waves a bartender down, "what can we get you"
After the first few winning hands, Odette says slightly shocked, "wow, you weren't kidding about that luck thing!...i swear i'm not doing a thing"
[/ QUOTE ]
"Get me a double jack and coke if you would please." David flashed a smile at the waitress. After winning another hand he looked at Odette, "My luck has yet to fail me. It has always protected me." Yeah, maybe it's their way of making up for what happened to me all those years ago. -
Yes Odette looked distant, Im sorry I havent been totally honest with you, Gabriella was getting mad at me because I never mind
Odette! Gabriella says with crossed arms
Ok!...She was mad because I was going to use my illusions to make you win without telling you Im sorry, I was just having such a fun time and I didnt want anything to ruin it.Odette looks at David with puppy-dog eyes and Gabriellas demeanor becomes softer. I hope this doesnt ruin your opinion of me its just that, you are probably the first person that Gabriella and I have been able to hang out with besides the cracked-out staff
Its really sad but true, Im always on stage and Odette works in one of the salons ..and the staff really is cracked-out I swear Gabriella shrugs her shoulders a bit.
So what do you say? Can we continue with our evening?
[/ QUOTE ]
David didn't trust what the two had told him, but he had nothing else to go on at this point. "Sure, it's fine ladies. Lets go on ahead to the tables." He said cheerfully. I definitely heard one word in there a name..., but I'll have to find out what this means later on. Hopefully it's nothing -
David's super hearing alerted him that something was amiss, he couldn't make out what they were saying only the tone of the conversation and it was nothing good. He decided he would have to be a little more alert of his surroundings. As Odette and Gabriella walked back to him he waved them over the the Black Jack table, "So is everything okay?" He asked with some uncertainty behind his voice.
Hey! Wait David The two women speak simultaneously and then shoot each other a look
((right out of a crappy romance comedy))
They run to David and hook their arms under his as he moves to the table.
[/ QUOTE ]
David looked at the two ladies, "Hey now, no fighting, you two are friends." He said jokingly with a smirk on his face. "So what game first. Ladies choice." -
Well then, now were excited! So you should we rely on your luck or Odette extends her hands and an illusionary deck appears and then vanishes in a purple mist, shall I be your lady luck tonight
Oh you are always trying to cut corners Odette! Gabriella says frowning a bit
Please, you know youd just charm the poor suckers into giving you their cash, you dont even touch the tables!
The two woman begin to argue leaving David anxious to get to the tables ((I assume))
[/ QUOTE ]
David laughed as the two ladies argued. "Well my luck has yet to fail me through the years, so lets see if lady luck still has the hots for me or not." David walked over to the tables and beckoned for the two women to follow. "Think that you can take the dare?" He said with a mischievous grin. -
She is a co-worker of mine but I know her much better than that Turning to Odette she says with a bit of a smirk, Odette, how lovely, this is so unlike you to make a friend so quickly
Well Im not totally socially inept Gabriella, and besides I think both of us could use a little fun now and again
Ok, then what kind of lovely activities have you planned for us and our new gentleman friend Gabriella lays her hand softly on Davids as she says this.
Since your done singing your little song, lets head over to the tables Odette returns her gaze to David attempting gain back some of the attention that Gabriella is currently commanding, what about you? You a gambling man Talisman?
[/ QUOTE ]
David laughed at the question. "Let this answer for you." He lifted up the left sleeve of his shirt revealing a tattoo that said 'He Who Dares, Wins.' "So yes, I am a gambling man. Got to take a chance and roll the dice every now and again eh? I apply that saying to all aspects of my life. After all it isn't much fun just playing it safe and never taking a risk now is it?" David pounded the end of his drink and down and slammed the glass on the table. -
well you could call her a sister, but then again we arent related in any way. A co-worker doesnt capture it either for now lets just say that she is a very close friend. Odette looks to the stage as the grand curtains begin to close. Hopefully she will get back out here soon. It looks like you cant wait too much longer.
Just a few moments later. The Siren walks out of a small door beside the stage. She is wearing a slightly more toned down Grecian dress and no veil, reveling her eyes nd hair to be a triumphant gold. She sits down and extends her hand towards David, Gabriella Miovella, and you are?
[/ QUOTE ]
David was amazed out how bright of a gold color her eyes were, after a second he realized he was staring and he shook her hand, "Nice to meet you, my name is David Conrad, though some people just call me Talisman. Your performance was very unique. I really liked it. So uh, how do you know Odette?" -
Odette smiles as she watches Davids reaction. She barely pays attention to gunner as her laughs and exits the casino. Turning to David she smiles and locks her sparkling green eyes with his and saying casually, shes so bored on this big boat, itll be nice for her to meet someone new, other than the staff. You do want to meet her right? she says suspecting what the answer might be.
[/ QUOTE ]
David barely heard what Odette was saying, his gaze was focused on the stage. Though after a few seconds he came out of his haze and turned his eyes to Odette, "Uh... Yeah that would be great. I also don't know that many people around here, so it sounds like fun. So um... how do you know her?" -
A glorious blond woman in a delicately draped Grecian gown lowers from the ceiling of the stage on a gilded swing the train of her dress lightly swishes about the floor as she begins singing. The language she is speaking seems foreign, and yet the delicate silvery toner of her voice makes you feel as if you have known her forever and she knows your deepest secrets. Her eyes are shielded by a white veil as she swings back and forth singing her enchanting song. In the middle of a note her voice seems to split into multiple voices as she begins to sing multiple voice parts. She slides delicately off of the swing and floats to the stage surrounded by a golden glow. Her voice continues to split into separate parts and then gather at the refrain of the song and then she vanishes after the final climax of the piece.
now if you want, you can go to the arena or you can stay and meet her
[/ QUOTE ]
Talisman was mystified by Odette's friend. Something about her voice seemed to draw him into this dream like haze. She was quite beautiful, but it was her voice that had entered his head, something about it was mystical. "On second thought, I think I'll stay here and watch the show. Gunner you can go on ahead if you like. I'll get there at some point." -
"An arena, huh?" Gunner finally said, grinning. "Relaxation's fine and all, but, really, you can't beat a good match. Whenever you're ready, I'm ready." He said to Odette, not really paying much mind to the men in suits, or anything else, for that matter. He was like a kid waiting for Christmas, sans the trees. And presents. And joy. However, to replace it all, there was a rather large amount of violence.
[/ QUOTE ]
David drained the rest of his drink and looked at Gunner, "Some fighting? Why not? It could be the drinks talking, but a match sounds like fun. What do you say big guy? Me and you in the arena?" David looked over at Odette. "What about you? You gonna fight tonight as well." He said with a wink. -
Thank you, lets just say I know some very important people on this lovely vessel.
Odette looked at gunner with a disappointed look, Aww, am I not worth talking to? Well then, I guess we will have to bring you out of your shell a bit The three of them enter a grand casino with chandeliers and the whole nine yards, Oh I love this place! Ok, lets get a table up front by the stage! she runs to a table almost losing her two gentleman guests and she sits down to save the table waving them over, come on boys the show is about to start!
[/ QUOTE ]
David casually walked over to the table that Odette had gotten for them and he took his seat. He looked around at the casino, "Pretty nice place here. Almost feel like I am under dressed for in here." He marveled at how expensive it all looked. A blond waitress walked up to David, "Hello there sir, can I get you a drink?" He looked up at the waitress, "Yeah a Scotch on the Rocks would be great right now." As the waitress walked off he turned back to Odette, "So Odette, who exactly is this friend of yours?"