414 -
Signing Up 4 a friend
What are your global handles/recognizable names? @skullz
What server do you primarily play on? Champion
What server do you prmarily PvP on? Champion
What toons do you have to offer for 8v8 PvP? ill/emp
Which of these toons is on Freedom? Will transfer
If any, what toons would you be willing to transfer to Freedom for a league? ^
What do you consider your primary/optimal role in a team setting? Healer, after that anything
What do you consider your favorite role in a team setting? Healing
Would you be willing to make a new toon and level it to 50? No
Would you be willing to respec into a new build for a league? No
Briefly describe your experience in PvP. (If you were on other 8v8 teams list them here, any substantial experience here also) Only Kickball and Zone
(OPTIONAL) (Only answer if you have a firm grasp of team rosters)
Name Captains you would prefer to play for, minimum of 3. If you pick 3 I can guarantee you a spot on one of the 3 you choose, if you don't then whoever drafts you will be final. Also when we get down to the last draftees, there might be instances where people have to be picked in order to keep teams even numbers, in this case the draft protection will not apply.
Mostly jus Exile, But if picked up by any1 esle whatever. -
@Teh Artic, @Artic Chill -44
@Pimprock, @Be a Man
@Midnight Havoc, @Ice-GX
@TRTerror, @TRTwo
@Frozen Viper
@Lil Swag,
@Sinful Blaze, @Sinful Blaze 2
@Diotrophes, @Diotrophes 2
Roster Updated
added @Vase?
maybe some more second/third account adds to follow soon... -
Quote:Captain: @Teh Artic
@Pimprock, @Be a Man
@Midnight Havoc, @Ice-GX
@TRTerror, @TRTwo
@Frozen Viper
@Lil Swag,
@Sinful Blaze, @Sinful Blaze 2
@Diotrophes, @Diotrophes 2
Editing Roster @Nu-,@Nu. quit the game,
glhf Nu with whatever game u decide to go play or in RL stuff. -
Being a nice person, I sent out offline reminders to every1 still on ur team so they remember its a official match tonite, Hopefully that will get some more of ur folks to show up, I hope u guys can still stick this league out glhf!
Quote:Roster UpdatedCaptain: @Teh Artic
@Pimprock, @Be a Man
@Midnight Havoc, @Ice-GX
@Nu-, @Nu.
@TRTerror, @TRTwo
@Frozen Viper ----------------> (Playable on Monday)
@Lil Swag ------------- -- > (Playabe on Tuesday )
@Sinful Blaze, @Sinful Blaze 2
@Diotrophes, @Diotrophes 2 -
Quote:Captain: @Teh Artic
@Midnight Havoc, @Ice-GX
@Pimprock, @Be a Man
@Nu-, @Nu.
@TRTerror, @TRTwo
@Frozen Viper
@Lil Swag
@Sinful Blaze, @Sinful Blaze 2
@Diotrophes, @Diotrophes 2
Oh Okay thanks for letting me know Philly,
Roster Updated readded @Frozen Viper -
Exile would like to make a official trade with FAP,
Give u Swag for Smoke?
Hit me up, we'll talk.
P.S.: Wow so many views on ur thread! -
Exile would like to officially let Chicken Nuggets know that we r looking forward to playing against u guys this weekend, should be alot of fun. GLHF!
P.S.: Yay Myrm Im not banned on the fourms like Keeper is. -
U forgot @Smeede 2 and also U mispelled Helms gobal @Helmholtz, AND u forgot his second gobal @Helmholtz 2. Jus a FYI!
Venny @Venatrix Inferno :: Captain
Mage @Mirage Mage :: Leprechaun Manager
Smallz @Smallzies :: Co-Captain
Tempty @Tempty
Fiery @Fiery-Enforcer
Masque @Masque @Masque2
Exit @Exit
Pixel @Pixel Empire @Pixel Nation
Morti @Mortilance
Tanzie @Tanzie
Musey @Ace of Hz
PK @Emotional Wreck @Queenie3
Thor @Thorizidin
Evo @Evolution X @Evo 2
Ms Cryptic @Ms Cryptic
Venny or Mage can one of u guys confirm if we r still good for mondays @ 9pm est / 6pm pst.
Never got a tell / PM / Offline saying yes or no so figured I leave something here knowing ull see it before Monday at some point. -
Appartently Frozen Viper got banned for 72 hours or Perma I removed him off roster incase it was perma. So Roster Updated again
Trading @Smeede & @Smeede 2 for @Diotrophes & @Diotrophes 2
Welcome aboard Dio!
GLHF Smeede!
Roster Updated -
Newguy or Skepty send me a PM or a Offline or a Tell in-game, I'll trade u @Smeede for @Diotrophes,
@Smeede played for Joint Effort in the last last Champion League, so you wont have any problem with him playing for ur team.
P.S.: @sS Phoenix Ss has dropped from ur team as well so u may as well drop him from ur roster if Skepty didnt tell u yet Newguy. -
My opinion from watching it is the 3rd round u definatly got him. Second round he won that **** sry. and First round I'd have to show it again to make a for sure answer on my part.
There is actually 7 teams in this league, which makes this league (if all 7 actually stay together and dont fall apart) the biggest league since the 2 freedom leagues ago, tho Im hoping we will see more from either Keepers team or Casual Champions Team in the future.
I know Keepers team has formed 1 or 2 practices alrdy since they formed and btw its good to see u guys sticking it thru and forming ur own team, But I cant say much for the Casual Champions team, which if im not mistaken in their last practice vs FAP on thursday they only had 2-3 core memebers show up and only 2-3 draftees show up, how sad. I hope they can pull together and stay in this whole league, I would very much like to fight them. -
Any1 that still wants in on the latest Freedom PvP League its not too late please check out this link for more information!
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=270698 -
Any1 that still wants in on the latest Freedom PvP League its not too late please check out this link for more information!
http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=270698 -
W0W, ur views went up so fast! Is there something in this thread that I cant see thats making a **** load of ppl check out this Thread?!?!?!?
Smoke / Rick / Philly
Quote:Code name mr red? Please tell me we are going to have a red name step up and play on our team because that would be pretty cool....
Captain: Target --$target!--
Me: Locked!
Team member 2: Locked!
Zwillinger: Locked!
Captain: SPIKE!!
*Zwillinger rolls a 100% chance toHit for 99999 damage with admin psi blast of DOOOM*
Ur going to have to remind Zwillinger that Lore pets r banned, I dont wana be fighting u guys and then see Hamidon pop up out of no where. -
Roster Updated ^
All Draftees please apply to our SG GP site for further details on what u'll be playing and when practices are.
http://www.guildportal.com/Guild.asp...&TabID=2701462 -