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  1. 1234567890

    Soloing the STF!

    Pulling to the ship would be REALLY hard. Sometimes pulling her too far aggros the others for some reason. And she would constantly hit me with Gloom. And Gloom is unfair. :P
  2. 1234567890

    Soloing the STF!

    Yeah Benumb ended up with a Gloom to the face. Every time. And as for getting BS to attack GW. Even with the massive amount of damage he does. She regenerated it all back by the time he could attack again.
  3. 1234567890

    Soloing the STF!

    Yeah Benumb ended up with a Gloom to the face. Every time. And as for getting BS to attack GW. Even with the massive amount of damage he does. She regenerated it all back by the time he could attack again.
  4. 1234567890

    Soloing the STF!

    Yeah if I try it again, I'll definitely figure out how I'm going to do it in AE.

    BS could easily solo GW IF i could use benumb without aggroing them. I think if i used Benumb right after Purples went back up. that'd be 30 out of the 50 seconds of GW being at less regen. So she'd only get 20 seconds of full regen. Idk just a thought but I think Benumb would contribute greatly to him soloing her.
  5. 1234567890

    Soloing the STF!

    Doh! that actually is a great idea. UGH i wish i wouldnt have quit
  6. 1234567890

    Soloing the STF!

    Originally Posted by Amygdala View Post
    Congrats for getting all the way to the last mission! I agree with others in that I think you should be proud of your progress thus far.
    Yeah I really am happy I guess! I guess stripping my rad/sonic was worth it in the end I highly recommend ill/cold to anyone. You can immediately see the difference you make on High end content, no matter what it is.

    Oh and the Green/Oranges method on GW did help, but like DSorrow said, it's more of a damage thing. I can pretty much maneuever around in all sorts of crazy ways to stay alive. But between keeping all of my debuffs up, and keeping decoys up at all times, with no gap. It's just too much to do while trying to do enough damage to kill her.

    Time to solo an Apex. Let's go. haha
  7. 1234567890

    Soloing the STF!

    Well the thing is, when decoys are coming back up, she gets an attack off unless you break LoS and summon the decoys in between you and her. But even then, if she gets that attack off, and that attack happens to be Gloom. Buh bye. All that work for nothing. I just wasn't willing to sit there and risk dying and having to do it all over again.(Crashing would also ruin this)

    It was a fun try but the bottom line is, GW is pro. haha
  8. 1234567890

    Soloing the STF!

    Hello all that have been following this thread! I decided to post my results of the solo STF.

    I took screenies of nearly everything, but ended up falling short of my goal. So I won't bother posting them. I finally defeated Dr. Aeon using a more agressive "just kill him before he kills me" method. I burnt a shivan on him as well =/

    So I got to the last mission, and I decided to play around with Confusing the AV's. I was able to get BS and GW to team up on Scirroco, and they eventually killed him. Me being a controller, I wasn't able to perma-confuse them so I could only use this method for one AV.
    I tried getting mako to help so that I could maybe use, Mako, BS, and Scirroco to kill GW. But mako seems nearly impossible to confuse, I couldn't do it, even with Vanguard Medal.

    After using this method to defeat Scirroco I pulled Mako and after many failed attempts I got lucky and only he came. He was tricky because he has really high defense, and even with Sleet and Infridgate always on him, Benumb missed often. So that fight took alot longer than expected and I did die a few times.

    Next I pulled BS, BS has the highest DPS out of all of them as far as I could tell. (I just went by how much damage they dealt to each other when they were confused)
    BS was pretty easy. But he was possibly the scariest.... =P

    On to Ghost Widow. Ghost Widow is different than the others because all pets apart from Decoys are useless on her. So I was limited to only using Decoys. To make a long story short I just didn't have the DPS to kill her. I tried using shivans but they died relatively fast and she just healed off of them anyway.

    After many failed attempts of the last mission I finally gave up. I'm sort of content with how far I made it, but on the inside. I wish I could have gotten GW too. I'm sure I wouldn't have been able to defeat LR, but still. Woulda been alot more satisfying.

    Welp, that about does it for this challenge. I am however interested in doing a duo STF. I feel like 2 ill/cold's or ill/rad, or ill/ anything really could do it with relative ease. If we alternated Decoys instead of casting them at the exact same time. WE would always have a "tank" out and would never take any damage. The hardest part of this TF was the gap you get while re-summoning Decoys. I used the temp Kinetic Dampener? during re-casting so that I could avoid some of the aggro i got between castings.

    Thanks all for following this thread, was a lot of fun! Thanks for all the support!
  9. 1234567890

    Soloing the STF!

    Woot fixed my connection. Time to smack LR around. I'll be back on here in just a few hours
  10. 1234567890

    Soloing the STF!

    Well unfortunately i am having internet problems and lagged out just as I killed viridian. so I'm gonna wait until the morning to try again.

    I'm going to use the confuse method on aeon.

    As for the 4 avs I'm sure i can get past that if I get good pulls.

    As for the big boy. The plan is to use a jet pack. Avoiding his melees. I bought the kinetic dampener for more defense. I also have shivers and nukes.

    I plan on using vanguard medal right before he summons his pets and stacking confuse. HOPEFULLY his pets spawn as enemies to him. But if this fails I will ***** inspirations and wail on him like no other!

    Also, just realized I was taking screenies without UI on. So i wont have one for sands
    And my time will be awful since im currently unable to log in. And am posting here on my Droid
  11. 1234567890

    Soloing the STF!

    Here goes, starting it NOW.
  12. 1234567890

    Soloing the STF!

    I'd say it's a good build. Nice to see it's possible to be soft capped while maintaining that much recharge. Very nice job IMO. I just don't like not having the shields because I do alot of TF's with friends. I couldnt fit FW in my build though Gonna try the STF again as soon as i get my T4.
  13. 1234567890

    Soloing the STF!

    Although I understand the banes are tough. Cold offers something /rad doesnt. Sleet.
    Sleet by itself can make entire mobs useless. Sure my decoys will start attacking the banes, but with nukes/shivans. I SHOULD be okay. But these are all just ideas in my head.
  14. 1234567890

    Soloing the STF!

    Originally Posted by DSorrow View Post
    Good luck, I got bored soloing Ghost Widow as a level 54 so I wont be touching this challenge with a 100 foot pole anytime soon. Possibly in two months after my exams are finally over...

    I'm not sure what you mean. Did you get bored because it was easy? Or impossible :P
  15. 1234567890

    Soloing the STF!

    Bah, my account that i was posting on expired. So yeah i'll be using this one. Don't hate on my username i made this sooooo long ago.

    I think I'm finally read for it. I perfected my build and PLAN TO DESTROY LR!