54 -
He had saved for nearly a year to get all of this technology in one place, but finally had managed to complete his invention. Sometimes working two or three jobs, buying from sources willing to keep business deals quiet (in order to avoid attracting attention from the wrong sources); it had all finally paid off - he had what he wanted. A suit of red-and-frost blue tech armor lay disassembled in front of him. The only thing missing is a good helmet, he thought approvingly as he looked at his newest technological wonder. And that can be added later. Various parts and wires lay scattered around him, and the overalls he wore had numerous grease stains and scorch marks from where a stray spark had landed on them.
A few minutes later, when he had completely donned the armor and powered up its systems, he was ready. It was a short walk and a swift ride on the Yellow Line from his apartment in the King's Row to the City Hall in Atlas Park to register, and it would be well worth it. At City Hall, he filled out the forms and handed them to the clerk. "So the name you want to register with is Solar Freeze," the clerk said, looking at him appraisingly. "You look a little young to be registering yourself as a hero. Are you sure you have your parents' permission?"
"You got the fax with the signed permission form," the young man replied. "Otherwise I wouldn't have even been able to get this far."
"True," the clerk replied, not sounding particularly convinced. "But I still don't like it. You're too young, in my opinion."
"Well, I'm just lucky it isn't up to your opinion, then," the young man stated somewhat belligerently. I normally wouldn't antagonize the guy who's going to do something so important to me, but this guy is such a pompous jerk. He thinks he knows what's best for me, but he really doesn't have any idea what's going on.
"Well, I guess so," the clerk responded. "Here's your ID card. Keep this on you at all times, so you won't get arrested for vigilantism. Neither of us wants that. Since you're a tech, you may want to head over to D.A.T.A. to see if they've got anything for you. They've got an office right in the building; the directory's over there." The clerk pointed to a computer terminal on the wall of the City Hall Information Desk labeled "Directory."
Yeah, as if I could have missed that, the young man thought. He walked over to the terminal and tapped a few keys, quickly figuring out the system and bringing up maps of all of the city.
Albert Rennsen smiled. Today was a good day. -
You are in no way constrained to playing actual characters on the CoH games. You may create your own powers and heroes, subject to my approval.
You may also play Peacebringers or Warshades.
You may "write yourself in" to Renzer history, as long as I approve the backstory. So if you wish, you may be a Renzer experiment or employee, as long as I approve your character.
Edit: And Khellendrosiic, I love Toy Dispenser. He is most definitely in. -
An example character follows:
Paragon City Registered Hero Name: Solar Freeze
Origin: Technology
Powers: Solar Freeze uses a suit of technological armor to affect the temperature of objects around him. He can change the temperature of the target enough to spontaneously create fire or ice.
Backstory: During a high school trip to Renzer Scientific, Incorporated, teenager Albert Rensen wandered off, looking for a restroom, and got lost. He stumbled upon a laboratory where Renzer scientists were fiddling with a strange Rikti device. As Rensen watched, the device activated. At first nothing seemed to have happened, but soon after, Albert discovered information in his head that had not been in there before the accident. In a panic, Albert fled to Paragon City, where he became uncomfortable with the level of crime, even with the omnipresent hero population. Slowly beginning to sort through the confused jumble of information in his head, Albert pieced together a suit of armor and registered as a hero in Paragon City, taking the name "Solar Freeze." -
Renzer Scientific, Incorporated is a scientific research firm respected the world over for their highly innovative insights into the scientific world. Renzer has patented thousands of ideas and develpoed technology that has improved the lives of millions. They have a department - the Renzer Scientific Hero Relations Department - devoted entirely to fighting crime in Paragon City, using operatives equipped with superior technology as registered heroes. However, Renzer has a darker side...
Renzer is one of the less savory corporations in existence. They have avoided scandal so far, but that is simply because most of what they do is secret, hidden even from most of the employees. Illegal genetic experimentation, kidnapping, and blackmail are all on the resumes of their most successful researchers and managers.
Some of the illegal deeds that Renzer has done may be about to come to light...
In this RP, all of the main characters are in some fashion related to Renzer Scientific, Inc. Anyone wishing to join will quickly become involved with the darker side of Renzer, either combatting it (as heroes) or aiding it (as villains or as the unwitting dupes of Renzer Hero Relations Dept.).
In order to participate, please provide the following information:
Paragon City Registered Hero Name/Rogue Isles Registered Villain Name: (Hero's/Villain's secret identity optional)
Origin: (as the 5 origins used in City of Heroes and City of Villains)
Powers: (a brief description of the hero's or villain's powers)
Backstory: (a brief history of the hero or villain, including any involvement with Renzer Scientific, Inc.; if your hero/villain does not have any history with Renzer, he/she will be inducted rather quickly)
The character Origins most likely to be approved are those most likely to have involvements with Renzer: Technology, then Science, then Mutation, then Natural. Magic-Origin characters are unlikely to be approved unless their backstory gives a good reason for them to interact with Renzer.