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  1. LOL @ Smaug for refereing to the wrong guy in HH's post. Get it right you dingle!
  2. LOL @ Elven for being a conspiracy nut
  3. LOL @ Snappin for revering my Secret Zone
  4. LOL @ Snappin for being so sensitive (and not in the special place)
  5. LOL @ PC_guy for reveling in Fallenz shame for not LOL'ing Barbie
  6. LOL @ Hits for not sticking to his guns. It is a cycle darn it!
  7. LOL @ Blaze for making fun of Amaan's speech impediment
  8. LOL @ Khan for wishing this was WoW
  9. LOL @ Hits for being such a better target
  10. LOL @ Hits for employing gender sterotypes - bad hits!
  11. LOL @ Hits for refering to my alts. :P
  12. LOL @ Karl for quote boxing Barbie....Um?
  13. LOL @ all youse guys for making me LOL and pee my pants while reading this @ work
  14. Pixie Puncher
    50's lotsa 50's
    Co-Leader Longbow Senior Advisory Council / Arachnos Elites
  15. West Coast? What is this western favoratism. Perhaps you can have a an East coast meet and greet, like when the devs are attending 1 of the many East coast Comi-cons.