Hello all, Im a returning player to COH, and alongside my blaster Im hoping to create Ive been very interested in starting a paragon sides Mastermind as a DS/
Im a bit stuck for a secondary to choose, but narrowed it down to Pain, Dark, and Thermal. Mainly looking for a active powerset, but free flowing instead of pulling my hair trying to keep up set. Pain appears to be heal centric and buff, Thermal apepars to have alot of single target buffs (which might get annoying renewing) and alot of nice debuffs. Dark appears to have alot of ancored debuffs and a hit/miss heal. Thats my understanding of the sets.
I would be most appreciative of opinions/advice and experience from people on which of these secondaries you think works best with Demon summoning. I understand theres not best but I would like to get the general consensus around here or have a idea of what works before I start.