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  1. Gorgeous work as always, Miss DR!

    I'm sorry that you'll be away from us, but I understand the wish to diversify the scope of your professional portfolio.

    I look forward to seeing what you come up with next, and I hope that a future CoH project will include a certain 'Feline Fury'!

    (*clings to Miss DR's leg, making it difficult for the Siren of Cinema to walk*)

    (*waves buh-buh to Miss DR to the strains of 'Nobody Does It Better'*)
  2. Looks yummy! And we're gonna have roasted turkey very soon!

    I call dibs on ... the sage dressing!

    The rest of you can fight over the Mighty Turkey!
  3. Welcome back, Miss Cashoo!

    (*squees with delight!*)

    Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
    I would like to humbly request that you add Amerikatt to your long queue of artistic requests ... please.

    She's a good, heroic kitty (a pedigreed Russian Blue), but sometimes has a mischievous twinkle in her amber eyes and a wide, toothy grin. She's most proud of her single, tiny heal, so -- if you *do* take on this job -- perhaps she could have a green glow around her paws, please?

    (I wish that the game would let her have *real* paws! *sigh*)

    She has dark blue fur, a purple mask (might be hard to see), purple costume and mini-cape with 47 pink stars, and a 5-pointed pink star as her cape clasp (for a total of 48 stars on her costume).

    (She is an actual cat, not an anthropomorphzed cat-girl!)

    ChristopherRobin's beautiful artwork in my sig really captures the spirit of 'The Feline Fury', and would make excellent source material.

    Thanks very much!

    Here are some costume references:

  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Pirate Cashoo View Post
    Thank you so much Moderator_05!
    Now I shall edit the first post because I'm doing different freebies now...

    (*huggle pounces Miss Cashoo and licks her face with her supa-sandpapery tongue!*)
  5. Nice job, Jordan!

    I'm glad the characters will be going out into the open air. There are too many freakazoids lurking about in Pocket D.
  6. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Dark Ether View Post
    You sure gobbled that one up, CR!
    (*pops some cherry gourmet jelly beans into the open mouth of Dark Ether's sig cat and gives Dark Ether +5 Interwebz for his tummy twitching pun*)
  7. Beautiful job, Jordan!

    I'm curious, though. Is Flamesong fighting with Lusca or huggling her? From the heart thought bubble, I would think that she's huggling her.

    One of my favorite things is to go to Lusca raids and heal her, so I would hate to have to put Flamesong on my 'Naughty Spawn' list if she's trying to hurt dear Lusca!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    paying money every month just to post in a forum if you don't play anymore is tough to justify for many.
    *I* manage to do it, CR.

    Of course, I *can* bend pretzels in my bare paws and squeeze lumps of coal into shiny-shinies ...!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
    Well yeah... aint ya ever heard of a Turkey Club?
    Okay that pun was extra fowl.

    P.S. I'll take mine with lettuce and mayo, hold the tomato. Now I'm hungry.
    (*wishes that she had thought of those atrocious puns, and gives ChristopherRobin +10 Interwebz for his valiant effort*)
  10. I'm looking forward to Miss Cashoo's triumphant return, and *not* just to see what beautiful interpretation she'll give to the 'Imp of Impervium'. She is genuinely missed within our art community!

    Miss Cashoo: An excellent art reference of Amerikatt is the beautiful sig art by ChristopherRobin. If you *do* decide to do some artz of her, please use that, as she is an actual cat, *not* a catgirl.

    The in-game screenies are really just costume references now.


    (*Supa-Kitteh huggles*)

    Originally Posted by Amerikatt (Post 121)
    I would like to humbly request that you add Amerikatt to your long queue of artistic requests ... please.

    She's a good, heroic kitty, but sometimes has a mischievous twinkle in her amber eyes and a wide, toothy grin. She's most proud of her single, tiny heal, so -- if you *do* take on this job -- perhaps she could have a green glow around her paws, please?

    Here are some references:

    (I wish that the game would let her have *real* paws! *sigh*)

    She has dark blue fur, a purple mask (might be hard to see), purple costume and mini-cape with pink stars, and a 5-pointed pink star as her cape clasp.

    If you want to do her as an actual cat, that'd be terrific!

    Thanks very much!
  11. Sadly, this thread has lain dormant for six months, and Miss Cashoo's last CoH post was 30 January 2010.

    I hope that she is well and that the zombie pirates haven't gotten her!

    I miss you, Miss Cashoo. I hope you're okay and will return to us soon.

    (*huggles Miss Cashoo in absentia*)
  12. Poison Ivy doesn't even need to be overt. We could simply see Pamela Isley working on some project and have a voiceover of a harsher voice which would represent the Ivy persona. Kind of like the way that things were done in the 'Rose & Thorn' features in older comic books.

    I concur, though, that Nolan's more serious approach to the Batman movies should be unadulterated.
  13. Very beautiful work, Deebsy!

    If you're still doing character portraits, may I please be included on your list?


    I hope that my signature picture qualifies as source material!
  14. Beautiful job on Leytap, Deebsy!

  15. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
    So far stumped for ideas... Unless I go with Amerikatt chomping on a giant Eochai sized turkey or something...
    Sounds like a splendid idea, Caem! After all, I *do* build up *quite* an appetite constantly rescuing Statesguy from those trees (he *really* needs to watch where he's going when he's flying!)

    Another great idea would be a picture of me and my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandsire, Percival 'Percy' Katt (who was aboard ship with the Pilgrims back in 1620) side-by-side!

    [Percy was a British Shorthair, and I inherited my amber eye coloring from him!]
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post

    Everyone knows animal models require a steam engine and the COH engine runs on Hamster Power.
    Fixeded for ya!
  17. I'm not sure why anyone would think that the Fitness pool would unbalance their Natural characters who took the 'Batman' option. Those characters are not going to run as fast as The Flash without Superspeed nor leap tall buildings without Super-Jump.

    They'll be able to run faster and jump higher than an Olympic athlete, but then so can Batman!

    I do concur that flying powers (both 'Flight' and the Kheldian flying abilities) should be boosted beyond their current 58 MPH limit (especially when 3-slotted with good IOs) and should have something more akin to the 80 MPH that someone mentioned early. It should be SUPER-Flight!
  18. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
    I heard that the Nemesis Steam Horses got laid off.
    NOOOOOOOOO!!! Say it isn't so, Obsidius! You mean they won't be coming back for the 7th Anniversary Party at Pocket D?

    Those fiendishly fiendish fiend bean counters!

    And what about my beloved BABsy? Will I ever see him again?
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by VexXxa View Post
    Thank you, AK! I'm still working on my submission. Hopefully I'll have it done this weekend.
    You are quite welcome!

    It is a pleasure to serve the greater good!

    (*bows with a flourish!*)
  20. I think that that is a very nomtastic idea!

    I am Amerikatt, and I approve of this message!
  21. Oh, no! This thread fell off of Page 1 and has lain dormant for a week!

    We must be more prudent!

    Let's have more artz!

    (*bangs her chalice of grape juice on the arm of her chair*)

    More artz, I say!
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
    I'd love for some glove boots options that where large kitty paws!
    Yes. Both small and large cat paws (fore- and hind-) would be terrific and would allow people to make kittens and/or lionesses!

    The more felines, the better!
  23. With dialogue like that, he'd probably be better doing the script to the Green Vomit movie that Seth Rogaine is going to be in!
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by BafflingBeerMan View Post
    As long as it isn't Silver St. Cloud as she was written by Kevin Smith

    Oh? She's already been brought back? WOW! I guess I really *am* out of the loop. I remember the character from the late 1970's.

    That was some pretty awesome writing and art. I think that it was Marshall Rogers and Steve Englehart back then.
  25. I don't know about the current iteration of The Catwoman, but from an historical perspective, I'd like to see them go back to her roots where she was a Mistress of Disguise and the ringleader of a criminal band. Perhaps they could do something like Lee Meriwether's 'Miss Kitka' from the 1966 'Batman' movie (but significantly less campy).

    Honestly, I thought that, while Michelle Pfeiffer did a wonderful job of over-the-top characterization as 'Catwoman', that was *not* the real Selina. That was a campy caricature. What they needed was Sean Young in a seriously-written role!

    As for Silver St. Cloud ...! Yes! Yes! Yes! Especially if they explore whatever secret(s) she kept from Bruce in that series from the 1970's.

    It would be great to see Talia played as she should be. Would they also cast someone to play her father? Or would she be soloing?