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    The closest I can get is a paraphrase of an apparent PM in which Castle states that this was not intended to affect enemy pets in PvE but in some cases it will.

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    Well, other than the fact that it's not intended, what do you want? I admit more could be said, such as whether the devs plan to give critters their own version of player pets, and if so, how soon, but isn't that a logical progression from it not being the intended behavior?

    That's not even the only possible solution, if the idea suggested about allowing debuffs but putting a "cap" on buffs could be worked, then there wouldn't need to be separate pets. Maybe the devs haven't given an answer because they don't know how they are going to address it. And they have already said that they're aware of it, so all you're looking for is the "we're going to do something about it".

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    Actually, what I'd like to know is how they're going to address the major imbalance this creates between MM's and -recharge powersets in PvP and MA arcs, or even that they realise what a major change this is in that regard.

    My Ice/Ice blaster, Kin/Psi defender and Ice/Rad controllers will have greatly reduced effectiveness against a MM in PvP when I14 goes live. The devs haven't addressed this in any way, shape or form. THAT is what I'd like to hear them discuss.
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    And I note that the devs have STILL not said a single word about the detrimental affect this is going to have on -recharge powersets vs pets. Makes you wonder if they thought about it at all?

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    No word in any thread, and they seem to be ignoring any PMs on the subject as well.

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    They are not ignoring PMs, I sent one to Castle, and posted his response in this thread.

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    Oh, by no means do I expect a dev to answer a PM from me.

    However, even in all the quotes I've been able to find in this thread (and it's a doozy!) I've yet to find a single statement from the devs in regards to the serious reduction in effectiveness of -recharge powersets against pets, most particularly in regards to PvP and MA arcs.

    The closest I can get is a paraphrase of an apparent PM in which Castle states that this was not intended to affect enemy pets in PvE but in some cases it will.

    Given that this issue has been raised a few times in this thread, I would expect that they'd at least make some sort of response.

    I don't think I'm being unreasonable here, to be honest.
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    I'm sorry when you said sets became unplayable (something like that) I assumed you meant the sets as a whole... <rest of the post snipped by Bardon>

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    I wouldn't say sets have become unplayable, but certain combinations have definitely become less tenable, especially in PvP and MA arcs.

    For example, my Ice/Ice blaster has 11 out of the 18 primary/secondary powers that have -recharge components. They'll slow down the attack rate of Lord Recluse (eventually) but not a level 1 robot. This is supposed to make sense and be equitable?

    As another example, with my Kin/Psi defender the -recharge from Siphon Speed (fortunately unresistable) combined with the -recharge from Mental Blast and PsiScream was a big part of his survivability, especially at lower levels.

    My Ice/Rad controller and Ice/Cold corruptor fall into similar categories to those above

    So while even I would agree that this doesn't make the sets unplayable, it will definitely affect who I take into PvP (none of the above) and MA arcs, and even in PvE those enemies who summon pets will now be more difficult to deal with, greatly so in the case of the -recharge specialists like the ice/ice and ice/cold characters.

    And I note that the devs have STILL not said a single word about the detrimental affect this is going to have on -recharge powersets vs pets. Makes you wonder if they thought about it at all?
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    Well, go ahead and add me to the list of folks unhappy with this change. I don't so much have an issue with them doing something about +rech IO's affecting pets, but to make pets immune to outside recharge buffs is an across the board nerf to pretty much all MM's & Controllers. [/i]

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    Honestly, I can't call it a nerf when they really aren't lowering their initial damage.

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    And in fact, it's a huge buff. Your pets are now immune to -recharge. No need to fear Psi, Cold/Ice or other -recharge abilities (LR from Rad, for example) any more.
  5. Well, I've gone over my characters and the following won't be going into PvP or MA missions when I14 goes live, as the total wipeout of -recharge on pets is going to gut their effectiveness completely:

    Kin/Psi defender
    Ill/Kin controller
    Ice/Ice blaster
    Ice/Cold corruptor
    Ice/Rad controller

    These characters as squishy, and the main factor in their survival is the -recharge lockdown they can bring to bear, especially the specialists like the Ice/Ice blaster and Ice/Cold corr.

    I may try my Arch/MM blaster and Rad/Sonic defender, as -recharge isn't as important a part of my build for those.

    But seriously, have the Devs even commented ONCE about this massive nerf to all -recharge sets? Have they even thought about it? I can't see a single statement from them aside from how this will affect pet powers, nothing to do with the massive shift of balance in favour of pets (both MM and mob-generated such as Legacy Chain) over those powersets focusing on -recharge.

    I don't expect an answer when I PM a dev (as I've done to Castle in regards to this issue) but I'd like to think that they actually looked at what this will do to the overall game.

    Thus far, I haven't seen a single sign of it. C'mon rednames, won't SOMEBODY take some responsibility and address this issue? It's not like this change will go live any day now....
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    The known issues list is kind of in unknown territory. I'm not sure if there is anyone who's responsibility is to keep that thing updated on a regular basis...and I'm not sure if there actually is a way to keep it updated anyway. What should go on the known issues list is things that are currently broken in the live game, are known about by us, and will be fixed in an upcoming patch.

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    Hey Babs, I've worked in IT Change & Release Management for over 20 years.

    Get your boss to give me a call about a job!
  7. Yeah, it's not going to change my gameplay that I can't get this, but it's annoying. I'm another Aussie and it's fairly clear that if you don't live in the States or mainland Europe then NCSoft doesn't consider you worth attention.

    It's not like we pay the same amount for our gametime - oh wait, we do!