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  1. BlackArachnid

    Lord Recluse SF

    Hello all. My friend and I are looking for villains who are at least levels 45-50 to run a Lord Recluse Strike Force. This particular SF is to obtain the Marshal Accolade badge. We don't need to do the whole thing, just far enough to get the badge, at which point players can leave if so choose. My friend is a Perma Haste/ Perma Pets crab spider. I'm also a crab spider, and we have double toggles. We are looking for the following: 1. Brutes who are soft capped defensively, 2. Corruptors who have really good debuffs, 3. Two healers, one to heal the brutes, and one to heal the rest, 4. Any perma doms with good holds who can keep their holds constant. Masterminds are welcome to join, but they must be able to control their pets efficiently. Stalkers are also welcome. Looking also for Widows who are defensively soft capped and have perma mind link. Banes are welcome also. Fortunatas are also welcome. We are looking to run it on either Monday, August 2nd, or Friday, August 6th. Everyone interested, please post your archetype and availability here.
  2. *walks in with a Raspberry Sunrise smoothie in hand*

    Morning all you crazy people.
  3. *walks into the room, rope in hand*

    *grabs and noms a piece*
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
    *pulls out a ball of yarn*

    but I wanted to tie Fey up!!!
    I was talking about tying up VexXxa, je_saist
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by FeyDuex View Post
    Promise BA?
    Promise? That's a guarantee, Fey
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VexXxa View Post
    *wiggles free and takes a flying leap above BA*

    Oh man...

    Next time, I'm tying you up, missy
  7. *grabs VexXxa in mid-air with his four spider legs before she pounces on him*

    Whoa there, cowgirl.
  8. *walks over to the blackjack table, and starts playing*

    Good Morning all. Dealer, hit me.

    ((That's ok, Shecky, I'd rather have a casino over french toast today))
  9. *blasts his way through the snow, spots Detra*

    Oh my....

    Let me help you there, Detra.

    *warms up the pole, unsticking Detra*

    There we go.
  10. *quietly moves across the ceiling*

    *lowers himself down next to Detra, trying to grab his tea before anyone notices he's there*
  11. *descends down from a web in the trees*

    Morning all

    Becky, don't drink too much.
  12. *slowly walks out of his room into the Rookery*

    *offers VexXxa a cup of coffee*
  13. Never met Rooky. In any case, I'm at least naming Detra as queen for the day.
  14. *walks out of the hall into the Rookery, flips on the "OPEN" sign, rewires the chef-bots to start making a royal style breakfast*

    Good Morning Rookery people. Today we are paying homage to our very own queen of the

    Rookery, Detra.
  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Tramontane View Post
    You missed the reference?

    Dammit, tell me somebody gets the reference! D:
    I do. Its' a reference to "I want to rock" by Twisted Sister, right?

    And good morning to all in the rookery
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Detra View Post
    *comes down stairs in a long black behive wig, long black very low cut dress.*

    *walks over to the red couch*

    *walks out of the hall into the rookery, spies Detra laying on the couch*

    Whoa momma.
  17. *walks out in his new Arachnos uniform*

    Greetings all
  18. Neko!!!!

    *brushes the cat hair off himself*
  19. *walks out and looks at the cuddle pile*

    Glad I'm not going in there.

    Not even Detra can make go in there.
  20. *walks out of a room*

    Morning Detra, Neko, Jag
  21. BlackArachnid

    Friday Rookery.

    *walks over and starts to scritchies the Neko*
  22. poor Neko. I hope you feel better soon.