147 -
dude, time for a change? Did you not use that same one like 2 years ago? LOL I think I remember that one, or one very simular
I still say 4shes has the best avatar lol love that [censored]
Ill give ya that lol it was an at a glance if that helps deter from option C to A instead.
Oh cmon! I watch the news, its not like he is on daily LOL and plus im watching the news while playing a game, so I could prob pull his voice out of a crowd but face wise, I know ive seen him but did not place!
So just wow ;} -
You have the best avatar EVER, Stark.
lol....just awesome.
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Yea I honestly did not know who it was, I even asked him cuz I thought it was friggin real lol until he said the arms were dubbed in, for some reason I did not notice that until he said, now its so friggin obvious ;( -
This sounds so familiar, yet I just can't place it. Was there perhaps a similar situation recently? Hmmm...
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Please explain this! -
Well no lol of course, and I usualy take an SK to a 50, which dont make me that much better but atleast im in there AOEin shiz down
Plus it would be way to boring just to sit LOL ide go crazy.
Only time I had a mish like your talking about was when Alpha bought me in, was laying [censored] down like what! -
I tell ya what, instead of remembering this thread check out this vid!
http://www.workingproxy.net/index.php/10...522d60fca517548 -
And he'll also be giving free spelling lessons, with help from ELK.
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Yaaaaay....cought my misspelled word!
Careful AM you may wear your F5 key out.
Come farm in RV we love farmers!
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Oh, ill be there! Ill be the one in the red cape giving the /middle fingure to all Villians!
Drop in and get killed when ever ya want -
Ack....dude, this isnt how you get PLed. lol....
Nobody, even myself (and I farm a lot with various teams), would consider forming a group just to PL you to 50. Sure, the tickets and influence might be great for all the 50s but you're really going about this the wrong way.
There's SO many farms running in Atlas, its just far better to hang around in the MA building until one is advertised, then send a tell to the "farmer" asking if you can join.
This will never work, but I give you credit for having the stones to put it out there.
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Your right, and your post came thru very well! Nothing but the truth without being an [censored] like others!
Had this of been the first post I would have killed it!
I was at work, and decided....wth not! But I see your right and say....well no need to say sorry to anyone, asking harmed no one lol
But i'll say this, your words were noted and I will remember this!
Ty for being you ;-) -
All i have to say is wow . . . publicly asking (on the COH forums no less) about something the devs have said time and again they frown on . . .
I honestly never through i would see a post setting up a PL team on the boards.
And before you say it's not a pl team . . . . if i join will you turn off XP?
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sure, I want prestige dammit! lol I want to rebuild my base someone destroyed when I left. I ran in SG mode the whole time!
Yes of course, I want XP but my main focus to hit 50 is to begin gainning Prestige!
Atlas Heroes was once a very active higher eanring prestige SG and now its nothing!
[censored] kinda hurts to come back and find one [censored] bag decided to kick everyone out and destroy what we all worked so hard to get!
It really stuck me the wrong way.
Okay, maybe not the best idea, or improper so to speak, to post on a forum! But I did, devs wanna temp ban me go for it!
Some times people make mistakes, the problem is that some have to take it a step futher! If someone said " Dude you knwo this is bad or this is that" I would have deleted it!
But when [censored] come on and wanna start a flame thread...well thats a little more pathedic then the orig post, no? -
Well for one, Champion doesn't approve of farming.
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You're not Champion. Don't speak for it. Or me.
Or anyone. I'd rather Elf Stalker.
Elf. Where the [censored] are you, anyway?
So, please don't bring this into our forums or the BMT Channel though.
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Public forums. Bring whatever the [censored] you like until Mod 8 gets bored or Mitch comes in looking for Pub.
Keep "pL meh!" out of the BMT, though. Farm to your heart's content, as you pay to play as you like.
I whole [censored] heartedly agree that it is meant to be kept out of the channel, not because farming or pL'n is so [censored] bad, but because that is not what the channel was made for. *
And, that is one of the few (only?) things your primary colored police and I can likely agree on.
They have been handing out temp bans left and right for it, and been suspending AE Noobs' 50s until they can prove they didn't exploit for the 50.
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This happened to your friend's friend, right?
* The channel was made for bacon.
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Yea brother, I know not to use those channels for that, when I first made Hamidon Raiders I even said that then, I did not want (Join SG, GET PLd) crap in my channel, I have yet to put that in others.
And to who said they pass bans out for playing a game the way we can vs the way you think we should
I know some of the sickest PLers on this server that do it like there making real money (Maybe they are) an dont think they were ever banned!
Also saw /b for mids for PLing as clear as day back in the day! never saw bans either.
Bottom line, Arch is an alternitive to leveling, thats from COH words! Who is anyone to say they were wrong? ;-) -
Again, I was mearly asking, no need to put in your -2 cents lol if some wanted to go..... then great! If not.....then still.....great!
Why does everyone feel the need to be an [censored] for no real reason?
"We dont like farming" then dont farm people, leave those that do alone and walk away! lol -
Looking for a good team of 8 to run farm missions on Arch!
Did one run last night, in just one run went from 32 to 38 lol leveling cant get faster then that!
BTW Dont look at this as helping me, but helping yourself
We had all 50s but me, way I want it again tonight, we ripped through 53 boss mobs like it was nothing at all!
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Oy vey. Dude, I know you're an old veteran, but when you teamed with me for the Citadel Task Force last week, you played and whined like a dang AE powerleveled newbie. "I'm the only healer? We need more healers. Boot four of the scrappers / blasters, and get some controllers." "No, we're fine." "I'm letting you know now that after the third team wipe in the first mission, I'm out of there." Then I kicked you from the team before the Task Force started, but invited you back after Habatchi asked me to. We had a couple of deaths, but no team wipes, and you were AFK for more than one whole mission in the task force.
Seriously, you need to play the game and re-learn it. Not farm.
And you want everyone on this AE farm team of yours to be level 50, other than yourself, and you say it's not to help you? ROFL.
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Your sorta right, ya sorta left out alot of shiz
First, your right! I said this at the beginning! Leaving out the fact that I said mainly because I dont have good Enhances and I think a XxX/Kin would be great for a troller, since we had no reall CC.
Yes your team worked out! WOOT GREAT!
I was only voicing an OP but you got kick happy and booted me!
I have never booted anyone for voicing an OP and as a leader your better off from time to time listening to a voice other then the one in your head.
Yea, on of the missions I AFKed thru, so did someone else for 2-3 but your not bitchin about that one? I had some issues with family that came over! I think RL and family is more important the COH, no?
And I did say I was gonna AFK for a little because something came up.
And I dont think I need to re-level as my OP was very valid, ty for the advise though -
You're really talking about farming on the Champ forums where we are constantly talking about how bad it is?
And no. I'm not interested Sheep man.
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I dont know about you, but I dont see the harm in it, nor do I care! if your saying that its wrong for me to farm a mish out left and right to earn INFL or prestige that sucks.
Yea, I wanna get back to 50! Nothing has really changed with Fire/Fire tankers! Why go thru 50 boring [censored] levels again?
I wanna get up, start running all the TFs getting all my badges, getting all Acolades and working on Hamidons and IO's
Mosty important to me, I want my frigging SG base! Last night alone I made around 30k (aint much) but still! -
Looking for a good team of 8 to run farm missions on Arch!
Did one run last night, in just one run went from 32 to 38 lol leveling cant get faster then that!
BTW Dont look at this as helping me, but helping yourself
Missions with all 53 bosses only means tons of INFL or Prestige! I made 14mill in one run!
We had like 3 fire/kin, 1 Invuln scrap, 1 tank 2 other dps sracppers and myself! full cleard the crey (dreck) map within 20 min!
Was a healla good team!
Lets hook up at 7pm est tonight! I wanna burn some levels and gain some prestige so I can make my SG base already!
Habatchi might be one of the fire/kins, but unsure so far.
More Fire/Kin better ;}
Anyways, I want to make a team that will really farm it out, I mean resets and such!
LF The following
1) Fire/Kin_________________________
2) Fire/Kin_________________________
3) Scrapper Invuln__________________
4) DPS____________________________
5) DPS ___________________________
6) DPS____________________________
7) DPS____________________________
8) ME!
We had all 50s but me, way I want it again tonight, we ripped through 53 boss mobs like it was nothing at all!
If you want in, put your name under the forum, and your build.
CYa all tonight! -
I still have the old guildportal.com site, but no pics and have not had the time to go in and touch it up, I think I might today lol kinda need to.
BTW sorry but I dont normaly check forums at night, thats when im finaly playing the game lol
I usualy do forums during the day while stuck at work.
I will be on tonight so hit me up! I should be on Captain Blaze or Atomic Manz, note the BLaze is Biaze but the i is CAPs so if you look up the whole name like some will ya never find meh! -
I call red shirt duty!
Come to think of it, my Mind/Rad controller, Strikeout, is still in the old Atlas Heroes SG uniform. It wasnt that bad of a look.
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LOL Strikeout, I remember the name, yea the uniform looked good, no one ever gave a complaint about the setup, however there were a few that wanted pink in it......not sure why LOL
Alpha R always wanted pink in it....alpha wanna explain that brother?
BTW! Net what level is your strikeout now?? -
Well no one will begin as an Officer, Mald was different as we go way back and I know him to be a good guy, dont get me wrong, im not saying your a bad guy but promotions are earned not givin per request.
Hope ya understand brother. Your more then welcomed to join my SG, but as a member, and over time you will be promoted through your actions. -
Atlas Heroes is now recruiting!
Hello all! My name is Greg, my old characters were Captain Blaze, Captain Atlas and Atomic Man! I got all but Atomic Man back (Now its Manz).
I have been gone to Italy for a few years, now I have come back, cannot transfer World of Warcraft EU over to US so I decided to come back to City of Heroes over re-leveling a character on WoW.
Atlas Heroes when I last played was 11th best-earned prestige SG in the game, (PoN was always num 1had 6 full chapters and was very active!
I now have 3 members . LOL I have not really tried to recruit because I was trying to hit 50 as fast as possible so I can start farming prestige in Arch missions! Still not 50 but figured .why the heck not!
Anyone that used to be a member need only send a PM!
Others, I just want to get to know ya a little. I run a SG that is laid back and fun, people in my guild do not have a language restriction, so usually mostly adults or kids that want to be (Trust me you will regret wanting when you become)!
When base raids become available I plan to do as many as possible, I want to stack all the IOPs we can as soon as possible and get the SG back to the way it used to be.
I plan to do a lot of public events like I did back in the old days, I want to do Hamidons and TFs and raids on PvP zones.
If you want in send me a PM tonight, ill be home around 6:30pm est. Or just send me an in game email and we can speak that way.
If you have questions as to policy, for now its this.
1) All members must be active, I wont have a guild full of people inactive for 30 days, plays once and leaves again for 30 days.
2) While this is not set in stone for now each member thats level 50 should make no less then 1k per month in prestige (lets face it, you can make that in a few hours) and this will change once we get a good amount of members and put the real rule to a vote.
3) I do nearly every single SG change with a voting system. Every member will have to put in a vote, this aint United States, you HAVE TO VOTE! Its your guild and in a month when we speak to you for breaking a rule you did not vote on, I wont have to hear (Well I never voted on that) because thats just annoying!
4) We will have a SG uniform, if any remember the old one .its the same! There was nothing wrong with it then, doubt there is anything wrong with it now! HOWEVER! I will reconsider a polling on this as well, after all when we do out doors SG events we have to all like what we are in, but the SG colors are Black/White, very neutral! I will NOT PUT PINK! Always someone wants Pink lol its a horrible color for a SG uniform. No offence to those that use it
5) No BS! I will not tolerate BS in the guild. I wont have one fighting another, you work it out in PM's, if you cant then come to the SG leader or the others in charge. (If its a guild issue of course. I dont want dirty laundry aired on forums, or in /b or /Hamidon Raiders or BMT Champion! Be cool, stay cool and .thats cool!
Any other rules will be decided later when we are a decently active SG!
I will take all levels, however if your level 5 and in 1 month are only level 6 your not active and getting DAS BOOT!
You need to contribute! If someone is soloing a mish and cant kill last boss, then someone who can help should always try. I do and expect the same of all in the SG!
SG just aint a base and teleporter pads, its people helping each other achieve things not doable alone, we will always call in SG when a world boss is out, we will always help those not even in our SG by letting the zone and BMT know there is a boss up! Come and grab a badge!
I want our people to help those in and out of our SG and just become a good gamer that peeps wanna invite back over and over.
Again any questions please feel free to ask!
BTW! Second officer is currently Maldron! so if you want an invite and im not on check him out.
lol crit, got blaze to 33 now! Cant wait for 50 baby! Gonna drop sum shiz like its hot!
But damn, this market is messed up! IOs costing hundreds of mills lol gah gonna take someone a very long time to get setup on all slots.
Ribos for 60mill+? I remember after every Hamidon raid I was buying them for 10mill each LOL I had every single slot on my char 50+ lol just to get one now....seems impossible!
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I've made 800 million inf and slotted an entire purple build in the last month.
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you must have his rock.....